• Runtime 学习

    /// An opaque type that represents a method in a class definition.
    typedef struct objc_method *Method;
    /// An opaque type that represents an instance variable.
    typedef struct objc_ivar *Ivar;
    /// An opaque type that represents a category.
    typedef struct objc_category *Category;
    /// An opaque type that represents an Objective-C declared property.
    typedef struct objc_property *objc_property_t;
    struct objc_class {
        Class isa  OBJC_ISA_AVAILABILITY;
    #if !__OBJC2__
        Class super_class    //父类                                     OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        const char *name   //类名                                       OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        long version     //版本                                         OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        long info    //详细信息                                             OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        long instance_size   //实例大小                                    OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_ivar_list *ivars    //实例变量列表                         OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_method_list **methodLists  //方法列表                  OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_cache *cache     //方法缓存                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_protocol_list *protocols   //协议列表                  OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    /* Use `Class` instead of `struct objc_class *` */
    #ifdef __OBJC__
    @class Protocol;
    typedef struct objc_object Protocol;
    /// Defines a method
    struct objc_method_description {
        SEL name;               /**< The name of the method */
        char *types;            /**< The types of the method arguments */
    /// Defines a property attribute
    typedef struct {
        const char *name; //属性名          /**< The name of the attribute */
        const char *value; //属性值         /**< The value of the attribute (usually empty) */
    } objc_property_attribute_t;
     *  拷贝一个对象
     *  @param obj
     *  @param size 对象的大小
     *  @return ID 对象
    OBJC_EXPORT id object_copy(id obj, size_t size)
     *  释放一个对象
     *  @param obj 对象
    OBJC_EXPORT id object_dispose(id obj)
     *  获取一个类
     *  @param obj 对象名
     *  @return 类
    OBJC_EXPORT Class object_getClass(id obj)
     *  根据一个对象设置一个类
     *  @param obj 对象
     *  @param cls 类
     *  @return 返回一个类
    OBJC_EXPORT Class object_setClass(id obj, Class cls)
     *  判断对象是否是一个类
     *  @param obj 对象
     *  @return 是否是一个对象
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL object_isClass(id obj)
     *  根据对象获取一个类名
     *  @param obj 对象
     *  @return 类名
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *object_getClassName(id obj)
     *  获取一个实例变量的值
     *  @param obj  对象
     *  @param ivar 实例变量
    OBJC_EXPORT id object_getIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar)
     *  给一个对象的实例变量设置值
     *  @param obj   对象
     *  @param ivar  实例变量
     *  @param value 值
    OBJC_EXPORT void object_setIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar, id value)
     * 修改对象实例变量
     * @param obj 对象
     * @param name 属性名
     * @param value 值
    OBJC_EXPORT Ivar object_setInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void *value)
     * 获取对象实例变量
     * @param obj 对象
     * @param name 属性名
     * @param value 值
    OBJC_EXPORT Ivar object_getInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void **outValue);
    /***  类相关函数 ***/
     *    根据一个类名 获取一个类
     *  @param name 名字
     *  @return 类
    OBJC_EXPORT Class objc_getClass(const char *name)
     *  获取一个元类
     *  @param name 类名
     *  @return 元类
    OBJC_EXPORT Class objc_getMetaClass(const char *name)
     *  获取注册类的缓存数量
     *  @param buffer      注册的数组
     *  @param bufferCount 数量
    OBJC_EXPORT int objc_getClassList(Class *buffer, int bufferCount)
     *  拷贝已注册的类
     *  @param outCount 数量
    OBJC_EXPORT Class *objc_copyClassList(unsigned int *outCount)
    /* 类相关函数 */
     *  获取类名
     *  @param cls 类
     *  @return 类名
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *class_getName(Class cls)
     *  判断类是否是元类
     *  @param cls 类
     *  @return 是否是元类
