• fimap



     fimap -u '' --cookie="security=low; PHPSESSID=h70e76i4754ni0hm4m7gvjbm60" --verbose=3


     加上参数 --enable-blind 就能发现/etc/passwd


    • Check a Single URL, List of URLs, or Google results fully automaticly.
    • Can identify and exploit file inclusion bugs.
      • RelativeAbsolute Path Handling.
      • Tries automaticly to eleminate suffixes with Nullbyte and other methods like Dot-Truncation.
      • Remotefile Injection.
      • Logfile Injection. (FimapLogInjection)
    • Test and exploit multiple bugs:
      • include()
      • include_once()
      • require()
      • require_once()
    • You always define absolute pathnames in the configs. No monkey like redundant pathes like:
      • ../etc/passwd
      • ../../etc/passwd
      • ../../../etc/passwd
    • Has a Blind Mode (--enable-blind) for cases when the server has disabled error messages. BlindMode
    • Has an interactive exploit mode which...
      • ...can spawn a shell on vulnerable systems.
      • ...can spawn a reverse shell on vulnerable systems.
      • ...can do everything you have added in your payload-dict inside the config.py
    • Add your own payloads and pathes to the config.py file.
    • Has a Harvest mode which can collect URLs from a given domain for later pentesting.
    • Goto FimapHelpPage for all features.
    • Works also on windows.
    • Can handle directories in RFI mode like:
      • <? include ($_GET["inc"] . "/content/index.html"); ?>
      • <? include ($_GET["inc"] . "_lang/index.html"); ?>
      • where Null-Byte is not possible.
    • Can use proxys.
    • Scans and exploits GET, POST and Cookies.
    • Has a very small footprint. (No senseless bruteforcing of pathes - unless you need it.)
    • Can attack also windows servers! (WindowsAttack)
    • Has a tiny plugin interface for writing exploitmode plugins (PluginDevelopment)
    • Non Interactive Exploiting (FimapNonInteractiveExec)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shengxinking/p/3821952.html
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