• 发挥到极致的Asterisk SS7 解决方案【转】


      基于SS7的开源解决方案在国内已经安装了很多。很多用户都使用chan_ss7 开源协议栈作为呼叫中心,400电话,计费结算的系统。随着国内对开源Asterisk的认可程度越来越高。

      Asterisk让我们中小型软件公司站在了巨人肩上,你可以拥有昂贵的SS7/ISDN通信设备,而且我们有机会搭建自己的企业IPPBX/呼叫中心。大胆测试,小心实施。Sangoma 16E1+chan_SS7+Asterisk 发挥到极致的Asterisk SS7 解决方案。为什么是极致: 板卡价格到最低极致,Asterisk性能发挥到极致,chan_SS7 的中国 ISUP STP 的极致,外加一个DELL 二手服务器。 — james.zhu

      以前,在openvox任职时帮助客户安装最大12E1,最近几年来连续几个客户安装了Sangoma 16E1 ISDN或者SS7。因为以前积累的很多问题没有汇总,并且因为版本的不同,具体的问题也有所不同。今天,我主要介绍如何在chan_ss7,asterisk 环境下,安装使用Sangoma 16E1 板卡,然后介绍一下系统状态命令,最后介绍chan_ss7 的几个基本要点。注意,在本案例中,用户使用的准直联的方式,使用通道1走信令,而不是默认的通道16. 下面将逐一介绍:

    • 了解Sangoma 16E1

    Sangoma 16E1 数字语音卡支持16 E1 端口:



    • 安装前的系统环境准备
    • 用户在安装之前,必须安装必要的支持包,通过安装命令执行安装 
    yum -y install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)         libtool* make gcc patch perl bison gcc-c++ ncurses-devel flex libtermcap-devel autoconf*       automake* autoconf  openssl openssl-devel  zlib zlib-devel newt newt-devel 

    注意,用户必须完整安装以上所有支持包,否则可能出现安装失败等等原因。以上命令在Centos 环境下执行。

    • 下载必要的软件包

    在/usr/src 路径下,下载 sangoma 驱动 wanpipe:wget ftp://ftp.sangoma.com/linux/current_wanpipe/wanpipe-7.0.5.tgz

    在 /usr/src 路径下,下载 dahdi 驱动:

    wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/dahdi-linux-complete/releases/dahdi-linux-complete-

    在 /usr/src 路径下,下载asterisk

    wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/old-releases/asterisk-1.4.44.tar.gz

    下载 chan_ss7 

    • 分别解压以上压缩文件到 /usr/src 目录下,然后分别执行编译安装

    在dahdi-linux-complete- 目录下,执行命令:


    make install

    make configure

    在 asterisk-1.4.44 目录下,执行命令:



    make install

    make samples

    在 chan_ss7 目录下,执行命令,编辑makefile 文件,添加dahdi,asterisk 编译路径

    INCLUDE+=-I /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-

    INCLUDE+=-I /usr/src/asterisk-1.4.44

    然后保存makefile, 执行以下命令编译chan_ss7


    make install

    cp chan_ss7.so /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/

    cp ss7.conf  /etc/asterisk


    在 wanpipe-7.0.5 目录下,执行安装命令:



    WANPIPE v7.0.5 Installation Script
    Copyright (c) 1995-2013, Sangoma Technologies Inc.
    Installing WANPIPE Device Drivers: Linux KERNEL

    To integrate WANPIPE Multi-Protocol Voice & WAN Router
    modules into the Linux kernel, the kernel has to be
    updated with latest wanpipe sources. Install will only
    modify existing wanpipe source that is already in the

    It is always recommended to say YES to all options
    prompted during the install!

    WANPIPE v7.0.5 Installation Script
    Copyright (c) 1995-2013, Sangoma Technologies Inc.
    Please specify absolute path name of your linux headers/source directory

    Press Enter for Default: /lib/modules/2.6.18-308.el5/build

    Setting linux directory to /lib/modules/2.6.18-308.el5/build

    Upgrading WANPIPE kernel documentation …Done.

    Installing WANPIPE include headers …Done.

    WANPIPE device drivers upgraded successfully!

    Press [Enter] to continue…
    WANPIPE v7.0.5 Installation Script
    Copyright (c) 1995-2013, Sangoma Technologies Inc.


    The next step in WANPIPE installation involves compiling
    WANPIPE kernel modules.

    This script will compile and install WANPIPE modules
    into the currently running linux kernel.

    For greater customization you will be prompted to
    select which Protocol/Drivers you would like to
    build into the WANPIPE kernel modules.

    Wanpipe for Asterisk/Dahdi/Zaptel
    Default for Asterisk/Dahdi/Zaptel
    Wanpipe for Wan Routing/API
    Default for Wan/IP Routing and Data API
    Wanpipe for Asterisk SMG/SS7
    Default for Asterisk SS7
    Wanpipe for TDM API
    Default for FreeSwitch and Voice API

    Custom Compilation:
    Customise WANPIPE driver compilation to add only the
    protocols that you need. This way one can reduce
    the size of the WANPIPE kernel drivers.