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL class_isMetaClass(Class cls)
     *  获取当前类的父类
     *  @param cls 当期类
     *  @return 父类
    OBJC_EXPORT Class class_getSuperclass(Class cls)
     *  给当前类设置父类
     *  @param cls      当前类
     *  @param newSuper 父类
     *  @return 当前类
    OBJC_EXPORT Class class_setSuperclass(Class cls, Class newSuper)
     *  获取类的大小
     *  @param cls 当前类
     *  @return 大小
    OBJC_EXPORT size_t class_getInstanceSize(Class cls);
     *  获取当前实例的成员变量的值
     * @param cls 当前类
     * @param name 成员变量名
     * @return 成员变量
    OBJC_EXPORT Ivar class_getInstanceVariable(Class cls, const char *name);
     *  获取当前类的成员变量的值
     * @param cls 当前类
     * @param name 成员变量名
     * @return 成员变量
    OBJC_EXPORT Ivar class_getClassVariable(Class cls, const char *name)
     *  拷贝一个类的属性链表--数组
     * @param cls 当前类
     * @param 数量
     * @return 该类的所有属性
    OBJC_EXPORT Ivar *class_copyIvarList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount)
     *  获取实例的方法
     *  @param cls  类
     *  @param name 方法名
     *  @return Method 方法
    OBJC_EXPORT Method class_getInstanceMethod(Class cls, SEL name)
     *  获取类方法
     *  @param cls  类
     *  @param name 方法名
     *  @return 类方法
    OBJC_EXPORT Method class_getClassMethod(Class cls, SEL name)
     *  获取类方法实现
     *  @param cls 当前类
     *  @param name 方法名
     *  @return 方法的实现
    OBJC_EXPORT IMP class_getMethodImplementation(Class cls, SEL name)
     *  获取类方法实现
     *  @param cls 当前类
     *  @param name 方法名
     *  @return 方法的实现
    OBJC_EXPORT IMP class_getMethodImplementation_stret(Class cls, SEL name)
     *  判断Selector是否响应
     *  @param cls 类
     *  @param sel Selector
     *  @return 是否响应
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL class_respondsToSelector(Class cls, SEL sel)
     *  获取一个类的方法列表
     *  @param cls      类
     *  @param outCount 数量
     *  @return 所有方法
    OBJC_EXPORT Method *class_copyMethodList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount)
     *  检查是否符合协议
     *  @param cls      类
     *  @param protocol 协议
     *  @return 是否符合与父类无关
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL class_conformsToProtocol(Class cls, Protocol *protocol)
     *  拷贝所有协议列表
     *  @param cls      类
     *  @param outCount 数量
     *  @return 协议列表
    OBJC_EXPORT Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *class_copyProtocolList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount)
     *  获取一个对象的属性
     *  @param cls  类
     *  @param name 属性名
     *  @return 属性
    OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t class_getProperty(Class cls, const char *name)
     *  拷贝属性列表
     *  @param cls      类
     *  @param outCount 属性数量
     *  @return 属性列表
    OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t *class_copyPropertyList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount)
     *  动态的给类添加一个方法和实现
     *  @param cls   类
     *  @param name  方法名
     *  @param imp   方法实现
     *  @param types 方法类型
     *  @return 是否添加成功
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL class_addMethod(Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp,
                                     const char *types)
     *  动态的移除一个类的方法和实现
     *  @param cls   类
     *  @param name  方法名
     *  @param imp   实现
     *  @param types 方法类型
     *  @return 是否移除成功
    OBJC_EXPORT IMP class_replaceMethod(Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp,
                                        const char *types)
     * 添加一个新的实例变量
     * @return 是否添加成功
     * @note 添加的这个成员变量是不存在的
     * @note 这个类不能是元类,元类是不支持添加的
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL class_addIvar(Class cls, const char *name, size_t size,
                                   uint8_t alignment, const char *types)
     * 给类添加一个协议
     * @param cls 当前类.
     * @param protocol 协议.
     * @return 是否添加成功
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL class_addProtocol(Class cls, Protocol *protocol)
     * 给类添加一个属性
     * @param cls 这个类已经修改了.
     * @param name 属性名.
     * @param attributes  property数组.
     * @param attributeCount property数组长度.
     * @return  是否添加成功
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL class_addProperty(Class cls, const char *name, const objc_property_attribute_t *attributes, unsigned int attributeCount)
     * 移除一个属性
     * @param cls 这个类已经修改了
     * @param name 属性名
     * @param attributes  property 数组.
