void DoEvents() { MSG msg; // Process existing messages in the application's message queue. // When the queue is empty, do clean up and return. while (::PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (!AfxGetThread()->PumpMessage()) return; } } void Delay(DWORD time) { DWORD t=::GetTickCount(); while(::GetTickCount() -t < time) { DoEvents(); } }
void CMainFrame::DelayTCount(int tcount) { DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount(); DWORD dwEnd = dwStart; do { MSG msg; GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); dwEnd = GetTickCount()-dwStart; }while(dwEnd < tcount); }
void CMainFrame::DelayTCount1(double tcount) { LARGE_INTEGER litmp; LONGLONG QPart1,QPart2; double dfMinus, dfFreq, dfTim; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&litmp); dfFreq = (double)litmp.QuadPart;// 获得计数器的时钟频率 QueryPerformanceCounter(&litmp); QPart1 = litmp.QuadPart;// 获得初始值 do { QueryPerformanceCounter(&litmp); QPart2 = litmp.QuadPart;//获得中止值 dfMinus = (double)(QPart2-QPart1); dfTim = dfMinus / dfFreq;// 获得对应的时间值,单位为秒 }while(dfTim<tcount); }