• 03.Scala高级特性 ---没看




    1. 课程目标

    1.1. 目标一:深入理解高阶函数

    1.2. 目标一:深入理解隐式转换

    2. 高阶函数

    2.1. 概念


    2.2. 作为值的函数



    定义函数时格式:val 变量名 = (输入参数类型和个数) => 函数实现和返回值类型和个数



    2.3. 匿名函数







    2.4. 将方法转换成函数




    2.5. 柯里化



    2.6. 例子

    package cn.itcast.scala

    object FunDemo {
      def main(args: Array[String]) {
        def f2(x: Int) = x * 2
        val f3 = (x: Int) => x * 3
        val f4: (Int) => Int = { x => x * 4 }
        val f4a: (Int) => Int = _ * 4
        val f5 = (_: Int) * 5
        val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        var new_list: List[Int] = null
        //第一种:最直观的方式 (Int) => Int
        //new_list = list.map((x: Int) => x * 3)

        //第二种:由于map方法知道你会传入一个类型为(Int) => Int的函数,你可以简写
        //new_list = list.map((x) => x * 3)

        //new_list = list.map(x => x * 3)

        new_list = list.map(_ * 3)


        var a = Array(1,2,3)
        a.map(_* 3)


    3. 隐式转换和隐式参数

    3.1. 概念


    3.2. 作用


    3.3. 隐式转换函数


    3.4. 隐式转换例子

    package cn.itcast.impli

    import java.io.File
    import scala.io.Source

    class RichFile(val from: File) {

      def read = Source.fromFile(from.getPath).mkString

    object RichFile {
      implicit def file2RichFile(from: File) = new RichFile(from)


    object MainApp{
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        import RichFile._

        //import RichFile.file2RichFile
        println(new File("c://words.txt").read)





    package cn.itcast.scala

    import java.awt.GridLayout

      * Created by ZX on 2015/11/13.
    object ImplicitContext{

      //implicit def girl2Ordered(g : Girl) = new Ordered[Girl]{
      //  override def compare(that: Girl): Int = if (g.faceValue > that.faceValue) 1 else -1

      implicit object OrderingGirl extends Ordering[Girl]{

        override def compare(x: Girl, y: Girl): Int = if (x.faceValue > y.faceValue) 1 else -1

    class Girl(var name: String, var faceValue: Double){
      override def toString: String = s"name : $name, faveValue : $faceValue"

    //class MissRight[T <% Ordered[T]](f: T, s: T){
    //  def choose() = if(f > s) f else s
    //class MissRight[T](f: T, s: T){
    //  def choose()(implicit ord: T => Ordered[T]) = if (f > s) f else s

    class MissRight[T: Ordering](val f: T, val s: T){

      def choose()(implicit ord: Ordering[T]) = if(ord.gt(f, s)) f else s

    object MissRight {
      def main(args: Array[String]) {
        import ImplicitContext.OrderingGirl
        val g1 = new Girl("yuihatano", 99)
        val g2 = new Girl("jzmb", 98)
        val mr = new MissRight(g1, g2)
        val result = mr.choose()




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