不止一次在网上看到一篇名为《12个有趣的C语言问答》的博文被郑重其事地转来转去( google了一下,居然有154,000条结果,其中不乏一些知名的技术网站),感到非常滑稽。因为那明摆着是一篇垃圾文,质量低下,漏洞比比皆是。其中基本上没有多少技术营养,倒是有很多技术毒素。
这篇垃圾文被转反复载的原因可能有两个:一是标题取的好,其中有“有趣”二字,不少很傻很天真的人就以为真的很有趣;第二个原因可能是这是一篇翻译文章,原文为12 Interesting C Interview Questions and Answers,有些人潜意识里可能以为外文的东西会很有技术含量。但实际上洋文中也有垃圾,洋人中也有很多外行,正如国外也有老谭《C语言程序设计》那种门外汉写得畅销垃圾书(譬如邮电社翻译的《写给大家看的C语言书》,参见劣质代码评析——《写给大家看的C语言书(第2版)》附录B之21点程序(一) )一样。对国外的东西同样不能盲从轻信,不能根据畅销程度或转发多少更不能仅仅根据其名字来判断技术价值。
0. gets() 方法
Q:以下代码有个被隐藏住的问题,你能找到它吗?int main(void) { char buff[10]; memset(buff,0,sizeof(buff)); gets(buff); printf(" The buffer entered is [%s] ",buff); return 0; }A:这个不显眼的问题就是使用了 gets() 方法。此方法接受一个string类型参数,但是却没有检测此数值是否 有足够的空间来拷贝数据。所以这里我们一般用 fgets() 方法将来的更好。
Answer: The hidden problem with the code above is the use of the function gets(). This function accepts a string from stdin without checking the capacity of buffer in which it copies the value. This may well result in buffer overflow. The standard function fgets() is advisable to use in these cases.
char buff[10] = { ' ' };
1,strcpy() 方法
密码防护是很基本的功能,看看能否搞定下面这段代码#include<stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int flag = 0; char passwd[10]; memset(passwd,0,sizeof(passwd)); strcpy(passwd, argv[1]); if(0 == strcmp("LinuxGeek", passwd)) { flag = 1; } if(flag) { printf(" Password cracked "); } else { printf(" Incorrect passwd "); } return 0; }
晕!Answer压根没翻译。那么多转来转去的人居然对此视而不见! 从这里就不难看出哪些转这篇垃圾的人究竟有没有认真看,究竟有没有自己的头脑。这也同样能够解释,为什么垃圾能传播很广,以及为什么那些说谭浩强的书发行量大就一定好的看法是无脑人的见解。
Answer: Yes. The authentication logic in above password protector code can be compromised by exploiting the loophole of strcpy() function. This function copies the password supplied by user to the ‘passwd’ buffer without checking whether the length of password supplied can be accommodated by the ‘passwd’ buffer or not. So if a user supplies a random password of such a length that causes buffer overflow and overwrites the memory location containing the default value ’0′ of the ‘flag’ variable then even if the password matching condition fails, the check of flag being non-zero becomes true and hence the password protection is breached.
For example :
$ ./psswd aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Password cracked
So you can see that though the password supplied in the above example is not correct but still it breached the password security through buffer overflow.
To avoid these kind of problems the function strncpy() should be used.Note from author : These days the compilers internally detect the possibility of stack smashing and so they store variables on stack in such a way that stack smashing becomes very difficult. In my case also, the gcc does this by default so I had to use the the compile option ‘-fno-stack-protector’ to reproduce the above scenario.
不翻译了。这个解答的意思就是通过输入较长的argv[1],借助数组越界来改变flag,实现“break”这个程序的目的(Can you break it without knowing the password)。所以应该使用strncpy()。
#include<stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //char passwd[10]; //strncpy(passwd, argv[1], 10); if( strcmp("LinuxGeek", argv[1] ) == 0 ) //if( strcmp("LinuxGeek", passwd) == 0 ) { printf(" Password cracked "); } else { printf(" Incorrect passwd "); } return 0; }