• oc基础第二天类与对象---1复习代码

    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

    @interface Phone : NSObject



        NSString *_brand;

        NSString *_model;

        NSString *_color;

        float _size;

        NSString *_cpu;


    - (void)aboutMyPhone;



    - (void)callWithNumber:(NSString *)number;



    - (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)message toNumber:(NSString *)number;

    //sendMessage: toNumber:


    @implementation Phone

    - (void)aboutMyPhone


        NSLog(@" 品牌:%@ 型号:%@ 颜色:%@ 尺寸:%.2f CPU:%@",




    - (void)callWithNumber:(NSString *)number




    - (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)message toNumber:(NSString *)number







    int main(int argc, const char * argv[])



        Phone *iPhone = [Phone new];

        iPhone->_brand = @"Apple";

        iPhone->_color = @"土豪金";

        iPhone->_cpu = @"A7";

        iPhone->_model = @"iPhone 8S";

        iPhone->_size = 7.9f;


        [iPhone aboutMyPhone];

        [iPhone callWithNumber:@"10086"];

        [iPhone sendMessage:@"今天晚上老地方见!" toNumber:@"110"];




        return 0;


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    435. Non-overlapping Intervals
    646. Maximum Length of Pair Chain
    645. Set Mismatch
    242. Valid Anagram
    438. Find All Anagrams in a String
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qjrz/p/4649927.html
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