• bzoj3488: [ONTAK2010]Highways


    3488: [ONTAK2010]Highways

    Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
    Submit: 157  Solved: 23


    Byteland is a small country, with cities connected by N-1 bidirectional roads. From each city there is just one way of reaching every other city using the road network, which causes severe traffic jams. For this reason several highways have been built; each highway connects some pair of cities. 
    By a route we mean a sequence of roads and/or highways. All cities on a route should be distinct. For each pair of cities x,y there exists exactly one route which does not use any highway; we call such a route the main route between x and y . 
    People going from a city x to a city y can either choose the main route or use some highway. In the latter case the route cannot intersect the main route except for the cities x and  y and must contain exactly one highway. 
    Your task is to calculate the number of routes people can take between given pairs of cities. 



    The first line of input contains a single integer N(1<=N<=100000) - the number of cities in Byteland. Cities are numbered from 1 to n . Each of the next N -1 lines contains two integers Ai, Bi(1<=Ai,Bi<=N) meaning that cities Ai and Biare connected by a road. 
    The next line contains an integer M(1<=M<=100000) - the number of highways. Each of the next m lines contains a description of a single highway. The next line contains an integer Q (1<=Q<=500000) - the number of queries. Each of the next Q lines contains a description of a query. Both highways and queries are given in the same format as the roads. 


    Your program should output exactly Q lines. The i-th line should contain the number of routes in the i-th query. 

    Sample Input

    1 2
    2 3
    4 2
    1 5
    5 6
    7 5
    7 8
    9 7
    2 5
    3 4
    6 4
    8 3
    4 9
    2 5
    1 6
    1 7

    Sample Output

      1 {$S-}{$I-}{$R-}{$V-}
      2 program j01;
      3 const maxn=100086;maxq=500086;
      4 var head,root:array[0..maxn]of longint;
      5     q,next:array[0..2*maxn]of longint;
      6     q2,next2,id:array[0..maxq]of longint;
      7     head2:array[0..maxn]of longint;
      8     l,r:array[0..40*maxn]of longint;
      9     sum:array[0..40*maxn]of int64;
     10     fir,ed:array[0..maxn]of longint;
     11     ans:array[0..maxq]of int64;
     12     n,m,qu,tt,t2,u,v,i,j,tot,cnt,ll,rr:longint;
     13     fa:array[0..maxn,0..20]of longint;
     14     dep:array[0..maxn]of longint;
     15     dfn:array[0..maxn]of longint;
     16     bin:array[0..maxn]of longint;
     18 procedure swap(var a,b:longint);inline;
     19 var c:longint;
     20 begin
     21   c:=a;a:=b;b:=c;
     22 end;
     24 procedure add(const u,v:longint);inline;
     25 begin
     26   inc(tt);q[tt]:=v;next[tt]:=head[u];head[u]:=tt;
     27 end;
     29 procedure dfs(i,pre:longint);
     30 var j:longint;
     31 begin
     32   for j:=1 to bin[dep[i]] do
     33     fa[i,j]:=fa[fa[i,j-1],j-1];
     34   inc(tot);fir[i]:=tot;
     35   dfn[tot]:=i;
     36   j:=head[i];
     37   while j>0 do
     38   begin
     39     if q[j]<>pre then
     40     begin
     41       dep[q[j]]:=dep[i]+1;fa[q[j],0]:=i;
     42       dfs(q[j],i);
     43     end;
     44     j:=next[j];
     45   end;
     46   ed[i]:=tot;
     47 end;
     49 procedure ins(var i:longint;ll,rr,ps:Longint);
     50 var mid:longint;
     51 begin
     52   if i=0 then
     53   begin
     54     inc(cnt);i:=cnt;
     55   end;
     56   inc(sum[i]);mid:=(ll+rr)div 2;
     57   if ll=rr then exit;
     58   if ps<=mid then ins(l[i],ll,mid,ps) else ins(r[i],mid+1,rr,ps);
     59 end;
     61 procedure add2(const u,v,i:longint);inline;
     62 begin
     63   inc(t2);q2[t2]:=v;next2[t2]:=head2[u];id[t2]:=i;head2[u]:=t2;
     64 end;
     66 function merge(x,y:longint):longint;
     67 begin
     68   if(x=0)or(y=0)then exit(x+y);
     69   sum[x]:=sum[x]+sum[y];
     70   l[x]:=merge(l[x],l[y]);
     71   r[x]:=merge(r[x],r[y]);
     72   exit(x);
     73 end;
     75 function ask(i,lt,rt:longint):int64;
     76 var mid:longint;
     77 begin
     78   if(ll<=lt)and(rt<=rr) then exit(sum[i]);
     79   mid:=(lt+rt)div 2;ask:=0;
     80   if ll<=mid then ask:=ask(l[i],lt,mid);
     81   if mid+1<=rr then ask:=ask+ask(r[i],mid+1,rt);
     82 end;
     84 function find(const i,d:longint):longint;inline;
     85 var j,x:longint;
     86 begin
     87   x:=i;
     88   if d=0 then exit(i);
     89   for j:=bin[d] downto 0 do
     90     if d and(1 shl j)>0 then x:=fa[x,j];
     91   exit(x);
     92 end;
     94 procedure work;
     95 var i,j,k,x:longint;
     96 begin
     97   for x:=tot downto 1 do
     98   begin
     99     i:=dfn[x];
    100     j:=head2[i];
    101     while j>0 do
    102     begin
    103       if (fir[i]<=ed[q2[j]])and(fir[i]>=fir[q2[j]]) then
    104       begin
    105         k:=find(i,dep[i]-dep[q2[j]]-1);
    106         ll:=fir[k];rr:=ed[k];
    107         ans[id[j]]:=sum[root[i]]-ask(root[i],1,n);
    108       end else
    109       begin
    110         ll:=fir[q2[j]];rr:=ed[q2[j]];
    111         ans[id[j]]:=ask(root[i],1,n);
    112       end;
    113       j:=next2[j];
    114     end;
    115     if x<>1 then root[fa[i,0]]:=merge(root[fa[i,0]],root[i]);
    116   end;
    117 end;
    119 begin
    120   readln(n);
    121   bin[1]:=0;
    122   for i:=2 to n do
    123     if i and(i-1)=0 then bin[i]:=bin[i-1]+1 else bin[i]:=bin[i-1];
    124   fillchar(head,sizeof(head),0);tt:=0;
    125   for i:=1 to n-1 do
    126   begin
    127     readln(u,v);
    128     add(u,v);add(v,u);
    129   end;
    130   tot:=0;dfs(1,0);
    131   readln(m);cnt:=0;
    132   for i:=1 to m do
    133   begin
    134     readln(u,v);
    135     ins(root[u],1,n,fir[v]);ins(root[v],1,n,fir[u]);
    136   end;
    137   readln(qu);
    138   fillchar(head2,sizeof(head2),0);t2:=0;
    139   for i:=1 to qu do
    140   begin
    141     readln(u,v);
    142     if(fir[u]<=fir[v])and(fir[v]<=ed[u])then swap(u,v);
    143     add2(u,v,i);
    144   end;
    145   work;
    146   for i:=1 to qu do
    147   begin
    148     writeln(ans[i]+1);
    149   end;
    150 end.
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    IndentationError:expected an indented block错误解决
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oldjang/p/6591572.html
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