• silverlight beta 2 将在本周末发布.

    太开心了,刚刚收到微软silverlight.net的邮件.  确定了 将在本周末发布beta2.

    There are some new features we’re announcing at this time that will be included in Beta 2:

    ·         UI Framework: Beta 2 includes improvements in animation support, error handling and reporting, automation and accessibility support, keyboard input support, and general performance.  This release also provides more compatibility between Silverlight and WPF.

    ·         Rich Controls: Beta 2 includes a new templating model called Visual State Manager that allows for easier templating for controls. Other features include the introduction of TabControl, text wrapping and scrollbars for TextBox, and for DataGrid additions include Autosize, Reorder, Sort, performance increases and more.  Most controls are now in the runtime instead of packaged with the application.

    ·         Networking Support: Beta 2 includes improved Cross Domain support and security enhancements, upload support for WebClient, and duplex communications (“push” from server to Silverlight client).

    ·         Rich Base Class Library: Beta 2 includes improved threading abilities, LINQ-to-JSON, ADO.NET Data Services support, better support for SOAP, and various other improvements to make networking and data handling easier.

    ·         Deep Zoom: Beta 2 introduces a new XML-based file format for Deep Zoom image tiles, as well as a new MultiScaleTileSource that enables existing tile databases to utilize Deep Zoom. Better, event driven notification for zoom/pan state is another improvement in Silverlight 2 Beta 2.  
    另外说一下.beta2 的改动不小. 复杂点的应用移植可能要费些事了.

    beta 2 内置的控件也不少了.  控件直接放到了System.Windows.dll 下
    •       ContentControl
    •       ContentPresenter
    •       RangeBase
    •       Slider
    •       ScrollBar
    •       Thumb
    •       ScrollViewer
    •       ButtonBase
    •       Button
    •       RepeatButton
    •       ToggleButton
    •       HyperlinkButton
    •       CheckBox
    •       RadioButton
    •       ListBox
    •       ListBoxItem
    •       OpenFileDialog
    •       ToolTip
    •       ToolTipService
    •       ClickMode
    •       DialogResult
    •       DisplayMemberValueConverter
    •       FileDialogFileInfo
    •       ScrollBarVisibility
    •       ScrollContentPresenter
    •       SelectionChangedEventArgs
    •       SelectionChangedEventHandler
    •       SelectionMode
    •       DragCompletedEventArgs
    •       DragDeltaEventArgs
    •       DragStartedEventArgs
    •       ScrollEventArgs
    •       ScrollEventType
    别的还有好多好多改变..  我这里就列一下目录吧
    •       Important! Migrating Older Code to the Newer Release
    •       Update Silverlight.js
    •       Sockets Breaking Change
    •       Change for Built-In Style of Controls
    •       MIME Type and Installer URL Change
    •       SetTargetProperty and GetTargetProperty Changes
    •       System.Windows.Control.dll Merged with System.Windows.dll
    •       ToolTip Changes
    •       Removed Several Properties from Controls in System.Windows*dll
    •       Change in Handling of System.Windows.Controls.Extended.dll in XAML
    •       Changes to HtmlElement.GetAttribute and HtmlElement.GetProperty
    •       Calendar/DatePicker Changes
    •       HtmlPage.UnregisterScriptableObject Removed
    •       WebClient and HttpWebRequest Changes
    •       Improved Null Argument Checking in System.Xml
    •       BackgroundWorker Moved
    •       Deep Zoom Image and Collections Format Change
    •       MultiScaleImage Change
    •       AllowInboundCallsFromXDomain Changes
    •       Changes to Scroll-related APIs and Drag*EventArgs
    •       Glyphs Element Requires Either UniCodeString or Indices Attribute
    •       ServiceReferences.ClientConfig File Changes
    •       ItemsControl.Items Is Now of Type ItemCollection Instead of IList
    •       RoutedEventArgs.Handled=true Events No Longer Bubble
    •       Style Cannot Be Applied to Control That Is Incompatible with Its TargetType
    •       SetValue Only Accepts the Correct Types (No Conversions)
    •       Control.InitializeFromXaml Removed
    •       No Longer Can Specify Name and x:Name on the Same Element
    •       Changes to Cross-Domain Policy
    •       Storyboards Can Be Active While Outside the Live Tree
    •       GetValue on Storyboard.Duration Only Returns Storyboard.Duration
    •       Image and ImageBrush Class Changes
    •       TextBox Template Changes
    •       Custom BorderBrush/BorderThickness Change
    •       ButtonBase Changes
    •       ListBox and ListBoxItem Changes
    •       System.ServiceModel.ClientBase Changes
    •       ContentControl and ContentPresenter Changes
    •       GetValue Changes
    •       Updates to Control Styles
    •       DataGrid Breaking Changes
    •       Miscellaneous API Changes
    东西太多了.  我先去把握的silverlight程序移植下.  

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nasa/p/1214184.html
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