• commons-lang3之StringUtils


    boolean isContains = false;
    String s = "abc";
    if(s != null) {
        if(s.contains("a") || s.contains("ax")) {
            isContains = true;


    boolean flag = StringUtils.containsAny("abc", new String[] {"a","ax"});



         * <p>Checks if the CharSequence contains any of the CharSequences in the given array.</p>
         * <p>
         * A {@code null} {@code cs} CharSequence will return {@code false}. A {@code null} or zero
         * length search array will return {@code false}.
         * </p>
         * <pre>
         * StringUtils.containsAny(null, *)            = false
         * StringUtils.containsAny("", *)              = false
         * StringUtils.containsAny(*, null)            = false
         * StringUtils.containsAny(*, [])              = false
         * StringUtils.containsAny("abcd", "ab", null) = true
         * StringUtils.containsAny("abcd", "ab", "cd") = true
         * StringUtils.containsAny("abc", "d", "abc")  = true
         * </pre>
         * @param cs The CharSequence to check, may be null
         * @param searchCharSequences The array of CharSequences to search for, may be null.
         * Individual CharSequences may be null as well.
         * @return {@code true} if any of the search CharSequences are found, {@code false} otherwise
         * @since 3.4
        public static boolean containsAny(final CharSequence cs, final CharSequence... searchCharSequences) {
            if (isEmpty(cs) || ArrayUtils.isEmpty(searchCharSequences)) {
                return false;
            for (final CharSequence searchCharSequence : searchCharSequences) {
                if (contains(cs, searchCharSequence)) {
                    return true;
            return false;


            // true,为null或者size==0,返回true
            boolean empty = StringUtils.isEmpty("");
            // false,与isEmpty相反
            boolean notEmpty = StringUtils.isNotEmpty("");
            // true,数组中有一个为null或size==0的字符串,则返回true
            boolean anyEmpty = StringUtils.isAnyEmpty(new String[] { "aa", "" });
            // false,全部都不为空,返回true
            boolean noneEmpty = StringUtils.isNoneEmpty(new String[] { "", "aa" });
            // true,全部为空,返回true
            boolean allEmpty = StringUtils.isAllEmpty(new String[] { "", "" });
            // true,为null或者size==0或者只存在空白字符(如" "),则返回true
            boolean blank = StringUtils.isBlank(" ");
            // false,与isBlank相反
            boolean notBlank = StringUtils.isNotBlank(" ");
            // true,数组中任何一个为null或者空字符串或者空白字符,则返回true
            boolean anyBlank = StringUtils.isAnyBlank(new String[] { "dd", " " });
            // false,与isAnyBlank 相反
            boolean noneBlank = StringUtils.isNoneBlank(new String[] { "dd", "" });
            // true,数组中的数据全部为null,或者空字符串或者空白字符,则返回true
            boolean allBlank = StringUtils.isAllBlank(new String[] { "", " " });
            // dd,去掉前后字符,为null,返回null
            String trim = StringUtils.trim(" dd ");
            // "",为null或者size==0,则返回空字符串
            String trimToEmpty = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(" ");
            // null,为null或者size==0,则返回null
            String trimToNull = StringUtils.trimToNull(" ");
            // abc,截取字符串
            String truncate = StringUtils.truncate("abcde", 3);
            // cdefg,从第二个起,截取5个长度
            String truncate = StringUtils.truncate("abcdefghl", 2, 5);
            // ddds与trim类似
            String strip = StringUtils.strip(" dd d s ");
            // yes, it is,去掉指定的开头字符和结尾字符,第二个字符为dd或者da也会有同样输出
            String strip = StringUtils.strip("ddyes, it is ddd", "d");
            // yes, it is ddd
