• note from UW PL course


    • function里面的参数实际上都是只有一个的,然后使用pattern matching来进行操作,这也是函数能够返回多个值的原理。

    32 type inference

    • 不适用pattern match的话就要specify参数的个数,
    • patten match里面没有出现的参数可以是任何参数, unexpected polymorphism..

    33 polymorphism

    • not ok to use 'a type in different types, should be the SAME in the context
    • always choose the type which is more loose, or bigger

    equality type 可以用= 比较的类型, ''a

    34 nested patterns

    • do it elegantly.
    • 3个以上的pattern?
    • leave the last condition in one.

    37 function binding

    • just another way of case expression.
    • not overload function?

    38 exception

    • define yourself an exception
    • raise & handle

    39 tail recursion

    • on call stack
    fun fact n = if n = 0 then 1 else n* fact(n-1)
    fun fact n = 
        let fun aux (n, acc) =
            if n = 0
            then acc
            else aux(n-1, acc*n)
            aux(n, 1)
    • tail recursion is as efficient as a loop => no call stack!
    • remove the caller before the call ends, since the callee's result will be returned without any evaluation
    • recognize tail recursion from compiler

    Sometimes you could not write tail recursive function...

    42 functions

    • first-class functions, use as argument
    • function closure
    • high order function, polymorphic
    • some polymorphic functions are not high-order

    45 anonymous functions

    • fn x => 3*x
    • no recursive, (no name)
    • unnecessary function wrapping, (use the original name)

    47 map & filter

    49 lexical scope

    • the function's value will not be mutated, it is depend on the environment where it is defined.
    • closure, no dynamic scope
    • the condition will be recomputed

    53 fold

    • iterator like programming paradigm, apply parameter to each order

    55 currying

    multiple arguments

    fun f x y z = x>y andalso y > z
    fun f (x, y, z) = x>y andalso y > z

    56 partial application

    function with part parameter as function instanitiated

    not work with polymorphic functions

    57 currying wrapup


    58 mutable references

    t ref // t is a type
    ref e 
    e1 := e2

    59 callbacks

    val cbs : (int -> unit) list ref = ref []
    fun onEvent i =
      let fun loop fs =
    	case fs of
    	    [] => ()
    	  | f::fs' => (f i; loop fs')
      in loop (!cbs) end
    fun onKeyEvent f =
      cbs := f::(!cbs)
    val timePressed = ref 0
    val _ = onKeyEvent(fn _ => timePressed := !timePressed + 1)
    fun printIfPressed i =
      onKeyEvent (fn j =>
    		 if i = j
    		 then print ("pressed" ^ Int.toString i ^ "
    		 else ()
  • 相关阅读:
    python读取 ini 配置文件
    Mysql 存储过程声明及使用
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shenbingyu/p/6774569.html
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