• 名词(短语)和名词性从句



    1. 主语
      1. 1:这部电影是非常感人和鼓舞人心的:The movie is so moving and encouraging.
    2. 宾语
      1. 2:我欣赏他的妈妈:I appreciate his mother.
    3. 表语
      1. 3:阿甘是一个真男人:Gump is a real man.
    4. 同位语:同位语表示前后两部分指的是同一个东西,同位语与名词(短语)之间需要加上逗号或破折号
      1. 4:我喜欢电影中暖心的结尾:I enjoy the part, the warm end.
      2. 5:英语在和其他人的交流中扮演着非常重要的角色:English is playing a key role in our communicating with others. / English, a worldwide language, is playing a key role in our communicating with others.
      3. 6:一个疯狂的球迷男孩,在他的脸上写上了非常著名的超级球星贝克汉姆的名字:A boy--a crazy football fan--writes the name of Beckham, quite a well-known superstar, on his face.


    2.1 什么是从句

    1. 什么是从句:引导词 + 主语 + 谓语

    2.2 什么是名词性从句

    1. 主语从句
      1. 7:我重复看它,是因为它非常令人感动的和鼓舞人心的:What I saw repeatedly is so moving and encouraging.
    2. 宾语从句
      1. 8:我欣赏他妈妈说的话:I appreciate what his mother said.
    3. 表语从句
      1. 9:我们应该像阿甘学习:Gump is who we should learn from.
    4. 同位语从句
      1. 10:我喜欢电影中羽毛飞在空中的片段:I enjoy the part that a feather is flying in the sky.
    5. 11:生活像一盒巧克力,你永远也不知道下一块巧克力的口味:Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.

    2.3 名词性从句的引导词


    1. that:当从句是陈述句时,引导词无意思,不做成分
      1. 12:我爱你是我的错:That I love you is my fault.
    2. whether:当从句是一般疑问句时,引导词无意思,不作成分;
      1. 13:你爱我?这是显而易见的:Whether you love me is obvious.
    3. 特殊疑问词本身:当从句是特殊疑问句时,引导词一般有意思,并且做成分。
      1. 14:你爱谁真是一个秘密:Who do you love is a secret.
    4. 注:名词性从句中,从句都要写成陈述句的形式。
    5. 练习
      1. 15:我想知道人为什么活着:I wonder why people live in the world.
      2. 16:外星人存在与否真的很重要:Whether aliens exist is really vital.
      3. 17:我的想法是,看完本章后,我们去看电影吧:My idea is that we will go to see a movie after finishing this chapter.
      4. 18:她成功的找到了朋友,这使我很高心:That she succeeded in finding a friend makes me happy.
      5. 19:有一天你会发现,事业和亲情都比爱情重要:Someday, you will find that your career and kinship are more important than love itself.
      6. 20:他们为什么离开家乡去西藏是一个谜:Why they left their hometowns for Tibet is a mystery.
      7. 21:我正在思考我是否应该和女朋友分手:I am reflecting whether I should separate with my girlfriend.
      8. 22:昨天是一个历史,明天是一个谜,只有今天是一个礼物,这就是为什么它叫做“present”:Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!


    3.1 写作

    1. 主语从句:避免主语从句的头重脚轻,我们可以使用it作为形式主语,把主语从句首拉到句末。
      1. 23:读书的目的是洗涤我们的灵魂,这是毋庸置疑的:That reading is to purify our minds is beyond dispute. / It is beyond dispute that reading is to purify our minds.
      2. 24:xxx是一个常识:It is common knowledge that xxx.
      3. 25:我认为xxx:It is my belief that xxx / I think that xxx.
      4. 26:xxx是显而易见的:It is self-evident that xxx.
      5. 27:人们已经发现xxx:It has been found that xxx.
      6. 28:xxx是毋庸置疑的:It ie beyond dispute that xxx.
      7. 29:普遍认为 / 众所周知xxx:It is universally acknowledged that xxx.
      8. 30:普遍认为 / 众所周知xxx:It has been widely accepted that xxx.
      9. 31:普遍认为 / 众所周知xxx:It is generally agreed that xxx.
      10. 32:自信对于成功有很大的作用,这是众所周知的:It is common knowledge that confidence plays a key role in our success.
      11. 33:我认为环境污染是日益严重的:It is my belief that pollution has become increasingly serious.
    2. 同位语从句:名词作主语,该名词有同位语,可以把同位语后置。
      1. 34:没有人会无缘无故地优秀,这个事实总是会被很多人忽略:The truth that nobody can become brilliant without endeavors is ignored by a sea of young men. / The truth is ignored by a sea of young men that nobody can become brilliant without endeavors.
      2. 35:今天,你做人们不做的事,明天你做人们做不到的事:Today, you do things people do not do; tomorrow you do things people cannot do.
      3. 36:没有什么能掩盖她正在变老这个事实:Nothing can hide the truth that she is becoming old.
      4. 满分表达 :同位语从句 + 宾语从句
        1. 37:女孩子穿上吸引人的裙子这个现象表明夏天来了:The evidence that many girls have worn attractive skirts manifests that summer is coming. / The evidence/truth that xxx manifests/indicates/suggests that xxx.
        2. 38:她长着一双大眼睛这个事实表明她是一个美女:The evidence that she has a pair of big eyes manifests that she is really a beauty.
        3. 39:合作能使职工完成任务更快和更有效的,这个事实表明,当我们遇到困难的时候合作是非常必要的:The evidence that cooperation can make colleagues finish their jobs more quickly and effectively indicates that it is definitely necessary when we face difficulties.
        4. 40:城市和乡镇的新鲜空气和蓝色天空逐渐消失,这个事实表明,环境污染是日益严重的:The evidence that fresh air and blue sky fail to be available in cities and towns suggests that pollution has become increasingly serious day by day.
        5. 41:当城市中的老人孤单的时候,宠物能陪伴他们,这个事实表明,养宠物的确能称为私人生活中的一部分:The truth that pets can accompany old citizens when they are alone manifests that raising pets has indeed been a part of quite a few private individuals's life.


