• ML 基础知识

    A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P improves with experience E

    ML Algorithms Overview

    • Supervised learning    <= "teach" program
      • Given "right answers" data, then predict 
      • Regression: predict
    • Unsupervisedlearning <= let it learn by itself
      • Given data without labels, then find some structures in the data
    • Others: reinforcement learning, recommender systems 


    Regression Overivew 

    To get the prediction model, we need to define the hythontheis function, and determine the parameters


    • Hythonthesis function & Cost Function
      • Hypothesis function hΘ(x)
      • Cost Function J(Θ)
    • Gradient Descent


    • Newton's method


    Linear Regression

    • Hypothesis function hΘ(x) = ΘT
    • Gradient descent for linear regression


    • Feature scaling
      • make sure features are on similar scales 
    • Learning rate α 
      • pick the one seems to get J(Θ) to decrease fastest
    • Features & Polynomial regession 
    • Normal Equation 
      • too many features
        • regularization or delete some
        • redundent features (e.g. linear dependent features)

    Logistic Regression 

    • Hypothesis function:   [0,1]
    • Gradient descent & Newton's method for logisitic regression



    Regularizatio(正则化)意在eliminate overfitting(过拟合)问题。因为参数太多,会导致我们的模型复杂度上升,容易过拟合,也就是我们的训练误差会很小。但训练误差小并不是我们的最终目标,我们的目标是希望模型的测试误差小,也就是能准确的预测新的样本。所以,我们需要保证模型“简单”的基础上最小化训练误差,这样得到的参数才具有好的泛化性能(也就是测试误差也小),而模型“简单”就是通过规则函数来实现的。


    • 过拟合问题 (too many features)


    • Regularized linear regression


    • Regularized logistic regression


    • regularization 惩罚项 & L2范数*


    • http://www.52ml.net/12019.html
    • http://blog.csdn.net/zouxy09/article/details/24971995/
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qingwen/p/5006969.html
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