• 浅谈状态压缩的应用






    问题一:TSP 经典问题





    50000000000000101 它的第0位和第2为位是1,就表示这个点集中有0,2这两个点。








    J and(not (1<<k)).


    问题二:软件补丁问题(补丁,错误) vijos1019


    数据范围:n<=20 m<=100.


    细节:判断一个状态i是否包含另一个状态jI or j=I 成立则i包含j

          判断一个状态i不含另一个状态j (not i) or j= not i成立则i不含j.

          给一个状态i增加j中的错误(有可能重合):i=I or j.

          给一个状态i减少j中的错误:I and not j



    View Code
      1 //软件补丁问题
    2 program error(input,output);
    3 const
    4 queuelength = 2000000;
    5 maxm = 100;
    6 maxstate = 1050000;
    7 var
    8 d : array[0..maxstate] of longint;
    9 v : array[0..maxstate] of boolean;
    10 f1,f2,b1,b2 : array[0..maxm] of longint;
    11 time : array[0..maxm] of longint;
    12 q : array[0..queuelength] of longint;
    13 n,m : longint;
    14 procedure init;
    15 var
    16 ch : char;
    17 i,j : longint;
    18 begin
    19 readln(n,m);
    20 fillchar(f1,sizeof(f1),0);
    21 fillchar(f2,sizeof(f2),0);
    22 fillchar(b1,sizeof(b1),0);
    23 fillchar(b2,sizeof(b2),0);
    24 fillchar(time,sizeof(time),0);
    25 for i:=1 to m do
    26 begin
    27 read(time[i]);
    28 read(ch);
    29 for j:=1 to n do
    30 begin
    31 read(ch);
    32 case ch of
    33 '0' : continue;
    34 '+' : inc(b1[i],1<<(j-1));
    35 '-' : inc(b2[i],1<<(j-1));
    36 end; { case }
    37 end;
    38 read(ch);
    39 for j:=1 to n do
    40 begin
    41 read(ch);
    42 case ch of
    43 '0' : continue;
    44 '+' : inc(f1[i],1<<(j-1));
    45 '-' : inc(f2[i],1<<(j-1));
    46 end; { case }
    47 end;
    48 readln;
    49 end;
    50 end;
    51 procedure build_and_getanswer;
    52 var
    53 head,tail,now,i : longint;
    54 newstate : longint;
    55 begin
    56 fillchar(d,sizeof(d),63);
    57 fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false);
    58 d[(1<<n)-1]:=0;
    59 v[(1<<n)-1]:=true;
    60 head:=0;
    61 tail:=1;
    62 q[1]:=(1<<n)-1;
    63 while head<tail do
    64 begin
    65 inc(head);
    66 now:=q[head];
    67 v[now]:=false;
    68 for i:=1 to m do
    69 if ((b1[i] or now)=now) then
    70 if ((b2[i] or (not now))=(not now)) then
    71 begin
    72 newstate:=(now and (not f2[i]));
    73 newstate:=(newstate or f1[i]);
    74 if d[now]+time[i]<d[newstate] then
    75 begin
    76 d[newstate]:=d[now]+time[i];
    77 if not v[newstate] then
    78 begin
    79 inc(tail);
    80 q[tail]:=newstate;
    81 v[newstate]:=true;
    82 end;
    83 end;
    84 end;
    85 end;
    86 end; { build }
    87 procedure print;
    88 begin
    89 if d[0]>19950714 then
    90 writeln(0)
    91 else
    92 writeln(d[0]);
    93 end; { print }
    94 begin
    95 assign(input,'error.in');reset(input);
    96 assign(output,'error.out');rewrite(output);
    97 init;
    98 build_and_getanswer;
    99 print;
    100 close(input);
    101 close(output);
    102 end.



