• 有关binlog的那点事(mysql5.7.13)






    以下是所有binlog的列表,通过show binary logs可以看到。

    这个列表事实上是从mysqlbin-log.index的文件中拉出来的,我们称这个文件为binlog index 文件。






     1 class MYSQL_BIN_LOG: public TC_LOG
     2 {
     3   enum enum_log_state { LOG_OPENED, LOG_CLOSED, LOG_TO_BE_OPENED };
     5   /* LOCK_log is inited by init_pthread_objects() */
     6   mysql_mutex_t LOCK_log;
     7   char *name;
     8   char log_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
     9   char db[NAME_LEN + 1];
    10   bool write_error, inited;
    11   IO_CACHE log_file;  
    12   IO_CACHE index_file;
    13   char index_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
    View Code

    index_file,log_file分别是binlog index文件以及binlog文件的读写io

    log_file_name,index_file_name分别是binlog index文件以及binlog文件的文件名


      1 typedef struct st_io_cache        /* Used when cacheing files */
      2 {
      3   /* Offset in file corresponding to the first byte of uchar* buffer. */
      4   my_off_t pos_in_file;
      5   /*
      6     The offset of end of file for READ_CACHE and WRITE_CACHE.
      7     For SEQ_READ_APPEND it the maximum of the actual end of file and
      8     the position represented by read_end.
      9   */
     10   my_off_t end_of_file;
     11   /* Points to current read position in the buffer */
     12   uchar    *read_pos;
     13   /* the non-inclusive boundary in the buffer for the currently valid read */
     14   uchar  *read_end;
     15   uchar  *buffer;                /* The read buffer */
     16   /* Used in ASYNC_IO */
     17   uchar  *request_pos;
     19   /* Only used in WRITE caches and in SEQ_READ_APPEND to buffer writes */
     20   uchar  *write_buffer;
     21   /*
     22     Only used in SEQ_READ_APPEND, and points to the current read position
     23     in the write buffer. Note that reads in SEQ_READ_APPEND caches can
     24     happen from both read buffer (uchar* buffer) and write buffer
     25     (uchar* write_buffer).
     26   */
     27   uchar *append_read_pos;
     28   /* Points to current write position in the write buffer */
     29   uchar *write_pos;
     30   /* The non-inclusive boundary of the valid write area */
     31   uchar *write_end;
     33   /*
     34     Current_pos and current_end are convenience variables used by
     35     my_b_tell() and other routines that need to know the current offset
     36     current_pos points to &write_pos, and current_end to &write_end in a
     37     WRITE_CACHE, and &read_pos and &read_end respectively otherwise
     38   */
     39   uchar  **current_pos, **current_end;
     41   /*
     42     The lock is for append buffer used in SEQ_READ_APPEND cache
     43     need mutex copying from append buffer to read buffer.
     44   */
     45   mysql_mutex_t append_buffer_lock;
     46   /*
     47     The following is used when several threads are reading the
     48     same file in parallel. They are synchronized on disk
     49     accesses reading the cached part of the file asynchronously.
     50     It should be set to NULL to disable the feature.  Only
     51     READ_CACHE mode is supported.
     52   */
     53   IO_CACHE_SHARE *share;
     55   /*
     56     A caller will use my_b_read() macro to read from the cache
     57     if the data is already in cache, it will be simply copied with
     58     memcpy() and internal variables will be accordinging updated with
     59     no functions invoked. However, if the data is not fully in the cache,
     60     my_b_read() will call read_function to fetch the data. read_function
     61     must never be invoked directly.
     62   */
     63   int (*read_function)(struct st_io_cache *,uchar *,size_t);
     64   /*
     65     Same idea as in the case of read_function, except my_b_write() needs to
     66     be replaced with my_b_append() for a SEQ_READ_APPEND cache
     67   */
     68   int (*write_function)(struct st_io_cache *,const uchar *,size_t);
     69   /*
     70     Specifies the type of the cache. Depending on the type of the cache
     71     certain operations might not be available and yield unpredicatable
     72     results. Details to be documented later
     73   */
     74   enum cache_type type;
     75   /*
     76     Callbacks when the actual read I/O happens. These were added and
     77     are currently used for binary logging of LOAD DATA INFILE - when a
     78     block is read from the file, we create a block create/append event, and
     79     when IO_CACHE is closed, we create an end event. These functions could,
     80     of course be used for other things
     81   */
     82   IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_read;
     83   IO_CACHE_CALLBACK post_read;
     84   IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_close;
     85   /*
     86     Counts the number of times, when we were forced to use disk. We use it to
     87     increase the binlog_cache_disk_use and binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use status
     88     variables.
     89   */
     90   ulong disk_writes;
     91   void* arg;                /* for use by pre/post_read */
     92   char *file_name;            /* if used with 'open_cached_file' */
     93   char *dir,*prefix;
     94   File file; /* file descriptor */
     95   PSI_file_key file_key; /* instrumented file key */
     97   /*
     98     seek_not_done is set by my_b_seek() to inform the upcoming read/write
     99     operation that a seek needs to be preformed prior to the actual I/O
    100     error is 0 if the cache operation was successful, -1 if there was a
    101     "hard" error, and the actual number of I/O-ed bytes if the read/write was
    102     partial.
    103   */
    104   int    seek_not_done,error;
    105   /* buffer_length is memory size allocated for buffer or write_buffer */
    106   size_t    buffer_length;
    107   /* read_length is the same as buffer_length except when we use async io */
    108   size_t  read_length;
    109   myf    myflags;            /* Flags used to my_read/my_write */
    110   /*
    111     alloced_buffer is 1 if the buffer was allocated by init_io_cache() and
    112     0 if it was supplied by the user.
    113     Currently READ_NET is the only one that will use a buffer allocated
    114     somewhere else
    115   */
    116   my_bool alloced_buffer;
    117 } IO_CACHE;
    View Code



