1. cleanSession
Sets whether the client and server should remember state across restarts and reconnects.
- If set to false both the client and server will maintain state across restarts of the client, the server and the connection. As state is maintained:
- Message delivery will be reliable meeting the specified QOS even if the client, server or connection are restarted.
- The server will treat a subscription as durable.
- If set to true the client and server will not maintain state across restarts of the client, the server or the connection. This means
- Message delivery to the specified QOS cannot be maintained if the client, server or connection are restarted
- The server will treat a subscription as non-durable
1)。 这个标志位,设置为true,那么,当连接断掉,例如,调用EMQX的接口踢掉连接,此时,即便重连上了(无论是通过autoconnect设置为true,还是在connectonLost这个回调函数里面配置上重连的逻辑),MQTT客户端程序都是无法进行重新订阅数据的。这个行为,说明session里面保存了会话所采用的topic信息。
2)。这个标志位,设置为true,autoconnect设置为false,在connectLost这个回调函数里面,自行实现重新连接的逻辑,并且再次针对相同的topic和qos进行订阅的话,当连接被踢掉,这个时候,会重新连接上,并且也会订阅上数据,只是会出现很奇怪的现象,CPU占用率比连接断开前提高很多。 我的应用(订阅到数据后,对数据进行相应的逻辑处理,正常情况下,一条数据大概1~5ms处理完)压测环境下,连接未断前,1.3W的并发,CPU空闲率在40%左右,重连之后,CPU的空闲率只有10%左右,这个地方是个大坑,目前我还没有搞清楚到底是什么原因导致,若有人遇到类似问题同仁,请给我留言,告知可能的原因。(我的paho是1.2.0版本,EMQX:V3.1.1)
public void connectionLost(Throwable cause) { // 连接丢失后,一般在这里面进行重连 System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + cause.getMessage()); System.out.println("连接断开,可以做重连"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(reconnect()) { break; }else{ try { Thread.sleep(i * 2); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private boolean reconnect() { try { mqttClient.connect(mqttConnectOptions); Thread.sleep(100); if( mqttClient.isConnected() ) { //mqttClient.subscribe(this.topic, 0); return true; } } catch (MqttException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; }
2. EMQX的承压能力
网上标榜EMQX单节点处理能力多么牛逼,100W连接毫无压力,这个数值,其实呢,我觉得要仔细看测试场景,单单看连接数,其实没有什么意义,要看生产者消费者都存在的情况下,还有数据流通这种场景,连接能力或者数据处理能力如何。 我不是说100W连接能力是虚构的,我是想说纯粹的连接其实没有多大的价值,因为EMQX是消息总线,只有连接,不存在数据流动,有多大意义呢?
2019-09-19 14:22:42.710 [error] 0ba45c9872464c609c150f156e3f2a7e@ [Connection] Shutdown exceptionally due to message_queue_too_long 2019-09-19 14:22:55.746 [error] 4014030aed1642bba6ecec85debed172@ [Connection] Shutdown exceptionally due to message_queue_too_long 2019-09-19 14:23:08.131 [error] dde7f075ab2d45fdabfd192b5c6a4a30@ [Connection] Shutdown exceptionally due to message_queue_too_long 2019-09-19 14:23:14.374 [error] 72a25aca01164c8c8b4cf48451c4e316@ [Connection] Shutdown exceptionally due to message_queue_too_long 2019-09-19 14:23:41.686 [error] cd56963bfb4e4c0c8275abe9a24078de@ [Connection] Shutdown exceptionally due to message_queue_too_long 2019-09-19 14:23:52.638 [error] 4014030aed1642bba6ecec85debed172@ [Connection] Shutdown exceptionally due to message_queue_too_long 2019-09-19 14:24:06.015 [error] dde7f075ab2d45fdabfd192b5c6a4a30@ [Connection] Shutdown exceptionally due to message_queue_too_long 2019-09-19 14:24:13.541 [error] 0ba45c9872464c609c150f156e3f2a7e@ [Connection] Shutdown exceptionally due to message_queue_too_long
2019-09-19 14:22:30.362 [error] f2ac199b0314449d822e150c8d51de93 crasher: initial call: emqx_session:init/1 pid: <0.20141.1> registered_name: [] exception exit: killed in function emqx_session:handle_info/2 (src/emqx_session.erl, line 641) in call from gen_server:try_dispatch/4 (gen_server.erl, line 637) in call from gen_server:handle_msg/6 (gen_server.erl, line 711) ancestors: [emqx_session_sup,emqx_sm_sup,emqx_sup,<0.1386.0>] message_queue_len: 0 messages: [] links: [<0.1577.0>] dictionary: [{force_shutdown_policy, #{max_heap_size => 838860800,message_queue_len => 8000}}, {deliver_stats,676193}, {'$logger_metadata$', #{client_id => <<"f2ac199b0314449d822e150c8d51de93">>}}] trap_exit: true status: running heap_size: 6772 stack_size: 27 reductions: 69920965 neighbours:
## Max message queue length and total heap size to force shutdown ## connection/session process. ## Message queue here is the Erlang process mailbox, but not the number ## of queued MQTT messages of QoS 1 and 2. ## ## Numbers delimited by `|'. Zero or negative is to disable. ## ## Default: ## - 8000|800MB on ARCH_64 system ## - 1000|100MB on ARCH_32 sytem ## zone.external.force_shutdown_policy = 8000|800MB
有人会说,你可以将这里的消息数量调大点啊,没错,这个调一下是可以改善,但是不能根治问题,自己想想吧,大点最多也就是对消息速率波动的韧性加大了,但是不能解决持续生成高于所谓的消费慢这种情况下的问题。 EMQ方说辞其实,在我们的这个场景下,我是不那么认同的,为什么这么说呢, 我的规则引擎消费日志里面显示,每条消息处理的时间并没有变长,CPU的忙碌程度并没有恶化, 添加共享订阅实例变多,EMQX性能下降了,我觉得EMQX在共享订阅变多的情况下,对消费者端投递消息的速率或者效率下降了,但是呢,EMQX这个broker从消息生产者这边接收消息的能力没有改变,导致EMQX的消息队列消息积压,最终出现踢连接的policy得以执行。。。