            String stripStart = StringUtils.stripStart("ddyes, it is ddd", "d");
            // ddyes, it is
            String stripEnd = StringUtils.stripEnd("ddyes, it is ddd", "d");
            // [it is, dd],去掉参数中所有元素的前后空格
            String[] stripAll = StringUtils.stripAll(" it is ", " dd ");
            // [it is , it],去掉数组中每个元素前后的指定字符
            String[] stripAll = StringUtils.stripAll(new String[] { "ddit is d", "ditd" }, "d");
            // false
            boolean equals = StringUtils.equals(null, "");
            // true
            boolean equalsIgnoreCase = StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", "ABC");
            // [,ab,cde, dsd,] 2个元素,默认分隔符为空白字符
            String[] split = StringUtils.split(",ab,cde dsd,");
            // [ab, cde , dsd] 3个元素,去掉了为空的元素,空白字符组成的字符串会保留
            String[] split = StringUtils.split(",ab,cde ,,dsd,", ",");
            // [ab, cde, dsd] 3个元素,以,和空白字符分隔,第二个参数中每个字符都当成一个分隔符,与上一个方法比,放方法第二个元素后没有空白字符
            String[] split = StringUtils.split(",ab,cde ,,dsd,", ", ");
            // [ab, cde ,,dsd,] 2个元素,由于最大只允许2个
            String[] split = StringUtils.split(",ab,cde ,,dsd,", ", ", 2);
            // [,ab,cde , ,dsd,] 2个元素,第二个参数所有字符当成一个整体的分隔符
            String[] splitByWholeSeparator = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(",ab,cde , ,dsd,", ", ");
            // [, dd, ],3个元素,两个空的
            String[] splitPreserveAllTokens = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(" dd ");
            // [, aa, , ],4个元素,3个空的
            String[] splitPreserveAllTokens = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(",aa,,", ",");
            // [, aa, , bb, ] 5个元素,以,或者空白字符分隔
            String[] splitPreserveAllTokens = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(",aa, bb,", ", ");
            // [,aa, bb,] 2个,以, 作为一个整体分隔
            String[] splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(",aa, bb,",
                    ", ");
            // [ABC, 123, abc, ;,., I, t] 6个元素
            String[] splitByCharacterType = StringUtils.splitByCharacterType("ABC123abc;,.It");
            String join = StringUtils.join("12", "a", "df", "3"); // 12adf3
            List<String> ls = new ArrayList<>();
            // insert into table values ('aa','bb','cc');,在组织'aa','bb','cc'
            String join = "'" + StringUtils.join(ls, "','") + "'";
            // abc
            String deleteWhitespace = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(" a b c ");
            // abc is it
            String remove = StringUtils.remove("abcdd is dddit", "d");
            // dit isdd,只删除第一个参数起始处中对应的第二个参数。
            String removeStart = StringUtils.removeStart("ddit isdd", "d");
            // ddit isd, 只删除第一个参数结束处中对应的第二个参数。
            String removeEnd = StringUtils.removeEnd("ddit isdd", "d");
            // it is
            String removeIgnoreCase = StringUtils.removeIgnoreCase("ddit isdd", "D");
            // rdit
            // isdd,虽然replace的功能已经包含有replaceOne,但如果确定只有一个需要替换,最好还是使用replaceOne,因为这个找到一个替换后就会停止查找
            String replaceOnce = StringUtils.replaceOnce("ddit isdd", "d", "r");
            // rdit isdd
            String replaceOnceIgnoreCase = StringUtils.replaceOnceIgnoreCase("ddit isdd", "D", "r");
            // rrit isrr
            String replace = StringUtils.replace("ddit isdd", "d", "r");
            // rrit isrr
            String replaceIgnoreCase = StringUtils.replaceIgnoreCase("ddit isdd", "D", "r");
            // rris isrr,批量替换
            String replaceEach = StringUtils.replaceEach("ddit isdd", new String[] { "d", "t" }, new String[] { "r", "s" });
            // tcte