    1. 42:成功属于全力以赴的人已为无数个事实所证明:It has been validated by numerous facts that triumphs belong to those sparing no efforts.
    2. 43:问题的关键是谁应该为道德的沦丧负责:The key of the problem is who should be responsible for the decline of ethics.
    3. 44:河南人都是骗子这种想法是非常不对的:The viewpoint that all people in Henan Province are deceivers is never right.
    4. 45:显而易见,图片中两个残疾人在扔掉了拐杖后,相互搀扶着往前跑:It is self-evident that in the caricature, after they abandoned their waking sticks, two disabled men are supporting each other to run forth.
    5. 46:我的性格比较内向,不太喜欢与别人交流,这个事实表明,这个工作不适合我,所以我要辞职:The truth that I am relatively introverted and fail to be fond of communicating with others indicates that the job is never what I expected. Therefore, I decide to quit.
    6. 57:一些人认为,一个城市应该拆除旧的历史建筑,以现代建筑取而代之:Quite a few citizens are of the opinion that a city should destroy its old historic buildings and replace them with modern ones.
    7. 58:你不能否认你没有努力学习这一原因:You can't deny the reason that you didn't study hard.
    8. 59:尽管孩子可以向父母寻求建议,但最终还是应该由他们自己决定自己学什么方面的知识,以及将来从事什么职业:Children should decide what kind of knowledge they will master and which profession they plan to engage in even though they can consult their parents for suggestions.
    9. 60:因此,根据我的分析,我强烈反对那些认为老师应该为学生的学习负全责的看法:Therefore, from all of my analysis, I strongly oppose the viewpoint that teachers should be responsible for the learning of students fully.
    10. 61:现在最紧迫的问题是父母应该提高警惕性,让孩子多参加有意义的活动,融入班级中去:The most urgent problem, at present, is that parents should be on the alert, asking their kids to take part in more meaningful activities to become a part of the class.