     1 typedef struct st_log_info
     2 {
     3   char log_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
     4   my_off_t index_file_offset, index_file_start_offset;
     5   my_off_t pos;
     6   bool fatal; // if the purge happens to give us a negative offset
     7   int entry_index; //used in purge_logs(), calculatd in find_log_pos().
     8   st_log_info()
     9     : index_file_offset(0), index_file_start_offset(0),
    10       pos(0), fatal(0), entry_index(0)
    11     {
    12       memset(log_file_name, 0, FN_REFLEN);
    13     }
    14 } LOG_INFO;
    View Code


    index_file_offset, index_file_start_offset是该binlog在index文件中所处的偏移量以及index文件下一个查找开始的偏移量。


      1 /**
      2   Find the position in the log-index-file for the given log name.
      4   @param[out] linfo The found log file name will be stored here, along
      5   with the byte offset of the next log file name in the index file.
      6   @param log_name Filename to find in the index file, or NULL if we
      7   want to read the first entry.
      8   @param need_lock_index If false, this function acquires LOCK_index;
      9   otherwise the lock should already be held by the caller.
     11   @note
     12     On systems without the truncate function the file will end with one or
     13     more empty lines.  These will be ignored when reading the file.
     15   @retval
     16     0            ok
     17   @retval
     18     LOG_INFO_EOF            End of log-index-file found
     19   @retval
     20     LOG_INFO_IO        Got IO error while reading file
     21 */
     23 int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::find_log_pos(LOG_INFO *linfo, const char *log_name,
     24                                 bool need_lock_index)
     25 {
     26   int error= 0;
     27   char *full_fname= linfo->log_file_name;
     28   char full_log_name[FN_REFLEN], fname[FN_REFLEN];
     29   size_t log_name_len= 0, fname_len= 0;
     30   DBUG_ENTER("find_log_pos");
     31   full_log_name[0]= full_fname[0]= 0;
     33   /*
     34     Mutex needed because we need to make sure the file pointer does not
     35     move from under our feet
     36   */
     37   if (need_lock_index)
     38     mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index);
     39   else
     40     mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index);
     42   // extend relative paths for log_name to be searched
     43   if (log_name)
     44   {
     45     if(normalize_binlog_name(full_log_name, log_name, is_relay_log))
     46     {
     47       error= LOG_INFO_EOF;
     48       goto end;
     49     }
     50   }
     52   log_name_len= log_name ? strlen(full_log_name) : 0;
     53   DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("log_name: %s, full_log_name: %s", 
     54                        log_name ? log_name : "NULL", full_log_name));
     56   /* As the file is flushed, we can't get an error here */
     57   my_b_seek(&index_file, (my_off_t) 0);
     59   for (;;)
     60   {
     61     size_t length;
     62     my_off_t offset= my_b_tell(&index_file);
     64     DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_find_log_pos_error",
     65                     error=  LOG_INFO_EOF; break;);
     66     /* If we get 0 or 1 characters, this is the end of the file */