    Refer to http://wiki.sangoma.com for more info

    grep: /lib/modules/2.6.18-308.el5/build/include/include/autoconf.h: No such file or directory
    grep: /lib/modules/2.6.18-308.el5/build/include/include/autoconf.h: No such file or directory
    WANPIPE v7.0.5 Installation Script
    Copyright (c) 1995-2013, Sangoma Technologies Inc.
    Please Select Compilation Mode

    1. WAN Protocols Support
    Protocols: Frame Relay, CHDLC, PPP, ATM, X25, ADSL, TDM API
    Default for: Wan Routing, Data & Voice API devel.

    2. Asterisk/Dahdi Support
    Asterisk protocols: libpri (PRI,BRI), Analog (FXO/FXS), libss7 (SS7)
    Default for: Asterisk

    3. Asterisk/Dahdi + WAN Protocol Support

    4. TDM API (libsangoma)
    Protocols: TDM API (libsangoma) on AFT adapters:
    Default for: FreeSWITCH, Yate, Sunrise
    Custom voice development

    5. Custom Compilation Mode
    Specify protocols to be added into the WANPIPE
    kernel drivers.

    6. Deprecated: SMG (BRI) (Asterisk SMG/BRI [Use Asterisk/Dahdi option 2 instead])

    7. Deprecated: SMG (BRI) + Asterisk/Dahdi [Use Asterisk/Dahdi option 2 instead]
    Please select (1-7) [Default: 1]: 2

    Looking for zaptel/dahdi directory in /usr/src …
    1 : /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-
    m : Enter zaptel path manually

    (ctrl-c to Exit)

    Please select working zaptel directory [1-1][m]: 1

    Enabling the TDM Voice Asterisk Support

    Dahdi HW HDLC Support Detected: Enabling DCHAN Feature
    Native Dahdi HW HDLC Support Detected – No patch required
    Dahdi source unmodified

    Checking for UDEV Zaptel compatibility… Dahdi installed, no need to add UDEV rules
    Enabling the AFT TE1 Support

    Checking for SMP support …Enabled.

    Checking current processor type …x86_64

    Checking fo regparm: Disabled
    CFLAGS: gcc -Wp,-MD,.wanpipe.o.d -nostdinc -iwithprefix include -D__LINUX__ -Dlinux -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/include/wanpipe -I/lib/modules/2.6.18-308.el5/build/include -DMODULE -DAF_WANPIPE_2612_FORCE_UPDATE -DWANPIPE_MOD_266_FORCE_UPDATE -Wall -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fwrapv -Os -mtune=generic -m64 -mno-red-zone -mcmodel=kernel -pipe -fno-reorder-blocks -Wno-sign-compare -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -funit-at-a-time -mno-sse -mno-mmx -mno-sse2 -mno-3dnow -fomit-frame-pointer -g -fno-stack-protector -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wno-pointer-sign -D__KERNEL__ -Iinclude -include include/linux/autoconf.h

    Compiling General WANPIPE Driver for 2.6.X Kernel …..Done.
    WAN HWEC module enabled and compiled!
    Linking Wanpipe Driver and protocols …Done.

    Updating Kernel Modules …Done.

    Visually Confirm that driver compilation was successful! (y/n) y
    Compilation Successful.
    WANPIPE v7.0.5 Installation Script
    Copyright (c) 1995-2013, Sangoma Technologies Inc.


    There are two configuration files associated with WANPIPE.

    1) /usr/src/wanpipe-7.0.5/wanrouter.rc:
    - defines locations of important files such as lock
    and configuration files as well as start/stop
    order of multiple WANPIPE devices.
    2) /usr/src/wanpipe-7.0.5/wanpipe1.conf:
    - main configuration file for each WANPIPE device.
    - defines interfaces, hardware and protocol information.
    - this file can be created using the ‘wancfg’ GUI
    utility or manually based on sample files located
    in /etc/wanpipe/samples.

    Please read the WanpipeInstallation.(pdf/txt) manual for further

    Press [Enter] to continue…

    Please specify a desired location for WANPIPE configuration files.

    (Press Enter for Default: /etc/wanpipe)

    Please specify a desired location for WANPIPE interface files.

    (Press Enter for Default: /etc/wanpipe/interfaces)

    Please specify a location for WANPIPE binary, firmware files.

    (Press Enter for Default: /etc/wanpipe/firmware)

    WANPIPE v7.0.5 Installation Script
    Copyright (c) 1995-2013, Sangoma Technologies Inc.


