要一次性update 2千万条数据,虽然update sql很简单,但是由于一次性修改太多的数据,造成数据库log满了,就会报error:
[ErrorCode: 9002, SQL State: S0004] The transaction log for database'XXXXData' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, seethe log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
因为是数据库一次性update 数据操作,因此,就想到批量的update数据。 我能想到的解决方案就是,像分页查询 sql那样,每次update 一定数量的数据。
DECLARE @pagesize INT, @pages INT, @offset INT, @maxresult INT select @pagesize=100000, @pages=1 -- 1 prepare data list CREATE TABLE #Tbl_Affected_ID ( id INT NOT NULL, rowNum INT NOT NULL, modified CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL ) INSERT #Tbl_Affected_ID(id, rowNum) SELECT aa.id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY aa.id) AS rowNum FROM TBLxxx aa WHERE userId is null '?' -- 2 batch update WHILE exists( select 1 from #Tbl_Affected_ID where modified = 'N') BEGIN select @offset = (@pages-1) * @pagesize select @maxresult = @offset + @pagesize UPDATE TBLxxx SET userId = 'test_user' from #Tbl_Affected_ID tmp WHERE tmp.id = TBLxxx.id and rowNum between @offset and @maxresult UPDATE #Tbl_Affected_ID SET modified = 'Y' WHERE rowNum between @offset and @maxresult select @pages = @pages+1 END