• Start Developing Mac Apps Language 语言


    Objective-C is an elegant object-oriented language that powers all Mac apps. You write Objective-C code to create your app, and you need to understand this language in order to use most application frameworks. You can’t build an app without it.

    Objective-C 是一种优雅的面向对象语言,它适用于所有Mac 应用。你编写 Objective-C 代码来创建你的应用,你也需要理解该语言以便能使用大多数的应用框架。 你构建一个应用离不开它。

    image: ../Art/language_2x.png

    Objective-C is a simple language with syntax and conventions that are easy to learn—especially if you have experience with other object-oriented languages such as Java or C++. If you’re a C programmer, you’ll find that when you become familiar with object-oriented programming and Objective-C, your apps are easier to design and modify.

    Objective-C 是一种简单的语言,它的语法和规则都很易学-- 特别是如果你有其他面向对象语言的编程经验,比如 Java 或则 C++。 如果你是一个C程序员,你会发现当你开始熟悉面向对象和Objective-C,你的应用的设计和修改将变得更简单。

    Read This Article NowRead This Article Now: Write Objective-C Code teaches you the basic syntax of Objective-C, including class declarations, methods, messaging, and declared properties. You use Objective-C for Mac and iOS apps. If you’re an iOS developer, you already know the basic syntax.
    开始学习:Write Objective-C Code 教你Objective-C的基本语法,包括类的声明(class declarations), 方法(methods), 消息(messaging) 和 声明特性(declared properties)。 你可以用Objective-C 写Mac 和 iOS 应用程序。 如果你是一个 iOS 开发者,你已经知道这些基本语法。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/patientAndPersist/p/3115856.html
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