     67     if ((length= my_b_gets(&index_file, fname, FN_REFLEN)) <= 1)
     68     {
     69       /* Did not find the given entry; Return not found or error */
     70       error= !index_file.error ? LOG_INFO_EOF : LOG_INFO_IO;
     71       break;
     72     }
     74     // extend relative paths and match against full path
     75     if (normalize_binlog_name(full_fname, fname, is_relay_log))
     76     {
     77       error= LOG_INFO_EOF;
     78       break;
     79     }
     80     fname_len= strlen(full_fname);
     82     // if the log entry matches, null string matching anything
     83     if (!log_name ||
     84        (log_name_len == fname_len &&
     85        !memcmp(full_fname, full_log_name, log_name_len)))
     86     {
     87       DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Found log file entry"));
     88       linfo->index_file_start_offset= offset;
     89       linfo->index_file_offset = my_b_tell(&index_file);
     90       break;
     91     }
     92     linfo->entry_index++;
     93   }
     95 end:  
     96   if (need_lock_index)
     97     mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index);
     98   DBUG_RETURN(error);
     99 }
    102 /**
    103   Find the position in the log-index-file for the given log name.
    105   @param[out] linfo The filename will be stored here, along with the
    106   byte offset of the next filename in the index file.
    108   @param need_lock_index If true, LOCK_index will be acquired;
    109   otherwise it should already be held by the caller.
    111   @note
    112     - Before calling this function, one has to call find_log_pos()
    113     to set up 'linfo'
    114     - Mutex needed because we need to make sure the file pointer does not move
    115     from under our feet
    117   @retval 0 ok
    118   @retval LOG_INFO_EOF End of log-index-file found
    119   @retval LOG_INFO_IO Got IO error while reading file
    120 */
    121 int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::find_next_log(LOG_INFO* linfo, bool need_lock_index)
    122 {
    123   int error= 0;
    124   size_t length;
    125   char fname[FN_REFLEN];
    126   char *full_fname= linfo->log_file_name;
    128   if (need_lock_index)
    129     mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index);
    130   else
    131     mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index);
    133   /* As the file is flushed, we can't get an error here */
    134   my_b_seek(&index_file, linfo->index_file_offset);
    136   linfo->index_file_start_offset= linfo->index_file_offset;
    137   if ((length=my_b_gets(&index_file, fname, FN_REFLEN)) <= 1)
    138   {
    139     error = !index_file.error ? LOG_INFO_EOF : LOG_INFO_IO;
    140     goto err;
    141   }
    143   if (fname[0] != 0)
    144   {
    145     if(normalize_binlog_name(full_fname, fname, is_relay_log))
    146     {
    147       error= LOG_INFO_EOF;
    148       goto err;
    149     }
    150     length= strlen(full_fname);
    151   }
    153   linfo->index_file_offset= my_b_tell(&index_file);
    155 err:
    156   if (need_lock_index)
    157     mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index);
    158   return error;
    159 }
    View Code



