• git update-index --assume-unchanged on directory 转摘自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12288212/git-update-index-assume-unchanged-on-directory

    git 1.7.12

    I want to mark all files below a given directory as assume-unchanged.

    1) git update-index --assume-unchaged dir/ gives "Ignoring path."

    2) git update-index --assume-unchaged dir/* quickly fails because it will encounter files which are not being tracked, hence it gives "fatal: Unable to mark file" and quits.

    3) Try generating a list of files to mark. cd into the desired directory and then run git ls-files | tr ' ' ' ' | git update-index --assume-unchanged. This produces no error message, but it does not successfully mark the files. The first portion of the command, git ls-files | tr ' ' ' ', correctly produces a space delimited list of all the files I want to mark. If I copy and paste the output of that command onto the command-line, then the git update-index command works. What is not working with the pipes?

    No, it is not sufficient for me to add dir to .gitignore. I need these files to be in the repository, but undesired changes will be made locally that need to be ignored so that users can do pulls.

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    3 Answers

    git update-index wants the file names on it's command line, not on it's standard input. After cding into the folder you want to assume is unchanged, you can do either this:

    git update-index --assume-unchanged $(git ls-files | tr '
    ' ' ')


    git ls-files | tr '
    ' ' ' | xargs git update-index --assume-unchanged

    Although, with either case, file names with spaces will be problematic. If you have those, you can use this:

    git ls-files -z | xargs -0 git update-index --assume-unchanged

    Edit: incorporated input from @MatthewScharley regarding git ls-files -z.

    share|improve this answer
    Excellent, thank you! The last command did indeed work. –  thoughtadvances Sep 5 '12 at 20:09
    Thank you so much! –  Mizmor Feb 22 '13 at 19:37
    FYI, that ` | tr ' ' ' '` bit is unnecessary. –  Václav Slavík May 9 '13 at 8:16
    @VáclavSlavík You're right... can't remember why I put that in, other than for symmetry with the tr ' ' '' case (in which case it is needed)... –  twalberg May 9 '13 at 14:01
    @twalberg: You could just use git ls-files -z –  Matthew Scharley Jul 22 '13 at 1:35

    The find command from GNU Findutils has a -exec option which removes most of the hassle of using xargs, although its syntax is a little special. It does however deal perfectly with filenames with spaces.

    This command will get git to assume all files in and under the listed directory are unchanged:

    find path/to/dir -type f -exec git update-index --assume-unchanged '{}' ;

    Find takes every argument after -exec until ; (which you have to escape lest your shell eats it) and runs it once for each file found, while replacing {} (again, single quoted so your shell won't eat it) with the found file's name.

    Using find's matching criteria (maximum recursion depth, whether the match is a file or is a directory, whether the filename matches an expression) and -exec you can do all sort of powerful things.

    Not sure about other implementations of the find command. YMMV.

    share|improve this answer


    git update-index --assume-unchanged

    works with files only, not with directories. I think, one of faster ways:

    cd dir
    ls | xargs -l git update-index --assume-unchanged
    share|improve this answer
    Instead of using cd, you can pass the dir as a final argument: git ls-files -- $DIR | xargs -l git update-index --assume-unchanged -- $DIR. –  kzh Mar 3 at 20:10
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