• mario galaxy: story


    There is a funny moment at the very beginning of super mario galaxy.

    It’s here, mario looks so goofy when he runs!

    Well, that’s not actually what i mean

    Peach the entire castle has beenlevitated off the ground by a freaking UFO and has been stolen through a wormhole and morio as always has apparently been sucked into thevacuum of the universe. You know, standard stuff. But here is the thing. Mario gets woken up by a little star thing and then the game just does this:

    I, think about this, for a moment.
    Mario galaxy is nothing if not effusive, there are just so many ideas, so many gimmicks and so many tricks, i mean, just listen to the soundtrack.

    Mario galaxy might as well be Mozart’s ninth concerto in video game. They are off the charts. I actually have trouble recording over this song because it just gives me goosebumps, i mean, waaaahh

    Set the stage of the whole planet.

    Mario galaxy defines themselves by variety. There is virtually no thematic consistency in the games and it doesn’t have to be. Each one is charming and most importantly, it offers a totally different context for mario to jump in.

    it's hard to be board when you are whisked off to another different place every couple minutes.
    The game just bleeds new and interesting mechanics
    but despite all the variation, the dozens of different ways you move through the worlds, there is a uniting principle in the games, it is space.
    you have to fly through it every time you want to get somewhere.
    and they also know that it's impossible to make space something only ever fun.
    Has no intentions of filling you with dread , but still even in this happy-go-lucky universe, this is one of the first visuals the game gives us
    A tiny moon, suspended over a massive and abstract planet, no bombast, no triplejump

    If you look for it, like every mario game there’s tons to do in each level. There are multiple starts in each one, but you can’t grab them all in one run through, you are kicked out after finding each one. You have got to take a minute, update your star and coin counts, save and then jump back into the painting, or fly back to the galaxy in pursuit of the next adventure,

    And in mario galaxy the places you are kicked back into are just so lovely, they are referred as hubs, or observatories, but they are not really

    The stove is not interactive, you can’t climb into bed but someone might. Each of these rooms is its own little buffer between worlds.

    But what it wants to communicate through this design is not despair.
    is it sad, it is more like the sadness you feel at the end of your birthday party, or coming home from a vacation.

    it is the moment when happiness leave you.

    the more obviously sad as well as weird is the library.
    over the course of the adventure you can come here several time to listen she read a story about her losing her mom and finally finding a family among the star.
    you don't uncover a secret for listening, and it is not related to your adventure.
    it just gently prompt you, stop playing for a minute, and listen something that isn't quite joy.

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