    最后通过raw_get_current_log可以找到当前binlog的定位,这个函数被用于show master status

    int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::raw_get_current_log(LOG_INFO* linfo)
      strmake(linfo->log_file_name, log_file_name, sizeof(linfo->log_file_name)-1);
      linfo->pos = my_b_safe_tell(&log_file);
      return 0;
    View Code


    binlog的文件格式是由binlog_event的格式写入的,可以用show binlog events in 'log file name'或者show binlog events等SQL命令查看。












    在sql_base.cc中close_temporary_tables 关闭临时表==>MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_event






     1)insert, update, delete

     2)删除表 回滚


     1 ../bin/mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS -v mysqlbin-log.000001 

    3)在rpl_injector.h中 use_table(tablemap) write_row(inster) delete_row update_row commit rollback


     1 bool trans_check_state(THD *thd);
     2 void trans_reset_one_shot_chistics(THD *thd);
     3 void trans_track_end_trx(THD *thd);
     5 bool trans_begin(THD *thd, uint flags= 0);
     6 bool trans_commit(THD *thd);
     7 bool trans_commit_implicit(THD *thd);
     8 bool trans_rollback(THD *thd);
     9 bool trans_rollback_implicit(THD *thd);
    11 bool trans_commit_stmt(THD *thd);
    12 bool trans_rollback_stmt(THD *thd);
    13 bool trans_commit_attachable(THD *thd);
    15 bool trans_savepoint(THD *thd, LEX_STRING name);
    16 bool trans_rollback_to_savepoint(THD *thd, LEX_STRING name);
    17 bool trans_release_savepoint(THD *thd, LEX_STRING name);
    View Code


    这个是指mysql在重启时的异常恢复,代码入口在mysqld.h的4137行 open函数,具体实现在binlog.h的683行

    1   int open(const char *opt_name) { return open_binlog(opt_name); }
    View Code


    1     do
    2     {
    3       strmake(log_name, log_info.log_file_name, sizeof(log_name)-1);
    4     } while (!(error= find_next_log(&log_info, true/*need_lock_index=true*/)));
    View Code


     if ((file= open_binlog_file(&log, log_name, &errmsg)) < 0)
          sql_print_error("%s", errmsg);
          goto err;
        my_stat(log_name, &s, MYF(0));
        binlog_size= s.st_size;
          If the binary log was not properly closed it means that the server
          may have crashed. In that case, we need to call MYSQL_BIN_LOG::recover
            a) collect logged XIDs;
            b) complete the 2PC of the pending XIDs;
            c) collect the last valid position.
          Therefore, we do need to iterate over the binary log, even if
          total_ha_2pc == 1, to find the last valid group of events written.
          Later we will take this value and truncate the log if need be.
        if ((ev= Log_event::read_log_event(&log, 0, &fdle,
                                           opt_master_verify_checksum)) &&
            ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT &&
            (ev->common_header->flags & LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F ||
             DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("eval_force_bin_log_recovery", true, false)))
          sql_print_information("Recovering after a crash using %s", opt_name);
          valid_pos= my_b_tell(&log);
          error= recover(&log, (Format_description_log_event *)ev, &valid_pos);
    View Code


