• C语言,单链表操作(增删改查)(version 0.1)



     1 //  File Name     : list.h
     2 #include "stdafx.h"
     3 #include "stdio.h"
     4 #include <stdlib.h>
     5 #include "string.h"
     7 //creat list
     8 //creat node 
     9 //insert
    10 //del
    11 //find
    12 //sort
    13 typedef int data_t ;
    14 typedef struct NODE{
    15     data_t data;
    16     NODE* next;
    17 }NODE ,*NODEPTR;
    19 typedef struct LIST{
    20     NODE* head;//init==0
    21     NODE* tail;//init==0
    22     int num ;  //min==0
    23 }LIST;
    25 //create
    26 extern NODE *create_node(data_t data);
    27 extern LIST *creat_list();
    28 extern bool is_null(LIST* list);
    29 //find
    30 extern NODE* find_node(LIST* list ,data_t data);
    31 extern NODE* inline find_node_by_index(LIST* list , int index);//index : from 1 to list->num
    33 //del
    34 extern int del_node_data(LIST* list,data_t data);
    35 extern data_t del_node_head(LIST* list );
    36 extern data_t del_node_index(LIST* list,int index);//index : from 1 to list->num
    37 extern data_t del_node_tail(LIST* list );
    39 //insert
    40 extern int insert_data_F(LIST* list, data_t data);
    41 extern void insert_node_F(LIST* list, NODE* node);
    42 extern int insert_data_T(LIST* list, data_t data);
    43 extern void insert_node_T(LIST* list, NODE* node );
    44 extern int insert_data_index(LIST* list , data_t data,int index);//index : from 1 to list->num
    45 extern int insert_node_index(LIST* list , NODE* node,int index);//index : from 1 to list->num
    47 extern int insert_data_ordered(LIST* list , data_t data );//assume the list is ordered (low to high )48 
    49 //sort
    50 extern int sort(LIST* list);
    51 extern int swap(LIST* list, int indexf,int indexn);//index : from 1 to list->num
    52 extern int inline swap_node(NODE* before ,NODE* next);
      1 /******************************************************************************
      3   Copyright (C), 2001-2011, DCN Co., Ltd.
      5  ******************************************************************************
      6   File Name     : list.c
      7   Version       : Initial Draft
      8   Author        : ocj
      9   Created       : 2014/8/8
     10   Last Modified :
     11   Description   : singlelist
     12   Function List :
     13               create_node
     14               creat_list
     15               del_node_data
     16               del_node_head
     17               del_node_index
     18               del_node_tail
     19               find_node
     20               find_node_by_index
     21               insert_data_F
     22               insert_data_index
     23               insert_data_ordered
     24               insert_data_T
     25               insert_node_F
     26               insert_node_index
     27               insert_node_T
     28               is_null
     29               sort
     30               swap
     31               swap_node
     32   History       :
     33   1.Date        : 2014/8/8
     34     Author      : ocj
     35     Modification: Created file
     37 ******************************************************************************/
     38 #include "list.h"
     39 //if success :ret!=0
     40 LIST *creat_list()
     41 {
     42     LIST* list = (LIST*)malloc(sizeof(LIST));
     43     list->head = 0;
     44     list->tail = 0;
     45     list->num = 0;
     46     return list;
     47 }
     48 //if success :ret!=0
     49 NODE *create_node(data_t data)
     50 {
     51     NODE* node = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); 
     52     node->dext = 0;
     53     node.data = data;
     54     return node;
     55 }
     57 //return 1: is null
     58 //return 0: not null
     59 bool is_null(LIST* list)
     60 {
     61     //return (list->num==0); //method 1 
     62     return (list->head->next == 0 )    ;//method 2
     63 }
     65 //ret==0:fail
     66 int insert_node_F(LIST* list, NODE* node)
     67 {
     68     if(list==0 || node ==0){
     69         return 0;
     70     }
     71     if(list->head==0){
     72         list->tail = node;
     73     }
     74     list->head = node ;
