this week, read a book named "The Art and Science of Java" , so far ,the following chapter have been finished:
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Programming by Example
- Chapter 3 Expressions
- Chapter 4 Statement Forms
Chapter 1 Introduction
include 7 small sections, all about the concepts you may be known in program ,maily include: history of computing, What is computer science? An overview of computer hardware, Algorithms,Stages in the programming process, Java and the object-oriented paradigm,Java and the World Wide Web.
Chapter 2 Programming by Example
we know that it’s important for us to get a feel for what programming is before we master its intricacies, this chapter begins by presenting a few simple programs in their entirety.When we look at these programs, try to understand what is happening in them generally without being concerned about details just yet.(especially Classes and objects )
Chapter 3 Expressions
In this chapter, you have had the opportunity to learn about expressions in Java programs and how they work. Important points introduced in the chapter include:
1. Primitive data types ( byte ,short ,int ,long,double,float,char,boolean)
2. Constants and variables
3. Operators and operands
4. Assignment statements
5. Programming idioms and patterns
Chapter 4 Statement Forms
In this chapter, you were able to investigate how those statements work in more detail. The important points introduced in this chapter include:
1. simple statement
2. Boolean data (contains only two values—true and false—being able to use Boolean data effectively is extremely important to successful programming and is well worth a little extra practice.)
3. Control statement (Control statements in Java fall into two basic classes:Conditionals & Iteration .In Java, there are two conditional statement forms: the if statement and the switch statement. InJava, the control statements used as the basis for iteration are the while statement and the for statement.)