    WANPIPE utilities are used to:
    1) create configuration files: for Zaptel and Asterisk
    /usr/sbin/wancfg_dahdi#Dahdi and Asterisk
    /usr/sbin/wancfg_zaptel#Zaptel and Asterisk
    /usr/sbin/wancfg_smg#BRI/SS7, Dahdi/Zaptel and Asterisk
    /usr/sbin/wancfg_tdmapi#TDM API
    2) create WANPIPE WAN/IP configuration files.
    3) start,stop,restart individual/all devices and interfaces.
    4) debug line, protocol and driver problems.
    5) aid in WANPIPE API development

    Refer to the WanpipeInstallation.(pdf/txt) for more information.

    Press [Enter] to continue…
    Compiling WANPIPE LibSangoma API library …Done.
    Compiling WANPIPE LibStelephony API library …Done.

    Compiling WANPIPE Utilities …Done.

    Compiling WANPIPE WanCfg Utility …Done.
    Compiling WANPIPE LibStelephony API Library … skipped, not required.
    Compiling WANPIPE API Development Utilities … skipped, not required.
    Compiling WANPIPE HWEC Utilities …Done.
    WANPIPE Environment Setup Complete !!!

    Press [Enter] to continue…
    Installing WANPIPE Files … !
    Installing WANPIPE Utilities in /usr/sbin
    Installing wanrouter.rc in /etc/wanpipe
    Installing wanpipe libraries in /etc/wanpipe
    Installing firmware in /etc/wanpipe/firmware
    Installing documentation in /usr/share/doc/wanpipe
    cp: omitting directory `doc/man’
    Installing sample api code in /etc/wanpipe/api
    Installing AFT Firmware update utility in /etc/wanpipe/util
    Installing driver headers in /etc/wanpipe/api/include/linux
    Installing Hardware Echo Cancel Utilites
    Press [Enter] to continue…
    WANPIPE v7.0.5 Installation Script
    Copyright (c) 1995-2013, Sangoma Technologies Inc.

    Your system uses System V -style initialization scripts. You have an option
    to add router start-up script to those scripts so that the router will start
    automatically when system enters multi-user mode and shut down when it enters
    single-user mode or when it is halted.

    i.e. By selecting this option WANPIPE will startup on system bootup and
    stop on system shutdown.

    Would you like to install WANPIPE start-up scripts? (y/n) y

    # Sangoma Wanpipe #
    # Dahdi/Zaptel/SMG/TDMAPI/BOOT Configuration Script #
    # v2.39 #
    # Sangoma Technologies Inc. #
    # Copyright(c) 2013. #

    Current boot level is 3

    Wanrouter boot scripts configuration…

    Removing existing wanrouter boot scripts…OK
    Verifying Zaptel boot scripts…
    Enabling wanrouter boot scripts …(level:8)
    Enabling wanrouter shutdown scripts …(level:91)
    WANPIPE v7.0.5 Installation Script
    Copyright (c) 1995-2013, Sangoma Technologies Inc.


    WANPIPE installation is now complete. WANPIPE kernel drivers
    and configuration/debug utilities have been compiled and installed.

    1) Proceed to configure the WANPIPE drivers:
    Asterisk/Dahdi : /usr/sbin/wancfg_dahdi
    Asterisk/Zaptel : /usr/sbin/wancfg_zaptel
    TDM API : /usr/sbin/wancfg_tdmapi
    SMG SS7/BRI/PRI : /usr/sbin/wancfg_smg
    WAN Routing/API : /usr/sbin/wancfg
    2) Use the /usr/sbin/wanrouter startup script to start and stop
    the router. (eg: wanrouter start)
    3) To uninstall WANPIPE package run ./Setup remove

    Please read http://wiki.sangoma.com for further instructions.
    Wanpipe / Zaptel Configuration

    wancfg_zaptel configurator can create all wanpipe config files
    for ZAPTEL including /etc/zaptel.conf file.
    Optionally: the configurator can also create Asterisk zapata.conf
    Would you like to configure wanpipe devices for DAHDI? (y/n) y

    # Sangoma Wanpipe #
    # Dahdi/Zaptel/SMG/TDMAPI/BOOT Configuration Script #
    # v2.39 #
    # Sangoma Technologies Inc. #
    # Copyright(c) 2013. #

    Would you like to generate /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
    1. YES
    2. NO

    Configuring T1/E1 cards [A101/A102/A104/A108/A116/T116]
    A116 detected on slot:4 bus:20

    Configuring port 1 on A116 slot:4 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 1 [slot:4 bus:20 span:1] // 开始安装第一个端口
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit

    Configuring port 1 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:CRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:2

    Select line coding for port 1 on 116
    1. HDB3
    2. AMI
    [1-2, ENTER='HDB3']:1

    Select framing for port 1 on 116
    1. CRC4
    2. NCRC4
    [1-3, ENTER='CRC4']:2

