将一个升序的数组转换成 height balanced BST高度平衡的二叉搜索树,根据二叉搜索树的特征,所有比根节点小的值,都在根节点的左边,所有比根节点大的值,都在根节点的右边。建立的过程就是一个个的插入。但要求是高度平衡的,即不能是各种偏的那样,否则的话,搜索的代价会增大,最佳的时候是O(height),height balanced的时候也是O(height).所以会涉及到各种左旋转,右旋转,先左旋再右旋,先右旋再左旋的操作(为了平衡高度),即AVL树。
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct TreeNode { int val; TreeNode *left; TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} }; class Solution { public: void fun(int i,int j,TreeNode *node,vector<int> &num) { if(i==j) { node->val = num[i]; return; } int mid = (j-i)/2+i; node->val = num[mid]; if(mid-1>=i) { TreeNode *nodeLeft = new TreeNode(0); node->left = nodeLeft; fun(i,mid-1,nodeLeft,num); } if(j>=mid+1) { TreeNode *nodeRight = new TreeNode(0); node->right = nodeRight; fun(mid+1,j,nodeRight,num); } } TreeNode *sortedArrayToBST(vector<int> &num) { // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case. if(num.size()==0) return NULL; TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(0); fun(0,num.size()-1,root,num); return root; } }; int main() { Solution *mySolution = new Solution(); vector<int> input; //input.push_back(1); //input.push_back(3); //input.push_back(5); //input.push_back(7); //input.push_back(9); mySolution->sortedArrayToBST(input); return 0; }