1. 写一个flask基本服务,用于接受请求,将传来的图像随机命名为rand.jpg并存到test文件夹,不断检测result文件夹中是否存在rand.txt文件,若存在,解析rand.txt将结果返回,并删除result/rand.txt,若超时则抛错;
2. 使用python的多进程策略,将图像提取文字的功能封装成函数,视为工人,用多进程开启多个工人,用循环让工人一直等待,直到test文件夹存在图像文件,让工人去抢工作(图像)并开始处理,这里需要用Lock的逻辑,不然工人会混乱并且浪费资源,当工人发现图像,立即锁定文件lock.txt,若发现该文件被锁定,则稍等片刻再次尝试锁定文件,直到文件没有被锁定,这时候这个工人先自己把lock.txt锁定,并且获取test文件夹中的图像列表imglist,与lock.txt的文件进行对比,遍历imglist,如果发现图像A.jpg在lock.txt中不存在,则将这个A.jpg添加到lock.txt中,并对lock.txt解除锁定,然后跳出遍历开始对将A.jpg进行处理,处理完成后将处理结果存在result/A.txt中,并删除test中的A.jpg。此时A.txt会被步骤1检测到,至此大功告成。
import cv2 import os, fcntl, time import model from apphelper.image import union_rbox,adjust_box_to_origin imgroot = 'test' locktxt = 'lock.txt' def find_word(imgpath): img = cv2.imread(imgpath) _,result,angle= model.model(img,detectAngle=True,config=dict(MAX_HORIZONTAL_GAP=50,MIN_V_OVERLAPS=0.6,MIN_SIZE_SIM=0.6,TEXT_PROPOSALS_MIN_SCORE=0.1,TEXT_PROPOSALS_NMS_THRESH=0.3,TEXT_LINE_NMS_THRESH = 0.7),leftAdjust=True,rightAdjust=True,alph=0.01) result = union_rbox(result,0.2) res = [{'text':x['text'],'name':str(i),'box':{'cx':x['cx'],'cy':x['cy'],'w':x['w'],'h':x['h'],'angle':x['degree']}} for i,x in enumerate(result)] res = adjust_box_to_origin(img,angle, res)##修正box txtpath = os.path.join('result', imgpath.split('/')[1].split('.')[0] + '.txt') print(res) with open(txtpath, 'w') as f: for n in res: str_temp = n['text'] f.write(str_temp) f.write(' ') f.close() if os.path.exists(imgpath): os.remove(imgpath) def get_worklist(): list_ = os.listdir(imgroot) if len(list_) == 0: if os.path.exists(locktxt): os.remove(locktxt) return None with open(locktxt, 'a') as f: try: fcntl.flock(f,fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) try: list_unwork = os.listdir(imgroot) list_working = [] if os.path.exists(locktxt): for n in open(locktxt): list_working.append(n[:-1]) for m in list_unwork: if not m in list_working: f.write(m) f.write(' ') fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) f.close() return os.path.join(imgroot, m) else: continue return None except: fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) ## 一旦程序出现问题,就解锁不要耽误其他进程 return None except: return None if __name__ == "__main__": print('======= s t a r t =========') while True: imgpath = None imgpath = get_worklist() if imgpath == None: continue else: find_word(imgpath)
import os from multiprocessing import Process def fun1(): os.system("python tyocr.py") if __name__ == "__main__": list_ = [] for i in range(4): list_.append(Process(target = fun1)) for p in list_: p.start()
import os, requests, time from flask import Flask,render_template,request import base64 import random def getRandomSet(bits): num_set = [chr(i) for i in range(48,58)] char_set = [chr(i) for i in range(97,123)] total_set = num_set + char_set value_set = "".join(random.sample(total_set, bits)) return value_set app = Flask(__name__) imgroot = 'test' txtroot = 'result' @app.route("/tyocr", methods = ['GET', 'POST']) def tyocr(): if request.method == "POST": imgbase64 = request.form.get('imgbase64') imgdata = base64.b64decode(imgbase64) randname = getRandomSet(15) imgrandpath = os.path.join(imgroot, randname + '.jpg') txtrandpath = os.path.join(txtroot, randname + '.txt') file = open(imgrandpath,'wb') file.write(imgdata) file.close() count = 0 while True: time.sleep(0.01) count = count + 0.01 if count > 20: return {'sign':-1, 'text':'time out'} if os.path.exists(txtrandpath): time.sleep(0.1) str1 = '' for n in open(txtrandpath): str1 = str1 + n print(str1) os.remove(txtrandpath) return {'sign':0, 'text':str1} else: continue else: return "<h1>Image find words! please use post</h1>" if __name__ == "__main__": host = '' port = '8090' app.run(debug=True, host=host, port=port)