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 1 [slot:4 bus:20 span:1]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 1 [slot:4 bus:20 span:1]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 1
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    Configuring port 1 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 1
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    Port 1 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 2 on A116 slot:4 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 2 [slot:4 bus:20 span:2]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 2 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 2 [slot:4 bus:20 span:2]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 2 [slot:4 bus:20 span:2]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 2
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 2 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 2
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 2 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 3 on A116 slot:4 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 3 [slot:4 bus:20 span:3]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 3 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 3 [slot:4 bus:20 span:3]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 3 [slot:4 bus:20 span:3]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 3
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 3 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 3
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 3 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 4 on A116 slot:4 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 4 [slot:4 bus:20 span:4]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 4 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 4 [slot:4 bus:20 span:4]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 4 [slot:4 bus:20 span:4]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 4
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 4 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 4
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 4 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 5 on A116 slot:4 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 5 [slot:4 bus:20 span:5]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 5 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 5 [slot:4 bus:20 span:5]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 5 [slot:4 bus:20 span:5]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 5
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5

    Configuring port 5 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 5
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 5 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 6 on A116 slot:4 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 6 [slot:4 bus:20 span:6]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 6 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 6 [slot:4 bus:20 span:6]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 6 [slot:4 bus:20 span:6]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 6
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 6 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 6
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 6 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 7 on A116 slot:4 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 7 [slot:4 bus:20 span:7]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 7 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 7 [slot:4 bus:20 span:7]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 7 [slot:4 bus:20 span:7]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 7
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 7 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 7
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 7 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 8 on A116 slot:4 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 8 [slot:4 bus:20 span:8]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 8 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 8 [slot:4 bus:20 span:8]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 8 [slot:4 bus:20 span:8]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 8
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 8 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 8
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 8 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:
    A116 detected on slot:5 bus:20

    Configuring port 1 on A116 slot:5 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 1 [slot:5 bus:20 span:9]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 1 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 1 [slot:5 bus:20 span:9]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 1 [slot:5 bus:20 span:9]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 1
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 1 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 1
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 1 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 2 on A116 slot:5 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 2 [slot:5 bus:20 span:10]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 2 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 2 [slot:5 bus:20 span:10]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 2 [slot:5 bus:20 span:10]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 2
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 2 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 2
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 2 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 3 on A116 slot:5 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 3 [slot:5 bus:20 span:11]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 3 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 3 [slot:5 bus:20 span:11]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 3 [slot:5 bus:20 span:11]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 3
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 3 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 3
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 3 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 4 on A116 slot:5 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 4 [slot:5 bus:20 span:12]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 4 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 4 [slot:5 bus:20 span:12]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 4 [slot:5 bus:20 span:12]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 4
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 4 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 4
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 4 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 5 on A116 slot:5 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 5 [slot:5 bus:20 span:13]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 5 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 5 [slot:5 bus:20 span:13]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 5 [slot:5 bus:20 span:13]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 5
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 5 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 5
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 5 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 6 on A116 slot:5 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 6 [slot:5 bus:20 span:14]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 6 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 6 [slot:5 bus:20 span:14]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 6 [slot:5 bus:20 span:14]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 6
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 6 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 6
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 6 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 7 on A116 slot:5 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 7 [slot:5 bus:20 span:15]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 7 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 7 [slot:5 bus:20 span:15]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 7 [slot:5 bus:20 span:15]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 7
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 7 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 7
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 7 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:

    Configuring port 8 on A116 slot:5 bus:20.

    Select media type for AFT-A116 on port 8 [slot:5 bus:20 span:16]
    1. T1
    2. E1
    3. Unused
    4. Exit
    [1-4, ENTER='E1']:2

    Configuring port 8 on AFT-A116 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:NCRC4
    1. YES – Keep these settings
    2. NO – Configure line coding and framing
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select clock for AFT-116 on port 8 [slot:5 bus:20 span:16]
    1. NORMAL
    2. MASTER
    [1-2, ENTER='NORMAL']:1

    Select signalling type for AFT-116 on port 8 [slot:5 bus:20 span:16]
    1. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI CPE
    2. Zaptel/Dahdi – PRI NET
    3. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M
    4. Zaptel/Dahdi – E & M Wink
    5. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Loop Start
    6. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Ground Start
    7. Zaptel/Dahdi – FXS – Kewl Start
    8. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Loop Start
    9. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Ground Start
    10. Zaptel/Dahdi – FX0 – Kewl Start
    11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
    12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET
    [1-12, ENTER='Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE']:1

    Select switchtype for AFT-116 on port 8
    1. National ISDN 2
    2. Nortel DMS100
    3. AT&T 4ESS
    4. Lucent 5ESS
    5. EuroISDN
    6. Old National ISDN 1
    7. Q.SIG
    [1-7, ENTER='EuroISDN']:5
    Configuring port 8 on AFT-116 as a full E1
    1. YES – Use all channels
    2. NO – Configure for fractional
    [1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

    Select dialplan context for AFT-116 on port 8
    1. from-pstn
    2. from-internal
    3. Custom
    [1-3, ENTER='from-pstn']:1
    Port 8 on AFT-A116 configuration complete…
    Press any key to continue:  // 完成第16口配置

    T1/E1 card configuration complete.
    Press any key to continue:
    Configuring ISDN BRI cards [A500/B500/B700]