    数据范围:m,n<=15 钥匙数p<=10







    View Code
      1 //拯救大兵瑞恩
    2 program help(input,output);
    3 type
    4 node = record
    5 x,y,state,dist : integer;
    6 end;
    7 var
    8 can : array[0..16,0..16,0..16,0..16] of boolean;
    9 key : array[0..16,0..16] of integer;
    10 door : array[0..16,0..16,0..16,0..16] of integer;
    11 v : array[0..16,0..16,0..1024] of boolean;
    12 fx : array[1..4] of longint=(0,1,0,-1);
    13 fy : array[1..4] of longint=(1,0,-1,0);
    14 q : array[0..200000] of node;
    15 n,m,sumkey,ans : longint;
    16 procedure init;
    17 var
    18 i,g1,x1,y1,x2,y2,k : longint;
    19 begin
    20 fillchar(can,sizeof(can),true);
    21 fillchar(door,sizeof(door),0);
    22 fillchar(key,sizeof(key),0);
    23 readln(n,m,sumkey);
    24 readln(k);
    25 for i:=1 to k do
    26 begin
    27 read(x1,y1,x2,y2,g1);
    28 if g1=0 then
    29 begin
    30 can[x1,y1,x2,y2]:=false;
    31 can[x2,y2,x1,y1]:=false;
    32 continue;
    33 end;
    34 door[x1,y1,x2,y2]:=g1;
    35 door[x2,y2,x1,y1]:=g1;
    36 can[x1,y1,x2,y2]:=false;
    37 can[x2,y2,x1,y1]:=false;
    38 end;
    39 readln(k);
    40 for i:=1 to k do
    41 begin
    42 readln(x1,y1,g1);
    43 key[x1,y1]:=key[x1,y1] or (1<<(g1-1));
    44 end;
    45 end; { init }
    46 procedure bfs();
    47 var
    48 head,tail,i : longint;
    49 newx,newy,newstate : longint;
    50 begin
    51 head:=0;
    52 tail:=1;
    53 fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false);
    54 q[1].x:=1;
    55 q[1].y:=1;
    56 q[1].dist:=0;
    57 q[1].state:=0;
    58 v[1,1,0]:=true;
    59 while head<tail do
    60 begin
    61 inc(head);
    62 for i:=1 to 4 do
    63 begin
    64 newx:=q[head].x+fx[i];
    65 newy:=q[head].y+fy[i];
    66 if (newx>n)or(newx<1)or(newy<1)or(newy>m) then
    67 continue;
    68 if can[q[head].x,q[head].y,newx,newy] then
    69 if not v[newx,newy,q[head].state] then
    70 begin
    71 inc(tail);
    72 q[tail].x:=newx;
    73 q[tail].y:=newy;
    74 q[tail].state:=q[head].state;
    75 q[tail].dist:=q[head].dist+1;
    76 v[newx,newy,q[head].state]:=true;
    77 if (newx=n)and(newy=m) then
    78 begin
    79 ans:=q[tail].dist;
    80 exit;
    81 end;
    82 end;
    83 if (door[q[head].x,q[head].y,newx,newy]>0) then
    84 if ((q[head].state and (1<<(door[q[head].x,q[head].y,newx,newy]-1)))>0) then
    85 if not v[newx,newy,q[head].state] then
    86 begin
    87 inc(tail);
    88 q[tail].x:=newx;
    89 q[tail].y:=newy;
    90 q[tail].dist:=q[head].dist+1;
    91 q[tail].state:=q[head].state;
    92 v[newx,newy,q[head].state]:=true;
    93 if (newx=n)and(newy=m) then
    94 begin
    95 ans:=q[tail].dist;
    96 exit;
    97 end;
    98 end;
    99 if (key[newx,newy]>0)and((can[q[head].x,q[head].y,newx,newy])) then
    100 begin
    101 newstate:=q[head].state or key[newx,newy];
    102 if not v[newx,newy,newstate] then
    103 begin
    104 inc(tail);
    105 q[tail].x:=newx;
    106 q[tail].y:=newy;
    107 q[tail].dist:=q[head].dist+1;
    108 q[tail].state:=newstate;
    109 v[newx,newy,newstate]:=true;
    110 if (newx=n)and(newy=m) then
    111 begin
    112 ans:=q[tail].dist;
    113 exit;
    114 end;
    115 end;
    116 end;
    117 if (key[newx,newy]>0)and(door[q[head].x,q[head].y,newx,newy]>0)and((q[head].state and(1<<(door[q[head].x,q[head].y,newx,newy]-1)))>0) then
    118 begin
    119 newstate:=q[head].state or key[newx,newy];
    120 if not v[newx,newy,newstate] then
    121 begin
    122 inc(tail);
    123 q[tail].x:=newx;
    124 q[tail].y:=newy;
    125 q[tail].dist:=q[head].dist+1;
    126 q[tail].state:=newstate;
    127 v[newx,newy,newstate]:=true;
    128 if (newx=n)and(newy=m) then
    129 begin
    130 ans:=q[tail].dist;
    131 exit;
    132 end;
    133 end;
    134 end;
    135 end;
    136 end;
    137 end; { bfs }
    138 procedure print;
    139 begin
    140 if ans=0 then
    141 writeln(-1)
    142 else
    143 writeln(ans);
    144 end; { print }
    145 begin
    146 init;
    147 bfs();
    148 print;
    149 end.


