• malloc内存申请--释放-收缩


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <malloc.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #define PAGE_SIZE getpagesize()
    #define THRESHOLD 32
    #define MALLOC_SIZE 20
    #define HEAD_SIZE 0x10
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        //sbrk(0) 函数用于返回堆顶指针
        printf("PAGE_SIZE: %d
    ", PAGE_SIZE);
        #if 1
        int ret = mallopt(M_TRIM_THRESHOLD,  THRESHOLD * PAGE_SIZE); //门限设为128K 
        if(0 == ret)
            printf("mallopt err, ret: %d
    ", ret);
            return -1;
        char *temp = (char*)sbrk(0);
        printf("A: heap init addr: %p
    ", temp);
        sleep(20);//观察vss, rss, pss, uss 并记录vss1:;rss1, pss1, uss1
        char *p1 = (char*)malloc(MALLOC_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE - 2 * HEAD_SIZE);
        printf("B: heap init addr: %p, page num: %d
    ", sbrk(0),  ((long)sbrk(0) - (long)temp) / PAGE_SIZE); //预期:sbrk(0)增大 MALLOC_SIZE*PAGE_SIZE
        printf("C: p1 = %p
    ", p1);
        sleep(20);//观察vss, rss, pss, uss 预期vss2=vss1+MALLOC_SIZE*PAGE_SIZE, rss2=rss1, pss2=pss1,uss2=uss1
        for(int i = 0; i < MALLOC_SIZE; i++)
            p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i] = 'a' + i;
            sleep(1);//观察vss, rss, pss, uss 预期vssi=vss1+MALLOC_SIZE*PAGE_SIZE, 
                           //rssi=rss(i-1) + PAGE_SIZE, pss2i=pss(i-1) + PAGE_SIZE,ussi=uss(i-1) + PAGE_SIZE
        printf("D: heap init addr: %p
    ", sbrk(0));//预期sbrk不变
        //char *p2 = (char*)sbrk(0);
        char *p3 = (char*)malloc(MALLOC_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE  - 2 * HEAD_SIZE);
        for(int i = 0; i < MALLOC_SIZE; i++)
            p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i] = 'a' + i;
            sleep(1);//观察vss, rss, pss, uss 预期vssi=vss2+MALLOC_SIZE*PAGE_SIZE, 
                           //rss3i=rss3(i-1) + PAGE_SIZE, pss3i=pss3(i-1) + PAGE_SIZE,uss3i=uss3(i-1) + PAGE_SIZE
        printf("E: heap init addr: %p
    ", sbrk(0)); //预期:sbrk(0)增大MALLOC_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE
        printf("F: heap init addr: %p
    ", sbrk(0));//预期sbrk(0)不变
        for(int i = 0; i < MALLOC_SIZE; i++)
            if(i % 3 == 0)
            printf("p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: %c  ", p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]);
        printf("G: heap init addr: %p
    ", sbrk(0)); //预期:sbrk(0)减小 THRESHOLD
        sleep(20);//观察vss, rss, pss, uss 预期 减小128K,不会恢复到第一次观察到的值,因为libc没有完全把内存还给系统
        return 0;



     1 [root@localhost ]# ./malloc_free.o 
     2 PAGE_SIZE: 4096
     3 A: heap init addr: 0xf7d000
     4 B: heap init addr: 0xfb2000, page num: 53
     5 C: p1 = 0xf7d010
     6 D: heap init addr: 0xfb2000
     7 E: heap init addr: 0xfb2000
     8 F: heap init addr: 0xfb2000
    11 p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: ? p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: b  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: c  
    12 p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: d  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: e  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: f  
    13 p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: g  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: h  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: i  
    14 p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: j  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: k  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: l  
    15 p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: m  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: n  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: o  
    16 p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: p  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: q  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: r  
    17 p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: s  p1[i * PAGE_SIZE + i]: t  
    18 G: heap init addr: 0xf9e000





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