     * @param attributeCount property 数组长度
    OBJC_EXPORT void class_replaceProperty(Class cls, const char *name, const objc_property_attribute_t *attributes, unsigned int attributeCount)
    /* 实例化一个类 相关 */
     *  实例化一个类
     *  @param cls        类
     *  @param extraBytes 大小
     *  @return 实例化的类
    OBJC_EXPORT id class_createInstance(Class cls, size_t extraBytes)
    /* 添加一个类 */
     * 创建一个新的类或者是元类
     * @param superclass 父类
     * @param name The  类名
     * @param extraBytes  类大小
     * @return 创建好的类
    OBJC_EXPORT Class objc_allocateClassPair(Class superclass, const char *name,
                                             size_t extraBytes)
     *  注册一个类
    OBJC_EXPORT void objc_registerClassPair(Class cls)
    /* 方法相关 */
     *  获取一个方法
     *  @param m 方法
     *  @return 方法
    OBJC_EXPORT SEL method_getName(Method m)
     *  获取一个方法实现
     *  @param m 方法
     *  @return 方法的实现
    OBJC_EXPORT IMP method_getImplementation(Method m)
     *  获取方法的类型编码
     *  @param m 方法
     *  @return 类型编码
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *method_getTypeEncoding(Method m)
     * 获取方法的参数数量
     * @param m 方法
     * @return 参数数量
    OBJC_EXPORT unsigned int method_getNumberOfArguments(Method m)
     * 拷贝方法的返回类型
     * @param m 方法
     * @return 返回类型
    OBJC_EXPORT char *method_copyReturnType(Method m)
     *  根据索引拷贝参数类型
     *  @param m     方法
     *  @param index 索引
     *  @return 参数类型
    OBJC_EXPORT char *method_copyArgumentType(Method m, unsigned int index)
     *  获取方法的返回类型
     * @param m 方法
     * @param dst 引用的字符串存储描述。
     * @param dst_len 大小
    OBJC_EXPORT void method_getReturnType(Method m, char *dst, size_t dst_len)
     *  根据索引获取参数类型
     *  @param m       方法
     *  @param index   索引
     *  @param dst_len 长度
    OBJC_EXPORT void method_getArgumentType(Method m, unsigned int index,
                                            char *dst, size_t dst_len)
    OBJC_EXPORT struct objc_method_description *method_getDescription(Method m)
     *  设置方法的实现
     *  @param m   方法
     *  @param imp 实现
    OBJC_EXPORT IMP method_setImplementation(Method m, IMP imp)
     *  交换两个方法
     *  @param m1 方法1
     *  @param m2 方法2
    OBJC_EXPORT void method_exchangeImplementations(Method m1, Method m2)
    /* 实例变量相关 */
     *  获取实例变量名
     *  @param v 实力编码
     *  @return 实例变量名
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *ivar_getName(Ivar v)
     * 获取实例变量编码
     * @param v 实例变量
     * @return A 类型编码
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *ivar_getTypeEncoding(Ivar v)
     *  获取实例变量便宜地址
     *  @param v 实例变量
     *  @return 偏移地址
    OBJC_EXPORT ptrdiff_t ivar_getOffset(Ivar v)
    /* 属性相关 */
     *  获取属性名
     *  @param property 属性
     *  @return 属性名
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *property_getName(objc_property_t property)
     * 获取 property 的 attributes
     * @param property A property.
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *property_getAttributes(objc_property_t property)
     * 拷贝 property 的  attributes 列表
     * @param outCount 数量
    OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_attribute_t *property_copyAttributeList(objc_property_t property, unsigned int *outCount)
     * 拷贝 property 的 attribute 列表的值
     * @param property The property whose attribute value you are interested in.
     * @param attributeName attributeName名.
     * @return The value string of the attribute e attributeName if it exists in
     *  e property, c nil otherwise.
    OBJC_EXPORT char *property_copyAttributeValue(objc_property_t property, const char *attributeName)
    /* 协议相关 */
     * 根据名字获取协议
     * @param name 协议名.
    OBJC_EXPORT Protocol *objc_getProtocol(const char *name)
     * 拷贝协议列表
     * @param outCount 遵守协议的数量
     * @return A C array 协议列表
    OBJC_EXPORT Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *objc_copyProtocolList(unsigned int *outCount)
     * 检查A协议是否符合另一个协议
     * @param proto A protocol.
