• Code Reading chap4



    +                    Chapter4: C Data Structures



    67.   Read explicit data structure operations in terms of the underlying abstract data class.(P96)



    68.   Vectors are typically realized in C by using the built-in array type without attempting to abstract

            the properties of the   vector from the underlying implementation.(P96)



    69.   An Array of N elements is completely processed by the sequence for ( i=0; i<N; i++);all other variations 

           should raise your defense.(P96)


    70.   The expression sizeof(x) always yields the correct number of bytes for procession an array

            x (not a pointer) with memset or memcpy. (p97)

           表达式sizeof(x)总是产生就处理一带有memset 或memcpy的数组X(不是一个指针)而言之正确的字节数。


    71.   Ranges are typically represented by using the first element of the rage and the first beyond it.(P100)



    72.   The number of elements in an asymmetric range equals the difference between the upper and

            the lower bounds.(P100)



    73.   When the upper bound of an asymmetric range equals the lower bound, the range is empty.(P100)



    74.   The lower bound in an asymmetric range represents the first occupied element; the upper bound,

            the first free one.(P100)



    75.  Arrays of structures often represent tables consisting of records and fields.(P101)



    76.  Pointers to structures often represent a cursor for accessing the underlying records and fields.(P101)



    77.  Dynamically allocated matrices are stored as pointers to array columns or as pointers to element pointers;

          Both types are accessed as two-dimensional arryas.(P103)



    78.  Dynamically allocated matrices stored as flat arrays address their elements using custom access function. (P104)



    79. An abstract data type provides a measure of confidence regarding the way the underlying implementation

         elements will be used(or abused).(p106)



    80.  Array are used for organizing lookup tables keyed by sequential integers starting from 0. (P111)



    81.  Arrays are often used to efficiently encoded control structures, thus simplifying a program's logic.(P111)

          数组常常用于有效编码控制结构, 从而简化程序逻辑。


    82.  Array are used to associate data with code by storing in each position a data element and a pointer

          to the element's processing function.(P112)



    83.   Arrays can control a program's operation by storing data or code used by abstract or virtual

           machines implemented within that program. (P113)



    84. Read the expression sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]) as the number of elements of the array x.(P113)

         将表达式sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]) 读成 数组x的元素数目。


    85.  A structure with an element titled next pointer to itself typically defineds a node of a a singly linked list.(P118)

          一个结构体有这样一个元素,该元素将next 指针指向它自己,这就典型的定义了一个有单链表的节点。


    86. A parameter(for example, globle, static, or heap allocated) poiter to a list node often represents

         the list head.(P118)

         一指向一个列节点的参数(如,全局参数, 静态参数 或者堆分配参数)常常表示了该列的头。


    87. A structure containning next and prev pointers to itself is probably a node of a doubly linked list.(P121)

        一个包含了 next 和prev 指针指向自身的结构体, 很可能是一个双向链表的一个节点。


    88. Following complicated data structure pointer operations by drawing elements as boxes and pointers

         as arrows.(P 122)

         当复杂数据结构指针操作出现时候,通常跟随其后的是 将元素画成盒子,将指针画成箭头。


    89. Recursive data structures are often processed by using recursive algorithms. (P126)



    90.  Nontrivial data structures manipulation algorithms are typically parameterized using  a function

          or template argument. (P126)



    91.  Graph nodes are stored sequentially in arrays, linked in lists, or linked through the graph edges. (P126)

          图节点是顺序的存储在数组中,或者是链接的方式存储在列表中, 或者通过图的边进行链接。


    92.  The edges of a graph are typically represented either implicitly through pointers or explicitly as seperate structures.(P134)



    93. Graph edges are often stored as dynamically allocated arrays or linked lists, both anchored at a graph's nodes.(P137)

         图的边常常存储成动态分配的数组或者链表, 这两者都会固定住一张图的节点。


    94. In a nondirectional graph the data representation should treat both nodes as equal, and processing code should

          similarly not discriminate edges based on their direction. (P193)



    95.  On nonconnected graphs, traveral code should be coded so as to bridge isolated subgraphs.(P139)



    96. When dealing with graphs that contain cycles, traversal code should be coded so as to avoid looping

          when following a graoh cycle.(P139)



    97. Inside complicated graph structures may hide other, separate structures. (P140)   


    +++++++++++++++++++++++++end of chap4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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