     75     node->next = list->head;
     76 //if list is null     ,node->next == list->head==0
     77 //if list is not null ,node->next == list->head!=0
     78     list->num++;  
     79 }
     81 //return 1 : ok
     82 //return 0 : fail
     83 int insert_data_F(LIST* list, data_t data)
     84 {
     85     NODE* node = create_node(data);
     86     if(node){
     87         return 0;
     88     }
     89     insert_node_F(list , node);
     90     return 1;
     91 }
     93 void insert_node_T(LIST* list, NODE* node )
     94 {
     95     if(list->head==0){
     96         node->next = 0;
     97         list->head = list->tail = node;
     98     }
    100     list->tail = node ;
    101     node->next = 0 ;
    102     list->num++;
    103 }
    105 //return 1 : ok
    106 //return 0 : fail
    107 int insert_data_T(LIST* list, data_t data)
    108 {
    109     NODE* node = create_node(data);
    110     if(node){
    111         return 0;
    112     }
    113     insert_node_T(list , node);
    114     return 1;
    115 }
    117 //ret=0: fail
    118 int insert_node_index(LIST* list , NODE* node,int index)
    119 {
    120     if(index>listnum+1)    {
    121         return 0;
    122     }
    124     if(index==1){
    125         insert_node_F(list ,node);
    126     }else if(index ==list->num+1){
    127         insert_node_T(list ,node);
    128     }else{
    129         NODE* before = list->head;
    130         while(index>2){
    131             index--;
    132             before = before->next;        
    133         }
    134         node->next = before->next ;
    135         before->next = node ;
    136         list->num++;
    137     }
    138     return 1;
    139 }
    140 //ret=0: fail
    141 int insert_data_index(LIST* list , data_t data,int index)
    142 {
    143     NODE* node = create_node(data)    ;
    144     if(node==null){
    145         return 0 ;
    146     }
    147     return insert_node_index(list , node,index );
    148 }
    150 //assume the order is low to high
    151 //ret==0: fail
    152 int insert_data_ordered(LIST* list , data_t data )
    153 {
    154     NODE* node = create_node(data);
    155     if(node==0){
    156         return 0;
    157     }
    158     if(list->head == 0){
    159         list->head = list->tail = node;
    160         return 1;
    161     }
    163     if(node->data < head->data){
    164         insert_data_F(list ,node);
    165     }else {
    166         list->num++;
    167         NODE *before = head;
    168         NODE* nodet = head->next ;
    169         while(node->data > nodet->data && nodet->next!=0){
    170          //until( node->data < nodet->data  || tail )
    171             nodet = nodet->next ;
    172             before = before->next;    
    173         }
    174         if(nodet->next==0){
    175             nodet->next = node ;
    176         }else{
    177             node->next = nodet ;
    178             before->next = node ;
    179         }
    180     }
    181     return 1;
    182 }
    184 //not find: return 0
    185 //success find and del :return 1 
    186 int del_node_data(LIST* list,data_t data)  //find and del first_found
    187 {
    188     if(list->num ==0){
    189         return 0;
    190     }
    192     NODE* before = list->head ;    
    193     NODE* nodet = list->head ;    
    194     if(nodet->data == data){ //head->data == data
    195         list->head = list->head->next ;
    196         free(nodet);
    197         list->num--;
    198         return 1;
    199     }
    201     nodet = nodet->next;
    202     while(nodet->data!=data  && nodet->next!=0  ){
    203         nodet = nodet->next;
    204     }
    205     if(nodet->data == data ){
    206         before->next = nodet->next ;
    207         free(nodet);
    208         list->num--;
    209     }else{//not found
    210         return 0;
    211     }
    212     return 1;
    213 }
    216 data_t del_node_index(LIST* list,int index)
    217 {
    218     if(is_null(list) || index > list->num){
    219         exit(-1);
    220     }
    221     NODE* before = list->head ;
    222     NODE* del = list->head ;