     * @param other A protocol.
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL protocol_conformsToProtocol(Protocol *proto, Protocol *other)
     * 判断两个协议是否相等
     * @param proto A protocol.
     * @param other A protocol.
     * @return 是否相等
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL protocol_isEqual(Protocol *proto, Protocol *other)
     * 获取协议名
     * @param p A protocol.
     * @return The name of the protocol e p as a C string.
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *protocol_getName(Protocol *p)
     *  返回一个指定的方法的方法描述结构给定的协议。
     * @param p A protocol.
     * @param aSel A selector.
     * @param isRequiredMethod A Boolean value that indicates whether aSel is a required method.
     * @param isInstanceMethod A Boolean value that indicates whether aSel is an instance method.
     * @return An c objc_method_description structure that describes the method specified by e aSel,
     *  e isRequiredMethod, and e isInstanceMethod for the protocol e p.
     *  If the protocol does not contain the specified method, returns an c objc_method_description structure
     *  with the value c {NULL, c NULL}.
     * @note This function recursively searches any protocols that this protocol conforms to.
    OBJC_EXPORT struct objc_method_description protocol_getMethodDescription(Protocol *p, SEL aSel, BOOL isRequiredMethod, BOOL isInstanceMethod)
     * Returns an array of method descriptions of methods meeting a given specification for a given protocol.
     * @param p A protocol.
     * @param isRequiredMethod A Boolean value that indicates whether returned methods should
     *  be required methods (pass YES to specify required methods).
     * @param isInstanceMethod A Boolean value that indicates whether returned methods should
     *  be instance methods (pass YES to specify instance methods).
     * @param outCount Upon return, contains the number of method description structures in the returned array.
     * @return A C array of c objc_method_description structures containing the names and types of e p's methods
     *  specified by e isRequiredMethod and e isInstanceMethod. The array contains c *outCount pointers followed
     *  by a c NULL terminator. You must free the list with c free().
     *  If the protocol declares no methods that meet the specification, c NULL is returned and c *outCount is 0.
     * @note Methods in other protocols adopted by this protocol are not included.
    OBJC_EXPORT struct objc_method_description *protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList(Protocol *p, BOOL isRequiredMethod, BOOL isInstanceMethod, unsigned int *outCount)
     * 获取协议属性
     * @param proto A protocol.
     * @param name The name of a property.
     * @param isRequiredProperty A Boolean value that indicates whether name is a required property.
     * @param isInstanceProperty A Boolean value that indicates whether name is a required property.
     * @return The property specified by e name, e isRequiredProperty, and e isInstanceProperty for e proto,
     *  or c NULL if none of e proto's properties meets the specification.
    OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t protocol_getProperty(Protocol *proto, const char *name, BOOL isRequiredProperty, BOOL isInstanceProperty)
     * 拷贝协议的属性列表
     * @param proto A protocol.
     * @param outCount Upon return, contains the number of elements in the returned array.
     * @return A C array of pointers of type c objc_property_t describing the properties declared by e proto.
     *  Any properties declared by other protocols adopted by this protocol are not included. The array contains
     *  c *outCount pointers followed by a c NULL terminator. You must free the array with c free().
     *  If the protocol declares no properties, c NULL is returned and c *outCount is c 0.
    OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t *protocol_copyPropertyList(Protocol *proto, unsigned int *outCount)
     * 拷贝协议列表(线程不安全)
     * @param proto A protocol.
     * @param outCount Upon return, contains the number of elements in the returned array.
     * @return A C array of protocols adopted by e proto. The array contains e *outCount pointers
     *  followed by a c NULL terminator. You must free the array with c free().
     *  If the protocol declares no properties, c NULL is returned and c *outCount is c 0.
    OBJC_EXPORT Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *protocol_copyProtocolList(Protocol *proto, unsigned int *outCount)
     *  创建一个新的协议
     * @param name 协议名字.
    OBJC_EXPORT Protocol *objc_allocateProtocol(const char *name)
     * 注册协议
    OBJC_EXPORT void objc_registerProtocol(Protocol *proto)
     * 给协议添加一个方法
     * @param proto The protocol to add a method to.
