• android系统,点击屏幕,输出x y坐标小脚本

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # @Time  :  3:06 PM
    # @Athor : WuHe
    # @File  : FindDisplayPix.py
    import os
    import time
    # 前提条件:电脑可以正常使用adb命令
    def read_wm_size():
        fun = os.popen('adb shell wm size')
        fun_read = fun.readline()
        wm_xy = fun_read.split(':')[1].strip().split('x')
        wm_x = int(wm_xy[0])
        wm_y = int(wm_xy[1])
        print('屏幕物理尺寸的x:', wm_x)
        print('屏幕物理尺寸的y:', wm_y)
        return wm_x, wm_y
    def read_getevent():
        fun = os.popen('adb shell getevent -c 10')
        #fun = os.popen('adb shell getevent')
        fun_read = []  # is list
        while fun_read == []:
            fun_read = fun.readlines()
        # print(fun_read)
        # to string
        str = ''.join(fun_read)
        # print(str)
        get_x_position = str.find('0035')
        get_x = str[get_x_position + 5:get_x_position + 5 + 8]
        get_y_position = str.find('0036')
        get_y = str[get_y_position + 5:get_y_position + 5 + 8]
        # to DEC
        dec_x = int(get_x.upper(), 16)
        dec_y = int(get_y.upper(), 16)
        print('点击的点的像素x:', dec_x)
        print('点击的点的像素y:', dec_y)
        # print('35 and 36:',get_x_position,get_y_position)
        # /dev/input/event2
        get_device_35_36_str = str[get_x_position + 5 + 9:get_y_position - 7]
        #print('between 35-36:', get_device_35_36_str)
        get_device_index = str.find(get_device_35_36_str)
        get_device_name = str[get_device_index-14:get_device_index-2].strip()
        #print('device name:', get_device_name)
        return dec_x, dec_y, get_device_name
    def get_max():
        dec_x, dec_y, get_device_name = read_getevent()
        #print('1111:', get_device_name)
        # get_device_name='add device 2'
        fun = os.popen('adb shell getevent -p')
        fun_read = fun.readlines()
        str = ''.join(fun_read)
        get_mark = str.find(get_device_name)
        mark_str = str[get_mark:]
        # print(mark_str)
        get_x1_position = mark_str.find('0035')
        get_x2_position = mark_str.find('0036')
        get_x1 = mark_str[get_x1_position + 4:get_x2_position]
        get_x1_max = get_x1[get_x1.find('max'):]
        get_x1_max_1 = get_x1_max.find(',')  # get_x1_max_1=8
        get_x_max = int(get_x1_max[3:get_x1_max_1].strip())+1
        print('屏幕像素点最大值x:', get_x_max)
        get_y1_position = mark_str.find('0036')
        get_y2_position = mark_str.find('0039')
        get_y1 = mark_str[get_y1_position + 4:get_y2_position]
        get_y1_max = get_y1[get_y1.find('max'):]
        get_y1_max_1 = get_y1_max.find(',')  # get_x1_max_1=8
        get_y_max = int(get_y1_max[3:get_y1_max_1].strip())+1
        print('屏幕像素点最大值y:', get_y_max)
        return get_x_max, get_y_max,dec_x, dec_y
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # 计算公式:(touch_size * wm_size / max)
        wm_x, wm_y = read_wm_size()
        get_x_max, get_y_max,dec_x, dec_y= get_max()
        #dec_x, dec_y ,get_device_name= read_getevent()
        x = int(dec_x * wm_x / get_x_max)
        y = int(dec_y * wm_y / get_y_max)
        print('x 坐标是: ', x)
        print('y 坐标是: ', y)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/passagain/p/15840193.html
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