• Python_MySQL:MySQL常用命令


    1. 创建数据库

    create database name; 

    2. 选择数据库 

    use databasename; 

    3. 直接删除数据库,不提醒 

    drop database name 

    4. 显示表 

    show tables; 

    5. 表的详细描述 

    describe tablename; 

    6. 去除重复字段

    select 中加上distinct

    7. 增加(新增系统部)

    insert into department(name,description) values('系统部','系统部');

    8. 删除(删除客服部)

    delete from department where name='客服部'; 

    9. 修改(将财务部修改为财务一部)

    update department set name='财务一部' where name='财务部';


    select a.name,b.name department_name,c.name position_name from staffer a,department b,s_position c where a.department_id=b.id and a.position_id=c.id and b.name='系统部';


    select name as FistName,'shenzhen' as City  from admin where id != 10;


    select * from admin where name like "%a";


    select * from admin limit 5,10;

    sele * from admin limit 10 offset 5; 

    排序查询:从大到小(desc), 从小到大(asc)

    select * from admin order by id desc;

    select * from admin order by id desc limit 2; 从后倒排;


    select count(user_id) as num from admin group by id;


    select * from admin left jion userinfo on admin.user_id=userinfo.id; 


    select * from admin inner jion userinfo on admin.user_id=userinfo.id; 




    Navicat Premium Data Transfer Source Server : localhost Source Server Type : MySQL Source Server Version : 50624 Source Host : localhost Source Database : sqlexam Target Server Type : MySQL Target Server Version : 50624 File Encoding : utf-8 Date: 10/21/2016 06:46:46 AM */ SET NAMES utf8; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `class` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `class`; CREATE TABLE `class` ( `cid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `caption` varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of `class` -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `class` VALUES ('1', '三年二班'), ('2', '三年三班'), ('3', '一年二班'), ('4', '二年九班'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `course` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `course`; CREATE TABLE `course` ( `cid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cname` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `teacher_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cid`), KEY `fk_course_teacher` (`teacher_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_course_teacher` FOREIGN KEY (`teacher_id`) REFERENCES `teacher` (`tid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of `course` -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `course` VALUES ('1', '生物', '1'), ('2', '物理', '2'), ('3', '体育', '3'), ('4', '美术', '2'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `score` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `score`; CREATE TABLE `score` ( `sid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `student_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `course_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `num` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sid`), KEY `fk_score_student` (`student_id`), KEY `fk_score_course` (`course_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_score_course` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `course` (`cid`), CONSTRAINT `fk_score_student` FOREIGN KEY (`student_id`) REFERENCES `student` (`sid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=53 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of `score` -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `score` VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '10'), ('2', '1', '2', '9'), ('5', '1', '4', '66'), ('6', '2', '1', '8'), ('8', '2', '3', '68'), ('9', '2', '4', '99'), ('10', '3', '1', '77'), ('11', '3', '2', '66'), ('12', '3', '3', '87'), ('13', '3', '4', '99'), ('14', '4', '1', '79'), ('15', '4', '2', '11'), ('16', '4', '3', '67'), ('17', '4', '4', '100'), ('18', '5', '1', '79'), ('19', '5', '2', '11'), ('20', '5', '3', '67'), ('21', '5', '4', '100'), ('22', '6', '1', '9'), ('23', '6', '2', '100'), ('24', '6', '3', '67'), ('25', '6', '4', '100'), ('26', '7', '1', '9'), ('27', '7', '2', '100'), ('28', '7', '3', '67'), ('29', '7', '4', '88'), ('30', '8', '1', '9'), ('31', '8', '2', '100'), ('32', '8', '3', '67'), ('33', '8', '4', '88'), ('34', '9', '1', '91'), ('35', '9', '2', '88'), ('36', '9', '3', '67'), ('37', '9', '4', '22'), ('38', '10', '1', '90'), ('39', '10', '2', '77'), ('40', '10', '3', '43'), ('41', '10', '4', '87'), ('42', '11', '1', '90'), ('43', '11', '2', '77'), ('44', '11', '3', '43'), ('45', '11', '4', '87'), ('46', '12', '1', '90'), ('47', '12', '2', '77'), ('48', '12', '3', '43'), ('49', '12', '4', '87'), ('52', '13', '3', '87'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `student` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `student`; CREATE TABLE `student` ( `sid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `gender` char(1) NOT NULL, `class_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `sname` varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sid`), KEY `fk_class` (`class_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_class` FOREIGN KEY (`class_id`) REFERENCES `class` (`cid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=17 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of `student` -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('1', '', '1', '理解'), ('2', '', '1', '钢蛋'), ('3', '', '1', '张三'), ('4', '', '1', '张一'), ('5', '', '1', '张二'), ('6', '', '1', '张四'), ('7', '', '2', '铁锤'), ('8', '', '2', '李三'), ('9', '', '2', '李一'), ('10', '', '2', '李二'), ('11', '', '2', '李四'), ('12', '', '3', '如花'), ('13', '', '3', '刘三'), ('14', '', '3', '刘一'), ('15', '', '3', '刘二'), ('16', '', '3', '刘四'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `teacher` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `teacher`; CREATE TABLE `teacher` ( `tid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tname` varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`tid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of `teacher` -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `teacher` VALUES ('1', '张磊老师'), ('2', '李平老师'), ('3', '刘海燕老师'), ('4', '朱云海老师'), ('5', '李杰老师'); COMMIT; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;





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