            String replaceEachRepeatedly = StringUtils.replaceEachRepeatedly("abcde", new String[] { "ab", "d" },
                    new String[] { "d", "t" });
            // aaaaaa 将第一个参数重复第二个参数次,形成一个新的字符串
            String repeat = StringUtils.repeat("aa", 3);
            // aa,aa,aa 将第一个参数重复第三个参数次,并且以第二个参数分隔,形成一个新的字符串
            String repeat = StringUtils.repeat("aa", ",", 3);
            // ab,在左侧填充两个空白字符,形成一个4个字符的字符串,
            String leftPad = StringUtils.leftPad("ab", 4);
            // ab ,在两边填充空白字符,形成一个以第一个参数为中心的4个字符串长度字符串
            String center = StringUtils.center("ab", 4);
            // true,正整数返回true
            boolean numeric = StringUtils.isNumeric("123");
            // true 正整数,且包含有空白字符或者空字符串,空白字符,返回true
            boolean numericSpace = StringUtils.isNumericSpace("12 3");
            // 5417543010,获取字符串中的数字,并拼接在一起
            String digits = StringUtils.getDigits("(541) 754-3010");
            // true,字符串size==0或者空白字符,返回true,null及其他字符返回false
            boolean whitespace = StringUtils.isWhitespace(" ");
            // abcdefg...,显示指定长度的字符串,多余的使用...
            String abbreviate = StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmnopq", 10);
            // abcdefg***
            String abbreviate = StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmnopq", "***", 10);
            // abcd***opq
            String abbreviateMiddle = StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle("abcdefghijklmnopq", "***", 10);
            // a,获取数组共所有元素相同的前缀
            String commonPrefix = StringUtils.getCommonPrefix("abcdf", "ads", "arf");
            // true, endsWith同理
            boolean startsWith = StringUtils.startsWith("abcdef", "ab");
            // true,endsWithIgnoreCase同理
            boolean startsWithIgnoreCase = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abcdefg", "aB");
            // true,第一个参数的前缀匹配第二个数组参数中的任何一个元素时,返回true,endsWithAny同理
            boolean startsWithAny = StringUtils.startsWithAny("abcdef", new String[] { "x", "ab", " " });
            // abcxyzddd,如果出第一个参数的后缀包含在后面参数中,则直接返回第一个参数,否则将返回第一个参数+第二个参数
            String appendIfMissing = StringUtils.appendIfMissing("abcxyz", "ddd", new String[] { "qwe", "123" });
            // dddabcxyz,原理同上
            String prependIfMissing = StringUtils.prependIfMissing("abcxyz", "ddd", new String[] { "qwe", "123" });
            // cbd
            String encodedString = StringUtils.toEncodedString(new byte[] { 'c', 'b', 'd' }, Charset.defaultCharset());
            // "xxx"
            String wrap = StringUtils.wrap("xxx", """);
            // *xx*
            String wrapIfMissing = StringUtils.wrapIfMissing("xx", "*");
            // 前后必须有相同字符才可以unwrap
            String unwrap = StringUtils.unwrap("'aa'", "'");
            // {97,98,99}
            int[] codePoints = StringUtils.toCodePoints("abc");
            // abc,删除最后一个字符,如果是
            String chop = StringUtils.chop("abc
            // abc,如果最后存在换行符,则删除最后的换行符
            String chomp = StringUtils.chomp("abc
            // true
            boolean contains = StringUtils.contains("abcd", "ab");
            // true
            boolean containsAny = StringUtils.containsAny("abcdefg", "2", "a");
            // false
            boolean containsOnly = StringUtils.containsOnly("abcdefg", "aa");
            // true
            boolean containsIgnoreCase = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase("abcdef", "aB");
            // false
            boolean containsNone = StringUtils.containsNone("abcdef", 'a', 'x');
            // true
            boolean containsWhitespace = StringUtils.containsWhitespace("aa bbc");
            // 此外还有substring,indexof等方法
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