     * @param name The name of the method to add.
     * @param types A C string that represents the method signature.
     * @param isRequiredMethod YES if the method is not an optional method.
     * @param isInstanceMethod YES if the method is an instance method.
    OBJC_EXPORT void protocol_addMethodDescription(Protocol *proto, SEL name, const char *types, BOOL isRequiredMethod, BOOL isInstanceMethod)
     * 添加一个协议
     * @param proto The protocol you want to add to, it must be under construction.
     * @param addition The protocol you want to incorporate into e proto, it must be registered.
    OBJC_EXPORT void protocol_addProtocol(Protocol *proto, Protocol *addition)
     * 给协议添加一个属性
     * @param proto The protocol to add a property to.
     * @param name The name of the property.
     * @param attributes An array of property attributes.
     * @param attributeCount The number of attributes in e attributes.
     * @param isRequiredProperty YES if the property (accessor methods) is not optional.
     * @param isInstanceProperty YES if the property (accessor methods) are instance methods.
     *  This is the only case allowed fo a property, as a result, setting this to NO will
     *  not add the property to the protocol at all.
    OBJC_EXPORT void protocol_addProperty(Protocol *proto, const char *name, const objc_property_attribute_t *attributes, unsigned int attributeCount, BOOL isRequiredProperty, BOOL isInstanceProperty)
    /* 镜像相关 */
     *  拷贝镜像名
     * @param outCount The number of names returned.
     * @return An array of C strings of names. Must be free()'d by caller.
    OBJC_EXPORT const char **objc_copyImageNames(unsigned int *outCount)
     * 根据一个类获取镜像名
     * @param cls 当前类
     * @return 包含这个类库的名称
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *class_getImageName(Class cls)
     *  返回一个库中所有的类的名称列表。
     * @param image 你询问的库或框架.
     * @param outCount 数量.
    OBJC_EXPORT const char **objc_copyClassNamesForImage(const char *image,
                                                         unsigned int *outCount)
    /* Selectors 相关 */
     * 获取SEL的名称
     * @param sel 选择器.
    OBJC_EXPORT const char *sel_getName(SEL sel)
     * 获取一个Selectors的Uid
     * @param str Selectors 名
    OBJC_EXPORT SEL sel_getUid(const char *str)
     * 注册Selectors
     * @param str Selectors名
     * @return A pointer of type SEL specifying the selector for the named method.
    OBJC_EXPORT SEL sel_registerName(const char *str)
     *  判断Selectors是否相等
     * @param lhs A Selectors .
     * @param rhs B Selectors
     * @return 是否相等
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL sel_isEqual(SEL lhs, SEL rhs)
    /* Objective-C Language 特征 */
     * This function is inserted by the compiler when a mutation
     * is detected during a foreach iteration. It gets called
     * when a mutation occurs, and the enumerationMutationHandler
     * is enacted if it is set up. A fatal error occurs if a handler is not set up.
     * @param obj The object being mutated.
    OBJC_EXPORT void objc_enumerationMutation(id obj)
     * Sets the current mutation handler.
     * @param handler Function pointer to the new mutation handler.
    OBJC_EXPORT void objc_setEnumerationMutationHandler(void (*handler)(id))
     * Set the function to be called by objc_msgForward.
     * @param fwd Function to be jumped to by objc_msgForward.
     * @param fwd_stret Function to be jumped to by objc_msgForward_stret.
     * @see message.h::_objc_msgForward
    OBJC_EXPORT void objc_setForwardHandler(void *fwd, void *fwd_stret)
     * Creates a pointer to a function that will call the block
     * when the method is called.
     * @param block The block that implements this method. Its signature should
     *  be: method_return_type ^(id self, method_args...).
     *  The selector is not available as a parameter to this block.
     *  The block is copied with c Block_copy().
     * @return The IMP that calls this block. Must be disposed of with
     *  c imp_removeBlock.
    OBJC_EXPORT IMP imp_implementationWithBlock(id block)
     * Return the block associated with an IMP that was created using
     * c imp_implementationWithBlock.
     * @param anImp The IMP that calls this block.
     * @return The block called by e anImp.
    OBJC_EXPORT id imp_getBlock(IMP anImp)
     * Disassociates a block from an IMP that was created using
     * c imp_implementationWithBlock and releases the copy of the
     * block that was created.