      1 /**
      2   MYSQLD server recovers from last crashed binlog.
      4   @param log           IO_CACHE of the crashed binlog.
      5   @param fdle          Format_description_log_event of the crashed binlog.
      6   @param valid_pos     The position of the last valid transaction or
      7                        event(non-transaction) of the crashed binlog.
      9   @retval
     10     0                  ok
     11   @retval
     12     1                  error
     13 */
     14 int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::recover(IO_CACHE *log, Format_description_log_event *fdle,
     15                             my_off_t *valid_pos)
     16 {
     17   Log_event  *ev;
     18   HASH xids;
     19   MEM_ROOT mem_root;
     20   /*
     21     The flag is used for handling the case that a transaction
     22     is partially written to the binlog.
     23   */
     24   bool in_transaction= FALSE;
     26   if (! fdle->is_valid() ||
     27       my_hash_init(&xids, &my_charset_bin, TC_LOG_PAGE_SIZE/3, 0,
     28                    sizeof(my_xid), 0, 0, MYF(0),
     29                    key_memory_binlog_recover_exec))
     30     goto err1;
     32   init_alloc_root(key_memory_binlog_recover_exec,
     33                   &mem_root, TC_LOG_PAGE_SIZE, TC_LOG_PAGE_SIZE);
     35   while ((ev= Log_event::read_log_event(log, 0, fdle, TRUE))
     36          && ev->is_valid())
     37   {
     38     if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::QUERY_EVENT &&
     39         !strcmp(((Query_log_event*)ev)->query, "BEGIN"))
     40       in_transaction= TRUE;
     42     if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::QUERY_EVENT &&
     43         !strcmp(((Query_log_event*)ev)->query, "COMMIT"))
     44     {
     45       DBUG_ASSERT(in_transaction == TRUE);
     46       in_transaction= FALSE;
     47     }
     48     else if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::XID_EVENT)
     49     {
     50       DBUG_ASSERT(in_transaction == TRUE);
     51       in_transaction= FALSE;
     52       Xid_log_event *xev=(Xid_log_event *)ev;
     53       uchar *x= (uchar *) memdup_root(&mem_root, (uchar*) &xev->xid,
     54                                       sizeof(xev->xid));
     55       if (!x || my_hash_insert(&xids, x))
     56         goto err2;
     57     }
     59     /*
     60       Recorded valid position for the crashed binlog file
     61       which did not contain incorrect events. The following
     62       positions increase the variable valid_pos:
     64       1 -
     65         ...
     66         <---> HERE IS VALID <--->
     67         GTID 
     68         BEGIN
     69         ...
     70         COMMIT
     71         ...
     73       2 -
     74         ...
     75         <---> HERE IS VALID <--->
     76         GTID 
     77         DDL/UTILITY
     78         ...
     80       In other words, the following positions do not increase
     81       the variable valid_pos:
     83       1 -
     84         GTID 
     85         <---> HERE IS VALID <--->
     86         ...
     88       2 -
     89         GTID 
     90         BEGIN
     91         <---> HERE IS VALID <--->
     92         ...
     93     */
     94     if (!log->error && !in_transaction &&
     95         !is_gtid_event(ev))
     96       *valid_pos= my_b_tell(log);
     98     delete ev;
     99   }
    101   /*
    102     Call ha_recover if and only if there is a registered engine that
    103     does 2PC, otherwise in DBUG builds calling ha_recover directly
    104     will result in an assert. (Production builds would be safe since
    105     ha_recover returns right away if total_ha_2pc <= opt_log_bin.)
    106    */
    107   if (total_ha_2pc > 1 && ha_recover(&xids))
    108     goto err2;
    110   free_root(&mem_root, MYF(0));
    111   my_hash_free(&xids);
    112   return 0;
    114 err2:
    115   free_root(&mem_root, MYF(0));
    116   my_hash_free(&xids);
    117 err1:
    118   sql_print_error("Crash recovery failed. Either correct the problem "
    119                   "(if it's, for example, out of memory error) and restart, "
    120                   "or delete (or rename) binary log and start mysqld with "
    121                   "--tc-heuristic-recover={commit|rollback}");
    122   return 1;
    123 }
    View Code


