• 浅谈CSRF


      CSRF(Cross-site request forgery),中文名称:跨站请求伪造,也被称为:one click attack/session riding,缩写为:CSRF/XSRF。

      CSRF XSS的区别与联系

      XSS 利用的是用户对指定网站的信任,CSRF 利用的是网站对用户网页浏览器的信任。











      <img src=http://www.mybank.com/Transfer.php?toBankId=11&money=1000>





        if (isset($_POST['toBankId'] && isset($_POST['money']))
            buy_stocks($_POST['toBankId'], $_POST['money']);


        <script type="text/javascript">
          function steal()
                   iframe = document.frames["steal"];
      <body onload="steal()">
        <iframe name="steal" display="none">
          <form method="POST" name="transfer" action="http://www.myBank.com/Transfer.php">
            <input type="hidden" name="toBankId" value="11">
            <input type="hidden" name="money" value="1000">




     1. 升级浏览器,最新版本的浏览器通常都有同源策略限制.

      chrome & firfox测试对比


       2. 服务端完善校验规则,增加风控...  比如给好友转账操作,服务端增加转账对象是否好友 

     3. 验证 HTTP Referer 字段 -- 只能作为辅助

       4. 在表单中中添加 token 字段, 服务端验证

       5. 在 HTTP 头中自定义token属性,服务端验证

     6. ajax csrf 问题,由于ajax不刷新页面, 一次性令牌在使用过一次以后, 就无法再使用,二次请求就会失败

    其中3,4的原理是一样的, 通常实现方式方式的One-Time Tokens (不同的表单包含一个不同的伪随机值)

    在实现One-Time Tokens时,需要注意一点:就是“并行会话的兼容”。如果用户在一个站点上同时打开了两个不同的表单,CSRF保护措施不应该影响到他对任何表单的提交。考虑一下如果每次表单被装入时站点生成一个伪随机值来覆盖以前的伪随机值将会发生什么情况:用户只能成功地提交他最后打开的表单,因为所有其他的表单都含有非法的伪随机值。


    答案是否,由于token存在于cookie,表单隐藏域,header头中, 结合xss攻击,攻击者是可以获取的网站token的, 然后远程发送给csrf站点,csrf站点就可以使用获取到的token进行攻击了


    五. YII2 csrf的实现

    验证位置在yiiwebcontroller::beforeAction中, 所以在子控制器里, 如果重写beforeAction一定要调用一下parent::beforeAction, 其他类似的还有init, afterAction...

         * @inheritdoc
        public function beforeAction($action)
            if (parent::beforeAction($action)) {
                if ($this->enableCsrfValidation && Yii::$app->getErrorHandler()->exception === null && !Yii::$app->getRequest()->validateCsrfToken()) {
                    throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('yii', 'Unable to verify your data submission.'));
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

