• linux(centos)测试带宽




    # wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py

    # chmod +rx speedtest.py

    # sudo mv speedtest.py /usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli

    # sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli



    # speedtest-cli


    speedtest-cli --bytes以字节计算的方式来测试上下行速度
    speedtest-cli --share将速度测试的结果生成一张图片的连接,便于你分享
    speedtest-cli --simple只显示ping和上下行速度
    speedtest-cli --list 列出speedtest.net所有的服务器距离你的物理距离,单位是千米(km)




    speedtest-cli -h

    usage: speedtest-cli [-h] [--no-download] [--no-upload] [--bytes] [--share]
                         [--simple] [--csv] [--csv-delimiter CSV_DELIMITER]
                         [--csv-header] [--json] [--list] [--server SERVER]
                         [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--mini MINI] [--source SOURCE]
                         [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--secure] [--no-pre-allocate]
    Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --no-download         Do not perform download test
      --no-upload           Do not perform upload test
      --bytes               Display values in bytes instead of bits. Does not
                            affect the image generated by --share, nor output from
                            --json or --csv
      --share               Generate and provide a URL to the speedtest.net share
                            results image, not displayed with --csv
      --simple              Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
      --csv                 Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
                            in CSV format. Speeds listed in bit/s and not affected
                            by --bytes
      --csv-delimiter CSV_DELIMITER
                            Single character delimiter to use in CSV output.
                            Default ","
      --csv-header          Print CSV headers
      --json                Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
                            in JSON format. Speeds listed in bit/s and not
                            affected by --bytes
      --list                Display a list of speedtest.net servers sorted by
      --server SERVER       Specify a server ID to test against. Can be supplied
                            multiple times
      --exclude EXCLUDE     Exclude a server from selection. Can be supplied
                            multiple times
      --mini MINI           URL of the Speedtest Mini server
      --source SOURCE       Source IP address to bind to
      --timeout TIMEOUT     HTTP timeout in seconds. Default 10
      --secure              Use HTTPS instead of HTTP when communicating with
                            speedtest.net operated servers
      --no-pre-allocate     Do not pre allocate upload data. Pre allocation is
                            enabled by default to improve upload performance. To
                            support systems with insufficient memory, use this
                            option to avoid a MemoryError
      --version             Show the version number and exit
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/setout/p/10315082.html
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