     1 int ha_recover(HASH *commit_list)
     2 {
     3   struct xarecover_st info;
     4   DBUG_ENTER("ha_recover");
     5   info.found_foreign_xids= info.found_my_xids= 0;
     6   info.commit_list= commit_list;
     7   info.dry_run= (info.commit_list == 0 &&
     8                  tc_heuristic_recover == TC_HEURISTIC_NOT_USED);
     9   info.list= NULL;
    11   /* commit_list and tc_heuristic_recover cannot be set both */
    12   DBUG_ASSERT(info.commit_list == 0 ||
    13               tc_heuristic_recover == TC_HEURISTIC_NOT_USED);
    14   /* if either is set, total_ha_2pc must be set too */
    15   DBUG_ASSERT(info.dry_run || total_ha_2pc>(ulong)opt_bin_log);
    17   if (total_ha_2pc <= (ulong)opt_bin_log)
    18     DBUG_RETURN(0);
    20   if (info.commit_list)
    21     sql_print_information("Starting crash recovery...");
    23   if (total_ha_2pc > (ulong)opt_bin_log + 1)
    24   {
    25     if (tc_heuristic_recover == TC_HEURISTIC_RECOVER_ROLLBACK)
    26     {
    27       sql_print_error("--tc-heuristic-recover rollback strategy is not safe "
    28                       "on systems with more than one 2-phase-commit-capable "
    29                       "storage engine. Aborting crash recovery.");
    30       DBUG_RETURN(1);
    31     }
    32   }
    33   else
    34   {
    35     /*
    36       If there is only one 2pc capable storage engine it is always safe
    37       to rollback. This setting will be ignored if we are in automatic
    38       recovery mode.
    39     */
    40     tc_heuristic_recover= TC_HEURISTIC_RECOVER_ROLLBACK; // forcing ROLLBACK
    41     info.dry_run= false;
    42   }
    44   for (info.len= MAX_XID_LIST_SIZE ;
    45        info.list == 0 && info.len > MIN_XID_LIST_SIZE; info.len/= 2)
    46   {
    47     info.list= (XID *)my_malloc(key_memory_XID,
    48                                 info.len * sizeof(XID), MYF(0));
    49   }
    50   if (!info.list)
    51   {
    52     sql_print_error(ER(ER_OUTOFMEMORY),
    53                     static_cast<int>(info.len * sizeof(XID)));
    54     DBUG_RETURN(1);
    55   }
    57   plugin_foreach(NULL, xarecover_handlerton,
    58                  MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN, &info);
    60   my_free(info.list);
    61   if (info.found_foreign_xids)
    62     sql_print_warning("Found %d prepared XA transactions",
    63                       info.found_foreign_xids);
    64   if (info.dry_run && info.found_my_xids)
    65   {
    66     sql_print_error("Found %d prepared transactions! It means that mysqld was "
    67                     "not shut down properly last time and critical recovery "
    68                     "information (last binlog or %s file) was manually deleted"
    69                     " after a crash. You have to start mysqld with "
    70                     "--tc-heuristic-recover switch to commit or rollback "
    71                     "pending transactions.",
    72                     info.found_my_xids, opt_tc_log_file);
    73     DBUG_RETURN(1);
    74   }
    75   if (info.commit_list)
    76     sql_print_information("Crash recovery finished.");
    77   DBUG_RETURN(0);
    78 }
    View Code

    其中plugin_foreach(NULL, xarecover_handlerton,MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN, &info);每一条进行如下xarecover_handlerton操作

