• ESX4 通过VMware vSphere CLI 开启snmp

    发现VMware vSphere CLI的功能实在强大,学习中。。。

    To configure the communities do the following:

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server <hostname> –username <username> –password <password> -c <com1>.

    Replace <com1> with the community name you wish to set. Each time you specify a community with this

    command, the setings you specify overwrite the previous configuration. To specify multiple communities,

    separate the community names with a comma.

    For example, to set the communities public and internal on the host host.example.com, you might type

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server host.example.com –username user –password password -c public,


    vicfg-snmp.pl –server <hostname> –username <username> –password <password> -c <com1>.

    Replace <com1> with the community name you wish to set. Each time you specify a community with this

    command, the setings you specify overwrite the previous configuration. To specify multiple communities,

    separate the community names with a comma.

    For example, to set the communities public and internal on the host host.example.com, you might type

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server host.example.com –username user –password password -c public, internal.

    To configure the SNMP agent traps do:

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server <hostname> –username <username> –password <password> -t <target


    Replace <target address>, <port>, and <community> with the address of the target system, the port number

    to send the traps to, and the community name, respectively. Each time you specify a target with this

    command, the settings you specify overwrite all previously specified settings. To specify multiple targets,

    separate them with a comma.

    For example, to send SNMP traps from the host host.example.com to port 162 on target.example.com using

    the public community, type

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server host.example.com –username user –password password -t


    Enable the SNMP agent by typing

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server <hostname> –username <username> –password <password> –enable.

    Send a test trap to verify that the agent is configured correctly by typing

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server <hostname> –username <username> –password <password> –test.

    The agent sends a warmStart trap to the configured target.

    To configure the SNMP agent for polling do:

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server <hostname> –username <username> –password <password> -p <port>.

    Replace <port> with the port for the embedded SNMP agent to use for listening for polling requests.

    If the SNMP agent is not enabled, enable it by typing

    vicfg-snmp.pl –server <hostname> –username <username> –password <password> –enable.

    And there you have it SNMP on ESX4i.


    Current SNMP agent settings:
    Enabled  : 1
    UDP port : 161

    Communities :

    Notification targets :


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