     * @param anImp An IMP that was created using c imp_implementationWithBlock.
     * @return YES if the block was released successfully, NO otherwise.
     *  (For example, the block might not have been used to create an IMP previously).
    OBJC_EXPORT BOOL imp_removeBlock(IMP anImp)
     * This loads the object referenced by a weak pointer and returns it, after
     * retaining and autoreleasing the object to ensure that it stays alive
     * long enough for the caller to use it. This function would be used
     * anywhere a __weak variable is used in an expression.
     * @param location The weak pointer address
     * @return The object pointed to by e location, or c nil if e location is c nil.
    OBJC_EXPORT id objc_loadWeak(id *location)
     * This function stores a new value into a __weak variable. It would
     * be used anywhere a __weak variable is the target of an assignment.
     * @param location The address of the weak pointer itself
     * @param obj The new object this weak ptr should now point to
     * @return The value stored into e location, i.e. e obj
    OBJC_EXPORT id objc_storeWeak(id *location, id obj)
    /* Associative References */
     * Policies related to associative references.
     * These are options to objc_setAssociatedObject()
    typedef OBJC_ENUM(uintptr_t, objc_AssociationPolicy) {
        OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN = 0,           /**< Specifies a weak reference to the associated object. */
        OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC = 1, /**< Specifies a strong reference to the associated object.
                                                *   The association is not made atomically. */
        OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC = 3,   /**< Specifies that the associated object is copied.
                                                *   The association is not made atomically. */
        OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN = 01401,       /**< Specifies a strong reference to the associated object.
                                                *   The association is made atomically. */
        OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY = 01403          /**< Specifies that the associated object is copied.
                                                *   The association is made atomically. */
         * 设置关联对象
         * @param object 源对象
         * @param key The key for the association.
         * @param value The value to associate with the key key for object. Pass nil to clear an existing association.
         * @param policy The policy for the association. For possible values, see “Associative Object Behaviors.”
         * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
         * @see objc_removeAssociatedObjects
        OBJC_EXPORT void objc_setAssociatedObject(id object, const void *key, id value, objc_AssociationPolicy policy)
        __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_1);
         *  根据Key获取关联的对象
         * @param object The source object for the association.
         * @param key The key for the association.
         * @return The value associated with the key e key for e object.
         * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
        OBJC_EXPORT id objc_getAssociatedObject(id object, const void *key)
        __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_1);
         * 移除当前对象的所有关联
         * @param object An object that maintains associated objects.
         * @note The main purpose of this function is to make it easy to return an object
         *  to a "pristine state”. You should not use this function for general removal of
         *  associations from objects, since it also removes associations that other clients
         *  may have added to the object. Typically you should use c objc_setAssociatedObject
         *  with a nil value to clear an association.
         * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
         * @see objc_getAssociatedObject
        OBJC_EXPORT void objc_removeAssociatedObjects(id object)
        __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_1);
    #define _C_ID       '@'
    #define _C_CLASS    '#'
    #define _C_SEL      ':'
    #define _C_CHR      'c'
    #define _C_UCHR     'C'
    #define _C_SHT      's'
    #define _C_USHT     'S'
    #define _C_INT      'i'
    #define _C_UINT     'I'
    #define _C_LNG      'l'
    #define _C_ULNG     'L'
    #define _C_LNG_LNG  'q'
    #define _C_ULNG_LNG 'Q'
    #define _C_FLT      'f'
    #define _C_DBL      'd'
    #define _C_BFLD     'b'
    #define _C_BOOL     'B'
    #define _C_VOID     'v'
    #define _C_UNDEF    '?'
    #define _C_PTR      '^'
    #define _C_CHARPTR  '*'
    #define _C_ATOM     '%'
    #define _C_ARY_B    '['
    #define _C_ARY_E    ']'
    #define _C_UNION_B  '('
    #define _C_UNION_E  ')'
    #define _C_STRUCT_B '{'
    #define _C_STRUCT_E '}'
    #define _C_VECTOR   '!'