    purify v.净化

    endeavor n.尽力


    1. 这部电影是非常感人和鼓舞人心的:The movie is so moving and encouraging.
    2. 我欣赏他的妈妈:I appreciate his mother.
    3. 阿甘是一个真男人:Gump is a real man.
    4. 我喜欢电影中暖心的结尾:I enjoy the part, the warm end.
    5. 英语在和其他人的交流中扮演着非常重要的角色:English is playing a key role in our communicating with others. / English, a worldwide language, is playing a key role in our communicating with others.
    6. 一个疯狂的球迷男孩,在他的脸上写上了非常著名的超级球星贝克汉姆的名字:A boy--a crazy football fan--writes the name of Beckham, quite a well-known superstar, on his face.
    7. 我重复看它,是因为它非常令人感动的和鼓舞人心的:What I saw repeatedly is so moving and encouraging.
    8. 我欣赏他妈妈说的话:I appreciate what his mother said.
    9. 我们应该像阿甘学习:Gump is who we should learn from.
    10. 我喜欢电影中羽毛飞在空中的片段:I enjoy the part that a feather is flying in the sky.
    11. 生活像一盒巧克力,你永远也不知道下一块巧克力的口味:Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
    12. 我爱你是我的错:That I love you is my fault.
    13. 你爱我?这是显而易见的:Whether you love me is obvious.
    14. 你爱谁真是一个秘密:Who do you love is a secret.
    15. 我想知道人为什么活着:I wonder why people live in the world.
    16. 外星人存在与否真的很重要:Whether aliens exist is really vital.
    17. 我的想法是,看完本章后,我们去看电影吧:My idea is that we will go to see a movie after finishing this chapter.
    18. 她成功的找到了朋友,这使我很高心:That she succeeded in finding a friend makes me happy.
    19. 有一天你会发现,事业和亲情都比爱情重要:Someday, you will find that your career and kinship are more important than love itself.
    20. 他们为什么离开家乡去西藏是一个谜:Why they left their hometowns for Tibet is a mystery.
    21. 我正在思考我是否应该和女朋友分手:I am reflecting whether I should separate with my girlfriend.
    22. 昨天是一个历史,明天是一个谜,只有今天是一个礼物,这就是为什么它叫做“present”:Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
    23. 读书的目的是洗涤我们的灵魂,这是毋庸置疑的:That reading is to purify our minds is beyond dispute. / It is beyond dispute that reading is to purify our minds.
    24. xxx是一个常识:It is common knowledge that xxx.
    25. 我认为xxx:It is my belief that xxx / I think that xxx.
    26. xxx是显而易见的:It is self-evident that xxx.
    27. 人们已经发现xxx:It has been found that xxx.
    28. xxx是毋庸置疑的:It ie beyond dispute that xxx.
    29. 普遍认为 / 众所周知xxx:It is universally acknowledged that xxx.
    30. 普遍认为 / 众所周知xxx:It has been widely accepted that xxx.
    31. 普遍认为 / 众所周知xxx:It is generally agreed that xxx.
    32. 自信对于成功有很大的作用,这是众所周知的:It is common knowledge that confidence plays a key role in our success.
    33. 我认为环境污染是日益严重的:It is my belief that pollution has become increasingly serious.
    34. 没有人会无缘无故地优秀,这个事实总是会被很多人忽略:The truth that nobody can become brilliant without endeavors is ignored by a sea of young men. / The truth is ignored by a sea of young men that nobody can become brilliant without endeavors.
    35. 今天,你做人们不做的事,明天你做人们做不到的事:Today, you do things people do not do; tomorrow you do things people cannot do.
    36. 没有什么能掩盖她正在变老这个事实:Nothing can hide the truth that she is becoming old.
    37. 女孩子穿上吸引人的裙子这个现象表明夏天来了:The evidence that many girls have worn attractive skirts manifests that summer is coming. / The evidence/truth that xxx manifests/indicates/suggests that xxx.
    38. 她长着一双大眼睛这个事实表明她是一个美女:The evidence that she has a pair of big eyes manifests that she is really a beauty.
    39. 合作能使职工完成任务更快和更有效的,这个事实表明,当我们遇到困难的时候合作是非常必要的:The evidence that cooperation can make colleagues finish their jobs more quickly and effectively indicates that it is definitely necessary when we face difficulties.
    40. 城市和乡镇的新鲜空气和蓝色天空逐渐消失,这个事实表明,环境污染是日益严重的:The evidence that fresh air and blue sky fail to be available in cities and towns suggests that pollution has become increasingly serious day by day.
    41. 当城市中的老人孤单的时候,宠物能陪伴他们,这个事实表明,养宠物的确能称为私人生活中的一部分:The truth that pets can accompany old citizens when they are alone manifests that raising pets has indeed been a part of quite a few private individuals's life.
    42. 成功属于全力以赴的人已为无数个事实所证明:It has been validated by numerous facts that triumphs belong to those sparing no efforts.
    43. 问题的关键是谁应该为道德的沦丧负责:The key of the problem is who should be responsible for the decline of ethics.
    44. 河南人都是骗子这种想法是非常不对的:The viewpoint that all people in Henan Province are deceivers is never right.
    45. 显而易见,图片中两个残疾人在扔掉了拐杖后,相互搀扶着往前跑:It is self-evident that in the caricature, after they abandoned their waking sticks, two disabled men are supporting each other to run forth.
    46. 我的性格比较内向,不太喜欢与别人交流,这个事实表明,这个工作不适合我,所以我要辞职:The truth that I am relatively introverted and fail to be fond of communicating with others indicates that the job is never what I expected. Therefore, I decide to quit.
    47. 一些人认为,一个城市应该拆除旧的历史建筑,以现代建筑取而代之:Quite a few citizens are of the opinion that a city should destroy its old historic buildings and replace them with modern ones.
    48. 你不能否认你没有努力学习这一原因:You can't deny the reason that you didn't study hard.
    49. 尽管孩子可以向父母寻求建议,但最终还是应该由他们自己决定自己学什么方面的知识,以及将来从事什么职业:Children should decide what kind of knowledge they will master and which profession they plan to engage in even though they can consult their parents for suggestions.
    50. 因此,根据我的分析,我强烈反对那些认为老师应该为学生的学习负全责的看法:Therefore, from all of my analysis, I strongly oppose the viewpoint that teachers should be responsible for the learning of students fully.
    51. 现在最紧迫的问题是父母应该提高警惕性,让孩子多参加有意义的活动,融入班级中去:The most urgent problem, at present, is that parents should be on the alert, asking their kids to take part in more meaningful activities to become a part of the class.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/11692069.html
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