     1 static my_bool xarecover_handlerton(THD *unused, plugin_ref plugin,
     2                                     void *arg)
     3 {
     4   handlerton *hton= plugin_data<handlerton*>(plugin);
     5   struct xarecover_st *info= (struct xarecover_st *) arg;
     6   int got;
     8   if (hton->state == SHOW_OPTION_YES && hton->recover)
     9   {
    10     while ((got= hton->recover(hton, info->list, info->len)) > 0)
    11     {
    12       sql_print_information("Found %d prepared transaction(s) in %s",
    13                             got, ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(hton));
    14       for (int i= 0; i < got; i++)
    15       {
    16         my_xid x= info->list[i].get_my_xid();
    17         if (!x) // not "mine" - that is generated by external TM
    18         {
    19 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
    20           char buf[XIDDATASIZE * 4 + 6]; // see xid_to_str
    21           XID *xid= info->list + i;
    22           sql_print_information("ignore xid %s", xid->xid_to_str(buf));
    23 #endif
    24           transaction_cache_insert_recovery(info->list + i);
    25           info->found_foreign_xids++;
    26           continue;
    27         }
    28         if (info->dry_run)
    29         {
    30           info->found_my_xids++;
    31           continue;
    32         }
    33         // recovery mode
    34         if (info->commit_list ?
    35             my_hash_search(info->commit_list, (uchar *)&x, sizeof(x)) != 0 :
    36             tc_heuristic_recover == TC_HEURISTIC_RECOVER_COMMIT)
    37         {
    38 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
    39           char buf[XIDDATASIZE * 4 + 6]; // see xid_to_str
    40           XID *xid= info->list + i;
    41           sql_print_information("commit xid %s", xid->xid_to_str(buf));
    42 #endif
    43           hton->commit_by_xid(hton, info->list + i);
    44         }
    45         else
    46         {
    47 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
    48           char buf[XIDDATASIZE * 4 + 6]; // see xid_to_str
    49           XID *xid= info->list + i;
    50           sql_print_information("rollback xid %s", xid->xid_to_str(buf));
    51 #endif
    52           hton->rollback_by_xid(hton, info->list + i);
    53         }
    54       }
    55       if (got < info->len)
    56         break;
    57     }
    58   }
    59   return false;
    60 }
    View Code

    hton->recover(hton, info->list, info->len)是个函数指针


    1 nnobase_hton->recover = innobase_xa_recover
    View Code


     1 static
     2 int
     3 innobase_xa_recover(
     4 /*================*/
     5     handlerton*    hton,    /*!< in: InnoDB handlerton */
     6     XID*        xid_list,/*!< in/out: prepared transactions */
     7     uint        len)    /*!< in: number of slots in xid_list */
     8 {
     9     return(trx_recover_for_mysql(xid_list, len));
    10 }
    12 int
    13 trx_recover_for_mysql(
    14 /*==================*/
    15     XID*    xid_list,    /*!< in/out: prepared transactions */
    16     ulint    len)        /*!< in: number of slots in xid_list */
    17 {
    18     const trx_t*    trx;
    19     ulint        count = 0;
    21     ut_ad(xid_list);
    22     ut_ad(len);
    24     /* We should set those transactions which are in the prepared state
    25     to the xid_list */
    27     trx_sys_mutex_enter();
    29     for (trx = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx_sys->rw_trx_list);
    30          trx != NULL;
    31          trx = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_list, trx)) {
    33         assert_trx_in_rw_list(trx);
    35         /* The state of a read-write transaction cannot change
    36         from or to NOT_STARTED while we are holding the
    37         trx_sys->mutex. It may change to PREPARED, but not if
    38         trx->is_recovered. It may also change to COMMITTED. */
    39         if (trx_state_eq(trx, TRX_STATE_PREPARED)) {
    40             xid_list[count] = *trx->xid;
    42             if (count == 0) {
    43                 ib::info() << "Starting recovery for"
    44                     " XA transactions...";
    45             }
    47             ib::info() << "Transaction "
    48                 << trx_get_id_for_print(trx)
    49                 << " in prepared state after recovery";
    51             ib::info() << "Transaction contains changes to "
    52                 << trx->undo_no << " rows";
    54             count++;
    56             if (count == len) {
    57                 break;
    58             }
    59         }
    60     }
    62     trx_sys_mutex_exit();
    64     if (count > 0){
    65         ib::info() << count << " transactions in prepared state"
    66             " after recovery";
    67     }
    69     return(int (count));
    70 }
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/onlyac/p/5777316.html
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