    1.       纠结迷宫:http://hzoi.openjudge.cn/never/1007/

    2.       毒药?解药?:http://hzoi.openjudge.cn/never/1008/


    View Code
      1 //纠结迷宫
    2 program maze(input,output);
    3 type
    4 node = record
    5 x,y,state,dist : longint;
    6 end;
    7 var
    8 q : array[0..4000000] of node;
    9 fx : array[1..4] of longint=(0,1,0,-1);
    10 fy : array[1..4] of longint=(1,0,-1,0);
    11 can : array[0..51,0..51] of boolean;
    12 map : array[0..51,0..51] of longint;
    13 v : array[0..51,0..51,0..65536] of boolean;
    14 n,m,ans : longint;
    15 procedure bfs();
    16 var
    17 head,tail : longint;
    18 i : longint;
    19 newx,newy,newstate : longint;
    20 begin
    21 head:=0;
    22 tail:=1;
    23 q[1].x:=1;
    24 q[1].y:=1;
    25 q[1].state:=0;
    26 q[1].dist:=0;
    27 fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false);
    28 v[1,1,0]:=true;
    29 while head<tail do
    30 begin
    31 inc(head);
    32 for i:=1 to 4 do
    33 begin
    34 newx:=q[head].x+fx[i];
    35 newy:=q[head].y+fy[i];
    36 if (newx=n)and(newy=n) then
    37 begin
    38 ans:=q[head].dist+1;
    39 exit;
    40 end;
    41 if (map[newx,newy]>=1)and(map[newx,newy]<=m)and(can[newx,newy]) then
    42 begin
    43 newstate:=q[head].state or (1<<(map[newx,newy]-1));
    44 if not v[newx,newy,newstate] then
    45 begin
    46 inc(tail);
    47 q[tail].x:=newx;
    48 q[tail].y:=newy;
    49 q[tail].state:=newstate;
    50 q[tail].dist:=q[head].dist+1;
    51 v[newx,newy,newstate]:=true;
    52 end;
    53 end;
    54 if can[newx,newy] then
    55 if not v[newx,newy,q[head].state] then
    56 begin
    57 inc(tail);
    58 q[tail].x:=newx;
    59 q[tail].y:=newy;
    60 q[tail].state:=q[head].state;
    61 q[tail].dist:=q[head].dist+1;
    62 v[newx,newy,q[head].state]:=true;
    63 continue;
    64 end;
    65 if (map[newx,newy]>m) then
    66 begin
    67 if ((1<<(map[newx,newy]-m-1))and(q[head].state))=(1<<(map[newx,newy]-m-1)) then
    68 if not v[newx,newy,q[head].state] then
    69 begin
    70 inc(tail);
    71 q[tail].x:=newx;
    72 q[tail].y:=newy;
    73 q[tail].state:=q[head].state;
    74 q[tail].dist:=q[head].dist+1;
    75 v[newx,newy,q[head].state]:=true;
    76 continue;
    77 end;
    78 end;
    79 end;
    80 end;
    81 end; { bfs }
    82 procedure init;
    83 var
    84 i,j,k : longint;
    85 begin
    86 readln(n,m);
    87 for i:=1 to n do
    88 for j:=1 to n do
    89 read(map[i,j]);
    90 fillchar(can,sizeof(can),false);
    91 for i:=1 to n do
    92 for j:=1 to n do
    93 if (map[i,j]=0)or((map[i,j]>=1)and(map[i,j]<=m)) then
    94 can[i,j]:=true;
    95 for i:=1 to n do
    96 for j:=1 to n do
    97 if map[i,j]=-2 then
    98 begin
    99 can[i,j]:=false;
    100 for k:=1 to 4 do
    101 can[i+fx[k],j+fy[k]]:=false;
    102 end;
    103 end; { init }
    104 procedure main;
    105 begin
    106 writeln(ans);
    107 end; { main }
    108 begin
    109 assign(input,'maze.in');reset(input);
    110 assign(output,'maze.out');rewrite(output);
    111 init;
    112 bfs();
    113 main;
    114 close(input);
    115 close(output);
    116 end.