    No Sangoma ISDN BRI cards detected

    Press any key to continue:
    Configuring GSM cards [W400]

    No Sangoma GSM cards detected

    Press any key to continue:
    Configuring analog cards [A200/A400/B600/B610/B700/B800]
    Configuring USB devices [U100]

    # SUMMARY #

    16 T1/E1 port(s) detected, 16 configured
    0 ISDN BRI port(s) detected, 0 configured
    0 analog card(s) detected, 0 configured
    0 GSM card(s) detected, 0 configured
    0 usb device(s) detected, 0 configured

    Configurator will create the following files:
    1. Wanpipe config files in /etc/wanpipe
    2. Dahdi config file /etc/dahdi/system.conf
    3. chan_dahdi config file /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
    Your original configuration files will be saved to:
    1. /etc/dahdi/system.conf.bak
    2. /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf.bak
    Your configuration has been saved in /etc/wanpipe/debug-2013-09-13.tgz.
    When requesting support, email this file to techdesk@sangoma.com

    Configuration Complete! Please select following:
    1. YES – Continue
    2. NO – Exit
    Dahdi and Wanpipe configuration complete: choose action
    1. Save cfg: Restart Asterisk & Wanpipe now
    2. Save cfg: Restart Asterisk & Wanpipe when convenient
    3. Save cfg: Stop Asterisk & Wanpipe now
    4. Save cfg: Stop Asterisk & Wanpipe when convenient
    5. Save cfg: Save cfg only (Not Recommended!!!)
    6. Do not save cfg: Exit
    Asterisk is not running…

    Stopping Wanpipe…
    Unloading Dahdi modules…

    Removing old configuration files…

    Copying new Wanpipe configuration files…

    Copying new Dahdi configuration file (/etc/dahdi/system.conf)…

    Copying new chan_dahdi configuration files (/etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf)…

    Wanrouter start complete…
    Current boot level is 3

    Wanrouter boot scripts configuration…

    Removing existing wanrouter boot scripts…OK
    Would you like wanrouter to start on system boot?
    1. YES
    2. NO

    Verifying Dahdi boot scripts…
    Verifying Dahdi boot scripts…Enabled (level:26)
    Verifying Dahdi shutdown scripts…Enabled (level:74)
    Enabling wanrouter boot scripts …(level:25)
    Enabling wanrouter shutdown scripts …(level:73)

    Would you like to execute ‘dahdi_cfg’ each time wanrouter starts?
    1. YES
    2. NO

    Removing old smg_ctrl boot…..OK
    Removing old smg_ctrl_safe boot…..OK
    Sangoma cards configuration complete, exiting…



    •  配置system.conf  modules.conf  ss7.conf 文件

    system.conf 文件配置如下:

    #autogenerated by /usr/sbin/wancfg_dahdi do not hand edit

    #autogenrated on 2013-09-13
    #Dahdi Channels Configurations
    #For detailed Dahdi options, view /etc/dahdi/system.conf.bak

    #Sangoma A116 port 1 [slot:4 bus:20 span:1] 
    bchan=1   // 这里配置的是指定信令通道走语音通道1,而不是通道16走信令

    #Sangoma A116 port 2 [slot:4 bus:20 span:2] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 3 [slot:4 bus:20 span:3] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 4 [slot:4 bus:20 span:4] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 5 [slot:4 bus:20 span:5] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 6 [slot:4 bus:20 span:6] 

    “/etc/dahdi/system.conf” 106L, 2434C
    #Sangoma A116 port 7 [slot:4 bus:20 span:7] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 8 [slot:4 bus:20 span:8] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 1 [slot:5 bus:20 span:9] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 2 [slot:5 bus:20 span:10] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 3 [slot:5 bus:20 span:11] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 4 [slot:5 bus:20 span:12] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 5 [slot:5 bus:20 span:13] 
    #Sangoma A116 port 6 [slot:5 bus:20 span:14] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 7 [slot:5 bus:20 span:15] 

    #Sangoma A116 port 8 [slot:5 bus:20 span:16] 

    • modules.conf 文件,禁止加载chan_dahdi.so 文件
    • ss7.conf 文件

    enabled => yes
    enable_st => no
    use_connect => no
    hunting_policy => even_mru
    ;hunting_policy => seq_lth
    context => ss7
    language => en
    t35 => 15000,timeout
    subservice => auto
    variant => CHINA  // 支持中国ISUP
    ;grs => no

    linkset => siuc
    channels =>
    schannel => 1  // 通道1 走信令,配合 system.conf 中的配置
    firstcic => 33
    stp => 0x13XXXX  // STP 信令点配置准直联 方式
    sls => 1
    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 33
    enabled => yes

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 65
    enabled => yes
    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 97
    enabled => no