    #define _C_CONST    'r'
        /* Obsolete types */
    #if !__OBJC2__
    #define CLS_GETINFO(cls,infomask)        ((cls)->info & (infomask))
    #define CLS_SETINFO(cls,infomask)        ((cls)->info |= (infomask))
        // class is not a metaclass
    #define CLS_CLASS               0x1
        // class is a metaclass
    #define CLS_META                0x2
        // class's +initialize method has completed
    #define CLS_INITIALIZED         0x4
        // class is posing
    #define CLS_POSING              0x8
        // unused
    #define CLS_MAPPED              0x10
        // class and subclasses need cache flush during image loading
    #define CLS_FLUSH_CACHE         0x20
        // method cache should grow when full
    #define CLS_GROW_CACHE          0x40
        // unused
    #define CLS_NEED_BIND           0x80
        // methodLists is array of method lists
    #define CLS_METHOD_ARRAY        0x100
        // the JavaBridge constructs classes with these markers
    #define CLS_JAVA_HYBRID         0x200
    #define CLS_JAVA_CLASS          0x400
        // thread-safe +initialize
    #define CLS_INITIALIZING        0x800
        // bundle unloading
    #define CLS_FROM_BUNDLE         0x1000
        // C++ ivar support
    #define CLS_HAS_CXX_STRUCTORS   0x2000
        // Lazy method list arrays
    #define CLS_NO_METHOD_ARRAY     0x4000
        // +load implementation
    #define CLS_HAS_LOAD_METHOD     0x8000
        // objc_allocateClassPair API
    #define CLS_CONSTRUCTING        0x10000
        // class compiled with bigger class structure
    #define CLS_EXT                 0x20000
        struct objc_method_description_list {
            int count;
            struct objc_method_description list[1];
        struct objc_protocol_list { //协议列表
            struct objc_protocol_list *next;//下一个协议
            long count;//数量
            Protocol *list[1];
        struct objc_category {
            char *category_name     //分类名
            char *class_name        //类名
            struct objc_method_list *instance_methods          //实例方法列表      ;
            struct objc_method_list *class_methods             //类方法列表      ;
            struct objc_protocol_list *protocols               //协议列表           ;
        }                                                            ;
        struct objc_ivar {
            char *ivar_name   //成员变量名                                       OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            char *ivar_type   //成员变量类型                                       OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            int ivar_offset   //成员变量偏移地址                                       OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    #ifdef __LP64__
            int space                                                OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        }                                                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_ivar_list {  //成员变量列表
            int ivar_count                  //成员变量数量                         OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    #ifdef __LP64__
            int space                                                OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            /* variable length structure */
            struct objc_ivar ivar_list[1]                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        }                                                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_method { //对象方法
            SEL method_name            //方法名                               OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            char *method_types         //方法类型                              OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            IMP method_imp             //方法实现                              OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        }                                                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_method_list { //方法列表
            struct objc_method_list *obsolete                        OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            int method_count               //方法数量                          OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    #ifdef __LP64__
            int space                                                OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            /* variable length structure */
            struct objc_method method_list[1]                        OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        }                                                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        typedef struct objc_symtab *Symtab                           OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_symtab {
            unsigned long sel_ref_cnt                                OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            SEL *refs                                                OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            unsigned short cls_def_cnt                               OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            unsigned short cat_def_cnt                               OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            void *defs[1] /* variable size */                        OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        }                                                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        typedef struct objc_cache *Cache         //方法缓存                    OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    #define CACHE_BUCKET_NAME(B)  ((B)->method_name)
    #define CACHE_BUCKET_IMP(B)   ((B)->method_imp)
    #define CACHE_BUCKET_VALID(B) (B)
    #ifndef __LP64__
    #define CACHE_HASH(sel, mask) (((uintptr_t)(sel)>>2) & (mask))
    #define CACHE_HASH(sel, mask) (((unsigned int)((uintptr_t)(sel)>>3)) & (mask))
        struct objc_cache { // 方法缓存
            unsigned int mask /* total = mask + 1 */                 OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            unsigned int occupied                                    OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            Method buckets[1]                                        OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        typedef struct objc_module *Module                           OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_module {
            unsigned long version                                    OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            unsigned long size                                       OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            const char *name                                         OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
            Symtab symtab                                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        }                                                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
        struct objc_method_list;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ndyBlog/p/5189324.html
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