vim ~/.vimrc
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal sw=2 ts=2 et ai
--- - hosts: db remote_user: root vars: user: 'dd' pwd: 'aa' tasks: - name: add user user: name: "{{ user }}" password: "{{ '{{pwd}}' | password_hash('sha512')}}" - name: set account valid date shell: chage -d 0 "{{ user }}"
ignore_errors: true # 忽略错误
--- - hosts: web remote_user: root tasks: - name: install the latest version of Apache yum: name: httpd state: latest - lineinfile: path: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf regexp: '^Listen ' insertafter: '^#Listen ' line: 'Listen 8080' - lineinfile: path: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf regexp: '^#ServerName' line: 'ServerName localhost' - copy: src: index.html dest: /var/www/html/index.html owner: apache group: apache mode: 0644 - service: name: httpd state: started enabled: yes
when 条件判断
--- - hosts: web remote_user: root tasks: - shell: uptime | awk '{printf("%.2f", $(NF-2))}' register: result - service: name: httpd state: stopped when: result.stdout|float > 0.7
handlers 触发
--- - hosts: cache remote_user: root tasks: - copy: src: /root/httpd.conf dest: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf owner: root group: root mode: 0644 notify: - restart httpd handlers: - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted
withe_item 循环
--- - hosts: cache remote_user: root tasks: - user: name: "{{}}" group: "{{}}" password: "{{item.pwd|password_hash('sha512')}}" with_items: - name: a1 pwd: aa group: users - name: a2 pwd: bb group: wheel - name: a3 pwd: cc group: root