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 129
    enabled => yes

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 161
    enabled => yes

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 193
    enabled => yes

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 225
    enabled => yes

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 257
    enabled => yes

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 289
    enabled => no

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 321
    enabled => no

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 353
    enabled => no

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 385
    enabled => no

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 417
    enabled => yes

    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 449
    enabled => yes
    linkset => siuc
    channels => 1-31
    schannel =>
    firstcic => 481
    enabled => yes
    enabled => yes
    opc => 0x13XXXX
    dpc => siuc:0x13XXXX
    links => l1:1,l2:2,l3:3,l4:4,l5:5,l6:6,l7:7,l8:8,l9:9,l10:10,l11:11,l12:12,l13:13,l14:14,l15:15,l16:16
    ;links => l1:1
    ;globaltitle => 0×00, 0×04, 0×01, 4546931411
    ;ssn => 7
    ;route => 919820405471:ra_geb, 919820367598:ra_geb, 919820706441:ra_geb, :ra_geb

    • 配置完成以后,检测端口状态:
    • 检查A116 数字卡 物理连接状态:

    [root@localhost ~]# wanrouter status

    Devices currently active:
    wanpipe1 wanpipe10 wanpipe11 wanpipe12 wanpipe13 wanpipe14 wanpipe15 wanpipe16 wanpipe2 wanpipe3 wanpipe4 wanpipe5 wanpipe6 wanpipe7 wanpipe8 wanpipe9
    Wanpipe Config:

    Device name | Protocol Map | Adapter | IRQ | Slot/IO | If’s | CLK | Baud rate |
    wanpipe16 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 177 | 5 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe15 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 177 | 5 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe14 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 177 | 5 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe13 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 177 | 5 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe12 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 177 | 5 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe11 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 177 | 5 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe10 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 177 | 5 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe9 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 177 | 5 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe8 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 169 | 4 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe7 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 169 | 4 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe6 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 169 | 4 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe5 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 169 | 4 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe4 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 169 | 4 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe3 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 169 | 4 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe2 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 169 | 4 | 1 | N/A | 0 |
    wanpipe1 | N/A | A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D| 169 | 4 | 1 | N/A | 0 |

    Wanrouter Status:

    Device name | Protocol | Station | Status |
    wanpipe16 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe15 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe14 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe13 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Disconnected |
    wanpipe12 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Disconnected |
    wanpipe11 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Disconnected |
    wanpipe10 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Disconnected |
    wanpipe9 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe8 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe7 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe6 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe5 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe4 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Disconnected |
    wanpipe3 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe2 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |
    wanpipe1 | AFT TE1 | N/A | Connected |


    • 检测 SS7 状态:

    在Asterisk CLI, 执行 命令: ss7 linestat


    Linkset: siuc   
    CIC 33 Idle   // 电路空闲状态
    CIC 34 Idle
    CIC 35 Idle
    CIC 36 Idle
    CIC 37 Idle
    CIC 38 Idle
    CIC 39 Idle
    CIC 40 Idle
    CIC 41 Idle
    CIC 42 Idle
    CIC 43 Idle
    CIC 44 Idle
    CIC 45 Idle
    CIC 46 Idle
    CIC 47 Idle
    CIC 48 Idle
    CIC 49 Idle
    CIC 50 Idle
    CIC 51 Idle
    CIC 52 Idle
    CIC 53 Idle
    CIC 54 Idle
    CIC 55 Idle
    CIC 56 Idle
    CIC 57 Idle
    CIC 58 Idle
    CIC 59 Idle
    CIC 60 Idle
    CIC 61 Idle
    CIC 62 Idle
    CIC 63 Idle
    CIC 65 Idle
    CIC 66 Idle
    CIC 67 Idle
    CIC 68 Idle
    CIC 69 Idle
    CIC 70 Idle
    CIC 71 Idle
    CIC 72 Idle
    CIC 73 Idle
    CIC 74 Idle
    CIC 75 Idle
    CIC 76 Idle
    CIC 77 Idle
    CIC 78 Idle
    CIC 79 Idle
    CIC 80 Idle
    CIC 81 Idle
    CIC 82 Idle
    CIC 83 Idle
    CIC 84 Idle
    CIC 85 Idle
    CIC 86 Idle
    CIC 87 Idle
    CIC 88 Idle
    CIC 89 Idle
    CIC 90 Idle
    CIC 91 Idle
    CIC 92 Idle
    CIC 93 Idle
    CIC 94 Idle
    CIC 95 Idle
    CIC 129 Idle
    CIC 130 Idle
    CIC 131 Idle
    CIC 132 Idle
    CIC 133 Idle
    CIC 134 Idle
    CIC 135 Idle
    CIC 136 Idle
    CIC 137 Idle
    CIC 138 Idle
    CIC 139 Idle
    CIC 140 Idle
    CIC 141 Idle
    CIC 142 Idle
    CIC 143 Idle
    CIC 144 Idle
    CIC 145 Idle
    CIC 146 Idle
    CIC 147 Idle
    CIC 148 Idle
    CIC 149 Idle
    CIC 150 Idle
    CIC 151 Idle
    CIC 152 Idle
    CIC 153 Idle
    CIC 154 Idle
    CIC 155 Idle
    CIC 156 Idle
    CIC 157 Idle
    CIC 158 Idle
    CIC 159 Idle
    CIC 161 Idle
    CIC 162 Idle
    CIC 163 Idle
    CIC 164 Idle
    CIC 165 Idle
    CIC 166 Idle
    CIC 167 Idle
    CIC 168 Idle
    CIC 169 Idle
    CIC 170 Idle
    CIC 171 Idle
    CIC 172 Idle
    CIC 173 Idle
    CIC 174 Idle
    CIC 175 Idle
    CIC 176 Idle
    CIC 177 Idle
    CIC 178 Idle
    CIC 179 Idle
    CIC 180 Idle
    CIC 181 Idle
    CIC 182 Idle
    CIC 183 Idle
    CIC 184 Idle
    CIC 185 Idle
    CIC 186 Idle
    CIC 187 Idle
    CIC 188 Idle
    CIC 189 Idle
    CIC 190 Idle
    CIC 191 Idle
    CIC 193 Idle
    CIC 194 Idle
    CIC 195 Idle
    CIC 196 Idle
    CIC 197 Idle
    CIC 198 Idle
    CIC 199 Idle
    CIC 200 Idle
    CIC 201 Idle
    CIC 202 Idle
    CIC 203 Idle
    CIC 204 Idle
    CIC 205 Idle
    CIC 206 Idle
    CIC 207 Idle
    CIC 208 Idle
    CIC 209 Idle
    CIC 210 Idle
    CIC 211 Idle
    CIC 212 Idle
    CIC 213 Idle
    CIC 214 Idle
    CIC 215 Idle
    CIC 216 Idle
    CIC 217 Idle
    CIC 218 Idle
    CIC 219 Idle
    CIC 220 Idle
    CIC 221 Idle
    CIC 222 Idle
    CIC 223 Idle
    CIC 225 Idle
    CIC 226 Idle
    CIC 227 Idle
    CIC 228 Idle
    CIC 229 Idle
    CIC 230 Idle
    CIC 231 Idle
    CIC 232 Idle
    CIC 233 Idle
    CIC 234 Idle
    CIC 235 Idle
    CIC 236 Idle
    CIC 237 Idle
    CIC 238 Idle
    CIC 239 Idle
    CIC 240 Idle
    CIC 241 Idle
    CIC 242 Idle
    CIC 243 Idle
    CIC 244 Idle
    CIC 245 Idle
    CIC 246 Idle
    CIC 247 Idle
    CIC 248 Idle
    CIC 249 Idle
    CIC 250 Idle
    CIC 251 Idle
    CIC 252 Idle
    CIC 253 Idle
    CIC 254 Idle
    CIC 255 Idle
    CIC 257 Idle
    CIC 258 Idle
    CIC 259 Idle
    CIC 260 Idle
    CIC 261 Idle
    CIC 262 Idle
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    CIC 264 Idle
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    CIC 271 Idle
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    CIC 278 Idle
    CIC 279 Idle
    CIC 280 Idle
    CIC 281 Idle
    CIC 282 Idle
    CIC 283 Idle
    CIC 284 Idle
    CIC 285 Idle
    CIC 286 Idle
    CIC 287 Idle
    CIC 417 Idle
    CIC 418 Idle
    CIC 419 Idle
    CIC 420 Idle
    CIC 421 Idle
    CIC 422 Idle
    CIC 423 Idle
    CIC 424 Idle
    CIC 425 Idle
    CIC 426 Idle
    CIC 427 Idle
    CIC 428 Idle
    CIC 429 Idle
    CIC 430 Idle
    CIC 431 Idle
    CIC 432 Idle
    CIC 433 Idle
    CIC 434 Idle
    CIC 435 Idle
    CIC 436 Idle
    CIC 437 Idle
    CIC 438 Idle
    CIC 439 Idle
    CIC 440 Idle
    CIC 441 Idle
    CIC 442 Idle
    CIC 443 Idle
    CIC 444 Idle
    CIC 445 Idle
    CIC 446 Idle
    CIC 447 Idle
    CIC 449 Idle
    CIC 450 Idle
    CIC 451 Idle
    CIC 452 Idle
    CIC 453 Idle
    CIC 454 Idle
    CIC 455 Idle
    CIC 456 Idle
    CIC 457 Idle
    CIC 458 Idle
    CIC 459 Idle
    CIC 460 Idle
    CIC 461 Idle
    CIC 462 Idle
    CIC 463 Idle
    CIC 464 Idle
    CIC 465 Idle
    CIC 466 Idle
    CIC 467 Idle
    CIC 468 Idle
    CIC 469 Idle
    CIC 470 Idle
    CIC 471 Idle
    CIC 472 Idle
    CIC 473 Idle
    CIC 474 Idle
    CIC 475 Idle
    CIC 476 Idle
    CIC 477 Idle
    CIC 478 Idle
    CIC 479 Idle
    CIC 481 Idle
    CIC 482 Idle
    CIC 483 Idle
    CIC 484 Idle
    CIC 485 Idle
    CIC 486 Idle
    CIC 487 Idle
    CIC 488 Idle
    CIC 489 Idle
    CIC 490 Idle
    CIC 491 Idle
    CIC 492 Idle
    CIC 493 Idle
    CIC 494 Idle
    CIC 495 Idle
    CIC 496 Idle
    CIC 497 Idle
    CIC 498 Idle
    CIC 499 Idle
    CIC 500 Idle
    CIC 501 Idle
    CIC 502 Idle
    CIC 503 Idle
    CIC 504 Idle
    CIC 505 Idle
    CIC 506 Idle
    CIC 507 Idle
    CIC 508 Idle
    CIC 509 Idle
    CIC 510 Idle
    CIC 511 Idle

