• oracle数据库应用(二)

    create tablespace ts01
    datafile 'f:/table/ts02.dbf' size 50m
    autoextend on
    drop tablespace ts
    alter database datafile 'f:/table/ts02.dbf' resize 100m
    alter tablespace ts01 add datafile 'f:/table/ts03.dbf' size 20m autoextend on
    alter tablespace ts01 readonly
    drop tablespace ts01 including contents;
    create user root
    identified by root;
    grant create session to root;--赋予连接数据库的权限
    grant create table to root;--赋予创建表的权限
    grant create view to root;--赋予创建视图的权限
    grant connect,resource to root;
    revoke connect,resource from root;
    drop user user_name;
    create sequence emp_id(
      start with 1;
      increment by 1;
      maxvalue 9999;
      minvalue 1;
      nocycle --在达到最大值后停止生成下一个值 如果设置为cycle(达到最大值之后会从开始值循环增加)
      cache 10;--指定内存中预先分配的序号数 
    --nextval 返回序列的下一个值
    select emp_id.nextval from dual;
    --currval 返回序列的当前值
    select emp_id.currval from dual;
    --ALTER SEQUENCE语句修改序列(不能更改序列的START WITH参数)
    alter sequence emp_id maxvalue 5000 cycle;
    drop sequence emp_id;
    create synonym e for system.emp
    replace synonym ee for system.emp
    drop synonym e;
    create public synonym e for system.emp
    replace public synonym e from system.emp
    dop public synonym e;
    create index index_id on goods(gid);
    create index index_id on goods(gid) reverse;
    create bitmap index index_id on goods(gid);
    drop index index_id;
    alter index index_id rebuild noreverse;
    create table goods(
       gid number primary key,
       gname varchar2(20),
       price number
    partition by range(price)
       partition p1 values less than(20),
       partition p1 values less than(30),
       partition p1 values less than(60),
       partition pn values less than(maxvalue),
    select * from goods partition(p2);
    delete from goods partition(p3);
    create table goods(
       gid number primary key,
       gname varchar2(20),
       price number,
       createDate Date not null
    partition by range(createDate) interval(NUMTOYMINTERVAL(n, 'month'))
       partition P1 values less than(to_date('2018-5-5','yyyy-MM-dd'))
    insert into goods(1,'a',10,to_date('2018-1-1'));
    create view goods_view as select * from goods where price<30
    replace view goods_view as select * from goods where price<30
    select * from goods_view;
    drop view goods_view;
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/newbest/p/9279588.html
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