2017-08-23 10:38:01
package test; import java.util.*; public class test2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("welcome to test2"); //记住数组初始化应该这样 int[] d = new int[]{1,2,3,4}; //字符串的处理 String str; str = "everybody - AI"; System.out.println(str); //自己看了一下Java的输入操作,很麻烦 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int a = in.nextInt(); System.out.println(a); //字符串类型的输入 String tmp = in.next(); System.out.println(tmp); in.close(); //字符串相关操作 String str1 = "very"; str1 = str1 + " good"; System.out.println(str1); //字符串的处理类String String str3 = new String(); System.out.println(str3); //字节参数的构造器 byte[] b = {97,98,99,100,101,102,103};//分别代表abc String str4 = new String(b); System.out.println(str4); //字符串数组的构造器 char[] c = {'w','r','i','t','e','r'}; String str6 = new String(c); System.out.println(str6); String str7 = new String(c,3,2); System.out.println(str7); //获取指定字节的构造器,从第三位开始取三位 String str5 = new String(b,3,3); System.out.println(str5); //字符串的处理方法 //1、串链接 用+号或者用函数concat String str2 = "you"; String str8 = "welcome"; System.out.println(str8.concat(str2)); System.out.println(str8);//函数没有改变这个子串本身 //提取子字符串 String str9 = "Without tears and sweats ,nothing will come for you"; System.out.println(str9.substring(0,6)); System.out.println(str9.substring(8)); //分解字符 System.out.println(str9.charAt(0)); //长度 System.out.println(str9.length()); //字符串是否相等 String s0 = "administrator"; String s1 = "Administrator"; if(s0.equals(s1)) { System.out.println("test1: equal"); } if(s0.equalsIgnoreCase(s1)) { System.out.println("test2: equal"); } //查找特定子串 String s2 = "没有付出汗水和泪水,就什么也不会得到"; System.out.println(s2.indexOf("和泪水")); System.out.println(s2.startsWith("没有")); System.out.println(s2.endsWith("得到")); //StringBuffer缓冲字符串 StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer(); System.out.println(sb1.capacity() + " " +sb1.length()); //StringBuffer的处理 StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer("I wanna become "); sb2.append("a great acmer"); System.out.println(sb2); sb2.setLength(25); System.out.println(sb2); System.out.println(sb2.charAt(1)); sb2.setCharAt(1, 'P'); System.out.println(sb2); //指定位置插入字符 sb2.insert(1," writer:pprp "); System.out.println(sb2); //从尾部插入子串 sb2.append("date:2017/8/23"); System.out.println(sb2); //倒置 System.out.println(sb2.reverse()); } }