1 // 2 // ViewController.swift 3 // SwiftBasicDemo 4 // 5 // Created by 思 彭 on 16/11/15. 6 // Copyright © 2016年 思 彭. All rights reserved. 7 // 8 9 import UIKit 10 11 class ViewController: UIViewController { 12 13 override func viewDidLoad() { 14 super.viewDidLoad() 15 16 // 1.常量,变量, 类型转换 17 let label = "The Width is" 18 let width = 94 19 let widthLabel = label + String(width) 20 21 //2.拼接字符串 22 let apples = 3 23 let oranges = 5 24 let appleSummany = "I have (apples) apples" 25 let fruitSummany = "I have (apples + oranges) fruits" 26 27 // 3.数组,字典的使用 28 var shoppingList = ["catfish", "water", "tulips", "blue paint"] 29 shoppingList[1] = "bottle of water" 30 var occupations = [ 31 "Malcolm": "Captain", 32 "Kaylee": "Mechanic", 33 ] 34 // 当没有key,则默认师插入,否则是修改 35 occupations["janyne"] = "Public Relations" 36 37 // 4.创建空字典,空数组 38 let emptyArray = [String]() 39 let emptyDic = [String: Float]() 40 41 // 当类型可以被推断,使用以下方法是错误的 42 /* 43 let emptyArray1 = [] 44 let emptyDic1 = [:] 45 */ 46 47 shoppingList = [] 48 occupations = [:] 49 50 // 5.if条件判断 51 let individualScores = [75, 78,43, 89, 12] 52 var teamScore = 0 53 for score in individualScores { 54 if score > 50 { 55 teamScore += 3 56 } 57 else { 58 teamScore += 1 59 } 60 } 61 print("teamScore = (teamScore)") 62 63 // 6.可选类型? 64 var optionString: String? = "Hello" 65 print(optionString == nil) // false 66 67 var optionName: String? = "John Appleseed" 68 var greeting = "Hello!" 69 // 守护 70 if let name = optionName { 71 greeting = "Hello,(name)" 72 } 73 print("greeting = (greeting)") 74 75 // 7.可选值为nil ??类似三目 当可选类型不存在为nil,则使用??后面的默认值 76 let nickName: String? = nil 77 let fullName: String = "John Appleseed" 78 let informalGreeting = "Hi (nickName ?? fullName)" 79 print(informalGreeting) 80 81 // 8.Switch的使用 82 let vegetable = "red pepper" 83 switch vegetable { 84 case "celery": 85 print("Add some raisins and make ants on a log.") 86 case "cucumber", "watercress": //多个值 87 print("That would make a good tea sandwich.") 88 case let x where x.hasSuffix("pepper"): // 条件判断 89 print("Is it a spicy (x)?") 90 // 注意:default必须有,否则报错 91 default: 92 print("Everything tastes good in soup.") 93 } 94 95 // 9. 元组的使用 找出最大值 96 // 注意: 最后一个,可要可不要,都不会报错 97 let interestingNumbers = [ 98 "Prime" : [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13], 99 "Fibonacci": [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8], 100 "Square": [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] 101 ] 102 var largest = 0 103 for (kind, numbers) in interestingNumbers { 104 print(kind) 105 for number in numbers { 106 if number > largest { 107 largest = number 108 } 109 } 110 } 111 print(largest) 112 113 // 10. while循环 2 可能一次也不执行 114 var n = 2 115 while n < 2 { 116 n = n * 2 117 } 118 print(n) 119 120 // repeat while循环 4 注意:至少会执行一次 121 var m = 2 122 repeat { 123 m = m * 2 124 }while m < 2 125 print(m) 126 127 // 11. ..<的使用 6 128 var total = 0 129 for i in 0..<4 { // 注意不要使用空格,否则报错 130 total += i 131 } 132 print("total = (total)") 133 134 // 12: 函数和元组 135 // 返回值为string 136 func greet(person: String, day: String) -> String { 137 138 return "Hello (person),today = (day)." 139 } 140 //函数调用 141 let str = greet(person: "SiSi", day: "Tuesday") 142 print("str = (str)") 143 144 // 13. _参数名可以省略 145 func greet1 (_ person: String, on day: String) -> String { 146 147 return "Hello (person), today is (day)" 148 } 149 print(greet1("haha", on: "hahahah")) 150 151 // 14. 元组 --- 函数返回多个值 152 func calculatevalue(scores: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int, sum: Int) { 153 154 var min = scores[0] 155 var max = scores[0] 156 var sum = 0 157 for score in scores { 158 if score > max { 159 max = score 160 } 161 else if score < min { 162 min = score 163 } 164 sum += score 165 } 166 return (min, max, sum) 167 } 168 169 // 函数调用 170 let result = calculatevalue(scores: [34, 56, 23, 13, 78]) 171 print(result.min) 172 print(result.max) 173 print(result.2) // 下标调用: 注意: 下标从0开始 174 175 // 15.参数不特定指定数组 每一个值为Int 176 func sumOf(numbers: Int...) ->Int { 177 178 var sum = 0 179 for number in numbers { 180 sum += number 181 } 182 return sum 183 } 184 print(sumOf(numbers: 32,45,67,88)) 185 186 // 16.函数的嵌套 15 187 func returnFifteen() ->Int { 188 189 var y = 10 190 func add() { 191 y += 5 192 } 193 add() 194 return y 195 } 196 print(returnFifteen()) 197 198 // 17. 函数的返回值是一个函数类型 8 199 func makeIncrement() -> ((Int) -> Int) { 200 func addOne(number: Int) -> Int { 201 return 1 + number 202 } 203 return addOne 204 } 205 var increment = makeIncrement() 206 print(increment(7)) 207 208 // 18. 函数的参数是函数类型 true 209 func hasAnyMatches(list: [Int], condition: (Int) -> Bool) -> Bool { 210 211 for item in list { 212 if condition(item) { 213 return true 214 } 215 } 216 return false 217 } 218 func lessThanTen(number: Int) -> Bool { 219 220 return number < 10 221 } 222 var numbers = [20, 19, 7, 12] 223 print(hasAnyMatches(list: numbers, condition: lessThanTen)) 224 225 // 19. map 226 numbers.map({ 227 228 (number: Int) -> Int in 229 let result = 3 * number 230 return result 231 }) 232 let mappedNumbers = numbers.map { (number) in 233 3 * number 234 } 235 print(mappedNumbers) 236 } 237 }