

      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <sstream>
      3 #include <cstdio>
      4 #include <climits>
      5 #include <cstring>
      6 #include <cstdlib>
      7 #include <string>
      8 #include <map>
      9 #include <cmath>
     10 #include <vector>
     11 #include <queue>
     12 #include <algorithm>
     13 #define esp 1e-6
     14 #define pb push_back
     15 #define in  freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
     16 #define out freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
     17 #define print(a) printf("%d
     18 #define bug puts("********))))))");
     19 #define stop  system("pause");
     20 #define Rep(i, c) for(__typeof(c.end()) i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); i++)
     21 #define inf 0x0f0f0f0f
     22 using namespace std;
     23 typedef long long  LL;
     24 typedef vector<int> VI;
     25 typedef pair<int, int> pii;
     26 typedef vector<pii,int> VII;
     27 typedef vector<int>:: iterator IT;
     28 const int maxn = 100000;
     29 const int maxm = 60*25*25+100;
     30 struct EDGE
     31 {
     32     int i, c;
     33     EDGE *next, *ani;
     34 } *Edge[maxn], E[maxm];
     35 int cnt = 0;
     36 int src;
     37 int R, C;
     38 int node[30][30][10][10];
     39 int dx[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
     40 int dy[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
     41 int dis[maxn], inq[maxn];
     42 char maze[30][30];
     43 void add(int i, int j, int c, EDGE &e1)
     44 {
     45     e1.i = j, e1.next = Edge[i], e1.c = c, Edge[i] = &e1;
     46     cnt++;
     47 }
     48 void init(void)
     49 {
     50     cnt = 0;
     51     memset(Edge, 0, sizeof(Edge));
     52 }
     53 void spfa(int ss)
     54 {
     55     memset(inq, 0, sizeof(inq));
     56     memset(dis, 0x0f, sizeof(dis));
     57     dis[ss] = 0;
     58     queue<int> q;
     59     inq[ss] = 1;
     60     q.push(ss);
     61     while(!q.empty())
     62     {
     63         int u = q.front(), v;
     64         q.pop();
     65         inq[u] = 0;
     66         for(EDGE *p = Edge[u]; p; p = p->next)
     67         {
     68 //            print(p->i)
     69             if(dis[v = p->i] > dis[u] + p->c)
     70                 if(dis[v] = dis[u] + p->c, !inq[v])
     71                     inq[v] = 1, q.push(v);
     72         }
     73     }
     74 }
     75 void build_graph()
     76 {
     77     for(int i = 0; i < R; i++)
     78         for(int j = 0; j < C; j++)
     79             if(maze[i][j] == '.')
     80                 for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
     81                     for(int l = 0; l < 5; l++)
     82                     {
     83                         int u = node[i][j][k][l], v;
     84                         v = node[i][j][(k - 1 + 4)%4][l];
     85                         add(u, v, 1, E[cnt]);
     86                         v = node[i][j][(k + 1)%4][l];
     87                         add(u, v, 1, E[cnt]);
     88                         int ii = i + dx[k];
     89                         int jj = j + dy[k];
     90                         if(ii >= 0 && ii < R && jj >= 0 && jj < C && maze[ii][jj] == '.')