    223     data_t data ;
    224     if(list->num == 1 )    { //head
    225         list->num--;
    226         list->head = list->tail = 0; 
    227         data = del->data;
    228         free(del);
    229         return data;
    230     }
    232     int first = 1 ;
    233     for( ;index>1;index--){//offset --- index   
    234         if(!first){
    235             before = before->next ;
    236         }
    237         first = 0;
    238         del = del->next;
    239     }
    241     before->next = del->next ;
    242     data = del->data;
    243     if(del==list->tail){
    244         list->tail = before ;    
    245     }
    246     free(del);
    247     list->num--;
    248     return data;
    250 } 
    251 data_t del_node_head(LIST* list )
    252 {
    253     if(is_null(list)){
    254         exit(-1) ;
    255     }
    256     data_t data ;
    257     NODE* del = list->head ;
    258     list->head = list->head->next ;
    259     free(del);
    260     list->num--;
    261     return data;
    262 }
    263 data_t del_node_tail(LIST* list )
    264 {
    265     if(is_null(list)){
    266         exit(-1) ;
    267     }
    268     NODE *before = list->head  ;
    269     data_t data = list->tail->data;
    271     if(list->num ==1){
    272         list->head = list->tail = 0;
    273         list->num--;
    274         free(before);
    275         return data ;
    276     }
    278     while(before->next!=0 && before->next->next != 0)    {
    279         before = before->next ;
    280     }
    282     list->tail = before;
    283     list->num--;
    284     free(before->next);
    285     return data ;
    286 }
    288 //return 0: fail to find 
    289 //return node* : node first_found
    290 NODE* find_node(LIST* list ,data_t data)
    291 {
    292     if(is_null(list)){
    293         return 0 ;
    294     }
    296     NODE* nodet = list->head;
    297     do{
    298         if(nodet->data == data)
    299             return nodet;
    300     }while(nodet->next!=0);
    302     return 0;
    303 }
    305 //head_index == 1;
    306 //return 0: fail to find 
    307 //return node* : node first_found
    308 NODE* inline find_node_by_index(LIST* list , int index)
    309 {
    310     if(list==0 || list->num ==0 || index > list->num){
    311         return 0;
    312     }
    313     NODE* find = list->head;
    314     while(--index){
    315         find =find->next; 
    316     }
    317     return find ;
    318 }
    320 int swap(LIST* list, int indexf,int indexn)
    321 {
    322     NODE* nodef = find_node( list , indexf ) ;
    323     NODE* noden = find_node( list , indexn ) ;
    324     data_t swp = nodef->data;
    325     nodef->data = noden->data;
    326     noden->data = swp->data;
    327 }
    329 //ret==0 : fail
    330 int inline swap_node(NODE* before ,NODE* next)
    331 {
    332     if(before == 0 ||next == 0){
    333         return 0;
    334     }
    335     before->data ^=next->data ;
    336     next->data      ^=before->data ;
    337     before->data ^=next->data ;
    338 }
    340 //asume from little to big
    341 int sort(LIST* list)
    342 {
    343     int times;
    344     int index;
    345     NODE* before = list->head;
    346     NODE* next =  0;    
    347     if(list==0){
    348         return 0;
    349     }
    350     if(list->num==0){
    351         return 1 ;
    352     }
    353     for(times=0;times<list->num ;times++){
    354         for(index=1;index<=size-times;index++){
    355             before = find_node_by_index(list ,index);
    356             next = before->next;
    357             if(next->data<before->data){
    358                 //before->data = before->data^ next->data ;            
    359                 //nexty->data  = before->data^ next->data ;            
    360                 //before->data = before->data^ next->data ;
    361                 swap_node(before , next);
    362             }
    363     }
    364     return 1;    
    365 }    
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mylinux/p/3899454.html
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