• IP数据包首部的校验和算法

    | 版本 (4位) |
    | 首部长度(4位) |
    | 服务类型(TOS)8位 |
    | 数据包总长度(16位) |
    | 标识ID号(16位) |
    | 标志位(3位) |
    | 片偏移(13位) |
    | 生存时间(TTL)(8位) |
    | 协议类型 (8位) |
    | 首部校验和(16位) |
    | 源IP地址(32位) |
    | 目的IP地址 (32位) |
    * IP选项(若有) (32位) *
    * 数据 *


    首先,查看了Linux 2.6内核中的校验算法,使用汇编语言编写的,显然效率要高些。代码如下:
    unsigned short ip_fast_csum(unsigned char * iph,
    unsigned int ihl)
    unsigned int sum;

    __asm__ __volatile__(
    "movl (%1), %0 ;\n"
    "subl $4, %2 ;\n"
    "jbe 2f ;\n"
    "addl 4(%1), %0 ;\n"
    "adcl 8(%1), %0 ;\n"
    "adcl 12(%1), %0 ;\n"
    "1: adcl 16(%1), %0 ;\n"
    "lea 4(%1), %1 ;\n"
    "decl %2 ;\n"
    "jne 1b ;\n"
    "adcl $0, %0 ;\n"
    "movl %0, %2 ;\n"
    "shrl $16, %0 ;\n"
    "addw %w2, %w0 ;\n"
    "adcl $0, %0 ;\n"
    "notl %0 ;\n"
    "2: ;\n"
    /* Since the input registers which are loaded with iph and ihl
    are modified, we must also specify them as outputs, or gcc
    will assume they contain their original values. */
    : "=r" (sum), "=r" (iph), "=r" (ihl)
    : "1" (iph), "2" (ihl)
    : "memory");


    unsigned short checksum(unsigned short *buf,int nword)
    unsigned long sum;

    sum += *buf++;
    sum = (sum>>16) + (sum&0xffff);
    sum += (sum>>16);

    return ~sum;

    这里我要把我的惨痛的经历也要说一下,为了研究IP校验和的算法,我根据算法也进行了代码编写,可是结果总是有8位不一样,郁闷了好久,最后还是David L .Stevens给我了答案(不要误会,是在他的书中找到的答案,呵呵)。那就是现在我们所用的机器设备大多数是使用二进制补码算法进行计算的。因此,仅仅简单的累加得出的校验和并不是正确的结果。

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <linux/if_ether.h>
    #include <linux/ip.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

    #define ETH_P_LENGTH 65535
    #define ETHERNET_MAX_LEN 1500
    #define ETHERNET_MIN_LEN 46

    unsigned short ip_fast_csum(unsigned char * iph, unsigned int ihl);
    unsigned short checksum(unsigned short *buf,int nword);

    // Main function
    // Do all if it can do

    int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    int listenfd;
    int nbyte;
    char buf[ETH_P_LENGTH];
    struct ethhdr *eth = NULL;
    struct iphdr *ip = NULL;
    short chk;

    // Print banner
    printf("\n\tSendArp v1.0 - scan IP and MAC\n");
    printf("\tNsfocus - www.nsfocus.com\n");
    printf("\tby David Zhou\n");
    printf("\tDate : 2006/01/19\n\n");

    if ((listenfd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL))) < 0)
    printf("Call socket() function error\n");
    return 1;

    for (;;)
    if ((nbyte = recv(listenfd, buf, ETH_P_LENGTH, 0)) > 0)
    struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *)buf;
    if(ntohs(eth->h_proto) == ETH_P_IP)
    { // EtherNet frame
    // print ip sum
    ip = (struct iphdr *)&buf[14];
    printf("IP CheckSum = 0x%04X\n",ntohs(ip->check));
    //verify ip checksum
    chk = checksum((unsigned short*)ip,10);
    printf("Verify CheckSum = 0x%04X\n\n",ntohs(chk));
    // reset check to calc self
    ip->check = 0;
    // 2.6 kernel
    chk = ip_fast_csum((unsigned char *)ip,ip->ihl);
    printf("Calc CheckSum = 0x%04X - %d\n",ntohs(chk),ip->ihl);
    // coustom calc
    chk = checksum((unsigned short*)ip,10);
    printf("Calc CheckSum = 0x%04X\n\n",ntohs(chk));
    return 0;

    unsigned short checksum(unsigned short *buf,int nword)
    unsigned long sum;

    sum += *buf++;
    sum = (sum>>16) + (sum&0xffff);
    sum += (sum>>16);

    return ~sum;

    * This is a version of ip_compute_csum() optimized for IP headers,
    * which always checksum on 4 octet boundaries.
    * By Jorge Cwik <jorge@laser.satlink.net>, adapted for linux by
    * Arnt Gulbrandsen.
    unsigned short ip_fast_csum(unsigned char * iph,
    unsigned int ihl)
    unsigned int sum;

    __asm__ __volatile__(
    "movl (%1), %0 ;\n"
    "subl $4, %2 ;\n"
    "jbe 2f ;\n"
    "addl 4(%1), %0 ;\n"
    "adcl 8(%1), %0 ;\n"
    "adcl 12(%1), %0 ;\n"
    "1: adcl 16(%1), %0 ;\n"
    "lea 4(%1), %1 ;\n"
    "decl %2 ;\n"
    "jne 1b ;\n"
    "adcl $0, %0 ;\n"
    "movl %0, %2 ;\n"
    "shrl $16, %0 ;\n"
    "addw %w2, %w0 ;\n"
    "adcl $0, %0 ;\n"
    "notl %0 ;\n"
    "2: ;\n"
    /* Since the input registers which are loaded with iph and ihl
    are modified, we must also specify them as outputs, or gcc
    will assume they contain their original values. */
    : "=r" (sum), "=r" (iph), "=r" (ihl)
    : "1" (iph), "2" (ihl)
    : "memory");

    P.S. 至于为什么IP首部校验不采用循环冗余算法,有一个原因是因为当IP包在网络中传输时,其TTL字段经常会变动。考虑到这点,采用简单的叠加法,就可以避免中间路由器重新计算其校验和,而只需简单增1操作即可,提高效率。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/peteryj/p/1944899.html
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