    • localhost*CLI> ss7 link status

    localhost*CLI> linkset siuc, link l1/1 INSERVICE, sls 1, total: 1257520336, 1257520352


    [ss7_call]   // 对应 ss7.conf 文件里面的context 
    exten => 100,1,Dial(ss7/XXXXXXXXX)  // 拨100呼出到XXXXXXXX号码
    exten => 100,2,Hangup

      以下是用户使用chan_ss7 经常遇到的问题:

    • 呼出以后有振铃,但是互相听听不到对方的语音通话;CIC不匹配
    • 为什么会出现 “Write buffer full on CIC=4 (wrote only 0 of 160), audio lost.” 信息,通常可能是通过IP网络传递的数据,出现了抖动延迟。
    • 了解chan_ss7 结构体系:http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+ss7+internals
    • 为什么出现”Limit exceeded when trying to adjust numbufs”,  可能是文件系统的问题,使用ulimit 重新设置到更大的数值。
    • 有时候出现Alaw/Ulaw 编码报错,因为某些chan_ss7 版本的出现问题
    • 如何支持用户属性是local,修改ISUP源代码:

    修改源码 l4isup.c

    /* Calling party’s category Q.763 (3.11). */
    - param[0] = 0x0a; /* Ordinary calling subscriber */
    + param[0] = 0x0c; /* Local User */
    isup_msg_add_fixed(msg, sizeof(msg), ¤t, param, 1);

    • ANI 号码和DNI号码一直,需要重新修改代码,参考此链接:


    • 为什么不能显示RNI号码,版本升级导致(2.0可以,2.2不能显示)
    • 为什么出现remote blocked, 可能对端设备维护,或者本地刚刚启动
    • 如何对chan_ss7 进行抓包分析:

      对chan_ss7 数据抓包:ss7 dump start [in|out|both] [fisu] [lssu] [msu]


    • 分析工具:http://wiki.wireshark.org/MTP3
    • 协议定义:http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-Q.701/en
    • 有时候出现 Failed to delete timer error,定时器不能正常释放,一些旧版本不会出现。
    • 如何实现通过两台asterisk 服务器实现SS7 对接测试:


    • 如何通过asterisk 对chan_ss7 做压力测试:


    • chan_ss7 最大支持16个linkset,如何实现支持32E1,修改config.h:

    /* Upper bounds only determined by installed hardware, use decent values */

    •  #define MAX_E1_CONNECTOR_NO 16   // 修改到32
       #define MAX_CIC 4096 
       #define MAX_LINKSETS 8
       #define MAX_LINKS 128
       #define MAX_LINKS_PER_LINKSET 16
       #define MAX_LINKS_PER_HOST 16
       #define MAX_SPANS_PER_HOST 16
       #define MAX_SCHANNELS 16
       #define MAX_SCHANNELS_PER_E1 16
       #define MAX_IFS_PER_HOST 2
       #define MAX_HOSTS 16
       #define MAX_ROUTES_PER_HOST 16
    为什么出现 Excessive poll delay warning告警信息?实现检查系统资源解决办法,确认系统资源完全可以支持,解决办法:1)更换服务器硬件。2)不要使用IDE硬盘。3)可能链接失败。查看方法:

    1.检查cpu 状态,确认有足够的CPU资源

    cat /proc/cpuinfo2.检查内存状态:

    cat /proc/meminfo3. 检查中断信息,确认板卡没有和问题设备共享中断:

    cat /proc/interrupts


    Dial(SS7/Linkset1:33/number) Dial(SS7/Linkset1/number)

    [Show as slideshow]


      通过用户对sangoma A116 16E1 做整体测试,呼叫并发量,CPU 占用率,语音质量都是相当不错的。利用chan_ss7 结合Sangoma 16E1 开发SS7 高性价比的SS7 解决方案是完全可行的。最后提醒大家的是,因为不同版本组合会出现很多问题,在安装chan_ss7 时,希望用户针对自己的需求,做多个Asterisk/chan_SS7 的组合测试版本的测试,直到找到正确的版本组合。

  • 相关阅读:
    promise retry实现
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/noobkey/p/4446989.html
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