    View Code
     1 //毒药?解药
    2 program poison(input,output);
    3 var
    4 d : array[0..1025] of longint;
    5 v : array[0..1025] of boolean;
    6 f1,f2 : array[0..200] of integer;
    7 q : array[0..2000] of longint;
    8 n,m : longint;
    9 procedure init;
    10 var
    11 i,j : longint;
    12 tmp : integer;
    13 begin
    14 fillchar(f1,sizeof(f1),0);
    15 fillchar(f2,sizeof(f2),0);
    16 readln(n);
    17 readln(m);
    18 for i:=1 to m do
    19 begin
    20 for j:=1 to n do
    21 begin
    22 read(tmp);
    23 case tmp of
    24 0 : continue;
    25 1 : inc(f1[i],1<<(j-1));
    26 -1 : inc(f2[i],1<<(j-1));
    27 end; { case }
    28 end;
    29 readln;
    30 end;
    31 end;
    32 procedure main;
    33 var
    34 head,tail : longint;
    35 now,newstate,i : longint;
    36 begin
    37 fillchar(d,sizeof(d),63);
    38 fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false);
    39 head:=0;
    40 tail:=1;
    41 q[1]:=(1<<n)-1;
    42 v[(1<<n)-1]:=true;
    43 d[(1<<n)-1]:=0;
    44 while head<tail do
    45 begin
    46 inc(head);
    47 now:=q[head];
    48 v[now]:=false;
    49 for i:=1 to m do
    50 begin
    51 newstate:=(now and (not f1[i]));
    52 newstate:=newstate or f2[i];
    53 if d[now]+1<d[newstate] then
    54 begin
    55 d[newstate]:=d[now]+1;
    56 if not v[newstate] then
    57 begin
    58 inc(tail);
    59 q[tail]:=newstate;
    60 v[newstate]:=true;
    61 end;
    62 end;
    63 end;
    64 end;
    65 end; { main }
    66 procedure print;
    67 begin
    68 if d[0]>19950714 then
    69 writeln('No Answer')
    70 else
    71 writeln(d[0]);
    72 end; { print }
    73 begin
    74 assign(input,'poison.in');reset(input);
    75 assign(output,'poison.out');rewrite(output);
    76 init;
    77 main;
    78 print;
    79 close(input);
    80 close(output);
    81 end.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/neverforget/p/2218207.html
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