    yiiweb equest中csrf的实现

         * Returns the token used to perform CSRF validation.
         * This token is a masked version of [[rawCsrfToken]] to prevent [BREACH attacks](http://breachattack.com/).
         * This token may be passed along via a hidden field of an HTML form or an HTTP header value
         * to support CSRF validation.
         * @param boolean $regenerate whether to regenerate CSRF token. When this parameter is true, each time
         * this method is called, a new CSRF token will be generated and persisted (in session or cookie).
         * @return string the token used to perform CSRF validation.
        public function getCsrfToken($regenerate = false)
            if ($this->_csrfToken === null || $regenerate) {
                if ($regenerate || ($token = $this->loadCsrfToken()) === null) {
                    $token = $this->generateCsrfToken();
                // the mask doesn't need to be very random
                $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.';
                $mask = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($chars, 5)), 0, static::CSRF_MASK_LENGTH);
                // The + sign may be decoded as blank space later, which will fail the validation
                $this->_csrfToken = str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode($mask . $this->xorTokens($token, $mask)));
            return $this->_csrfToken;
         * Loads the CSRF token from cookie or session.
         * @return string the CSRF token loaded from cookie or session. Null is returned if the cookie or session
         * does not have CSRF token.
        protected function loadCsrfToken()
            if ($this->enableCsrfCookie) {
                return $this->getCookies()->getValue($this->csrfParam);
            } else {
                return Yii::$app->getSession()->get($this->csrfParam);
         * Generates  an unmasked random token used to perform CSRF validation.
         * @return string the random token for CSRF validation.
        protected function generateCsrfToken()
            $token = Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generateRandomString();
            if ($this->enableCsrfCookie) {
                $cookie = $this->createCsrfCookie($token);
            } else {
                Yii::$app->getSession()->set($this->csrfParam, $token);
            return $token;
         * Returns the XOR result of two strings.
         * If the two strings are of different lengths, the shorter one will be padded to the length of the longer one.
         * @param string $token1
         * @param string $token2
         * @return string the XOR result
        private function xorTokens($token1, $token2)
            $n1 = StringHelper::byteLength($token1);
            $n2 = StringHelper::byteLength($token2);
            if ($n1 > $n2) {
                $token2 = str_pad($token2, $n1, $token2);
            } elseif ($n1 < $n2) {
                $token1 = str_pad($token1, $n2, $n1 === 0 ? ' ' : $token1);
            return $token1 ^ $token2;
         * @return string the CSRF token sent via [[CSRF_HEADER]] by browser. Null is returned if no such header is sent.
        public function getCsrfTokenFromHeader()
            $key = 'HTTP_' . str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper(static::CSRF_HEADER));
            return isset($_SERVER[$key]) ? $_SERVER[$key] : null;
         * Creates a cookie with a randomly generated CSRF token.
         * Initial values specified in [[csrfCookie]] will be applied to the generated cookie.
         * @param string $token the CSRF token
         * @return Cookie the generated cookie
         * @see enableCsrfValidation
        protected function createCsrfCookie($token)
            $options = $this->csrfCookie;
            $options['name'] = $this->csrfParam;
            $options['value'] = $token;
            return new Cookie($options);
         * Performs the CSRF validation.
         * This method will validate the user-provided CSRF token by comparing it with the one stored in cookie or session.
         * This method is mainly called in [[Controller::beforeAction()]].
         * Note that the method will NOT perform CSRF validation if [[enableCsrfValidation]] is false or the HTTP method
         * is among GET, HEAD or OPTIONS.
         * @param string $token the user-provided CSRF token to be validated. If null, the token will be retrieved from
         * the [[csrfParam]] POST field or HTTP header.
         * This parameter is available since version 2.0.4.
         * @return boolean whether CSRF token is valid. If [[enableCsrfValidation]] is false, this method will return true.
        public function validateCsrfToken($token = null)
            $method = $this->getMethod();
            // only validate CSRF token on non-"safe" methods http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html#sec9.1.1
            if (!$this->enableCsrfValidation || in_array($method, ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'], true)) {
                return true;
            $trueToken = $this->loadCsrfToken();
            if ($token !== null) {
                return $this->validateCsrfTokenInternal($token, $trueToken);
            } else {
                return $this->validateCsrfTokenInternal($this->getBodyParam($this->csrfParam), $trueToken)
                    || $this->validateCsrfTokenInternal($this->getCsrfTokenFromHeader(), $trueToken);
         * Validates CSRF token
         * @param string $token
         * @param string $trueToken
         * @return boolean
        private function validateCsrfTokenInternal($token, $trueToken)
            $token = base64_decode(str_replace('.', '+', $token));
            $n = StringHelper::byteLength($token);
            if ($n <= static::CSRF_MASK_LENGTH) {
                return false;
            $mask = StringHelper::byteSubstr($token, 0, static::CSRF_MASK_LENGTH);
            $token = StringHelper::byteSubstr($token, static::CSRF_MASK_LENGTH, $n - static::CSRF_MASK_LENGTH);
            $token = $this->xorTokens($mask, $token);
            return $token === $trueToken;

    上面的代码中可以看出,真实的token是存在session或者cookie中的,除非强制重新生成, 否则在失效之前这个token一直不会变化.

    页面上每次看到的token不一样, 是因为在generateCsrfToken中给token增加了混淆的mast,  这个机制导致yii2的csrf token不是使用一次就失效的


    再来看下YII2 ajax对csrf的支持, 要想在ajax中无感使用csrf, 就必须引用yii.js,  同时页面渲染要输出一个含有csrf信息的mata



    看到这里就清楚了为嘛yii2的ajax post请求每次都能通过验证,因为上面提到了:yii2的csrf token不是使用一次就失效的

    function initCsrfHandler() {
            // automatically send CSRF token for all AJAX requests
            $.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {
                if (!options.crossDomain && pub.getCsrfParam()) {
                    xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', pub.getCsrfToken());

    getCsrfToken: function () {
                return $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content');
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nkefww/p/13121194.html
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