     91                         {
     92                             v = node[ii][jj][k][(l+1)%5];
     93                             add(u, v, 1, E[cnt]);
     94                         }
     95                     }
     96 }
     97 int main(void)
     98 {
     99     int t = 1;
    100     for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
    101         for(int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
    102             for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
    103                 for(int l = 0; l < 10; l++)
    104                     node[i][j][k][l] = i*(30*10*10)+j*(10*10)+k*10+l;
    105     while(scanf("%d%d", &R, &C), R||C)
    106     {
    107         init();
    108         int sx, sy, tx, ty;
    109         for(int i = 0; i < R; i++)
    110         {
    111             scanf("%s", maze[i]);
    112             for(int j = 0; j < C; j++)
    113                 if(maze[i][j] == 'S')
    114                 {
    115                     sx = i;
    116                     sy = j;
    117                     maze[i][j] = '.';
    118                 }
    119                 else if(maze[i][j] == 'T')
    120                 {
    121                     tx = i;
    122                     ty = j;
    123                     maze[i][j] = '.';
    124                 }
    125         }
    126         build_graph();
    127         src = node[sx][sy][0][0];
    128         spfa(src);
    129         int ans = inf;
    130         for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
    131         {
    132             int end = node[tx][ty][k][0];
    133             ans = min(ans, dis[end]);
    134         }
    135         if(t - 1)
    136             puts("");
    137         printf("Case #%d
    ", t);
    138         t++;
    139         if(ans == inf)
    140             puts("destination not reachable");
    141         else printf("minimum time = %d sec
    ", ans);
    142     }
    143     return 0;
    144 }
    View Code


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <sstream>
     3 #include <cstdio>
     4 #include <climits>
     5 #include <cstring>
     6 #include <cstdlib>
     7 #include <string>
     8 #include <map>
     9 #include <cmath>
    10 #include <vector>
    11 #include <queue>
    12 #include <algorithm>
    13 #define esp 1e-6
    14 #define pb push_back
    15 #define in  freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
    16 #define out freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
    17 #define print(a) printf("%d
    18 #define bug puts("********))))))");
    19 #define stop  system("pause");
    20 #define Rep(i, c) for(__typeof(c.end()) i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); i++)
    21 #define inf 0x0f0f0f0f
    22 using namespace std;
    23 typedef long long  LL;
    24 typedef vector<int> VI;
    25 typedef pair<int, int> pii;
    26 typedef vector<pii,int> VII;
    27 typedef vector<int>:: iterator IT;
    28 const int maxr = 25 + 5;
    29 const int maxc = 25 + 5;
    30 struct State
    31 {
    32     int r, c, dir, color;
    33     State(int r, int c, int dir, int color): r(r), c(c), dir(dir), color(color) {}
    34 };
    35 int R, C, ans;
    36 int d[maxr][maxc][4][5], vis[maxr][maxc][4][5];
    37 char maze[maxr][maxc];
    38 int sr, sc, tr, tc;
    39 int dr[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
    40 int dc[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
    41 queue<State> q;
    42 void update(int r, int c, int dir, int color, int v)
    43 {
    44     if(r <0 || r >= R || c < 0 || c >= C || maze[r][c] != '.' || vis[r][c][dir][color]) return;
    45     vis[r][c][dir][color] = 1;
    46     d[r][c][dir][color] = v;
    47     q.push(State(r, c, dir, color));
    48     if(r == tr && c == tc && color == 0)
    49         ans = min(ans, v);
    50 }
    51 void bfs(State st)
    52 {
    53     vis[st.r][st.c][st.dir][st.color] = 1;
    54     d[st.r][st.c][st.dir][st.color] = 0;
    55     q.push(st);
    56     while(!q.empty())
    57     {
    58         State st = q.front();
    59         q.pop();
    60         int v = d[st.r][st.c][st.dir][st.color] + 1;
    61         update(st.r, st.c, (st.dir+3)%4, st.color, v);
    62         update(st.r+dr[st.dir], st.c+dc[st.dir], st.dir, (st.color+1)%5, v);
    63         update(st.r, st.c, (st.dir+1)%4, st.color, v);
    64     }
    65 }
    66 int main(void)
    67 {
    69     int t = 1;
    70     while(scanf("%d%d", &R, &C), C||R)
    71     {
    72         if(t - 1)
    73             puts("");
    74         memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
    75         for(int i = 0; i < R; i++)
    76         {
    77             scanf("%s", maze[i]);
    78             for(int j = 0; j < C; j++)
    79                 if(maze[i][j] == 'S')
    80                     sr = i, sc = j;
    81                 else if(maze[i][j] == 'T')
    82                     tr = i, tc = j;
    83         }
    84         ans = inf;
    85         maze[sr][sc] = maze[tr][tc] = '.';
    86         bfs(State(sr, sc, 0, 0));
    87         printf("Case #%d
    ", t);
    88         if(ans != inf)
    89             printf("minimum time = %d sec
    ", ans);
    90         else puts("destination not reachable");
    91         t++;
    92     }
    93     return 0;
    94 }
    View Code
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