• postgresql中实现oracle SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH


    select sys_connect_by_path(t2.ID, '/') as PATH, t1.id 
                from HTD_DEVICETYPE_RELATION t1
                inner join HTD_DEVICETYPE_RESOURCE t2 on t1.CHILD_RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = t2.ID
                start with t1.parent_resource_type_id = 100 and t1.id > 1 connect by nocycle
          prior t2.id = t1.parent_resource_type_id order by t1.id


    with recursive r_table(path,cycle,t1id,t2id,parent_resource_type_id) as
         select array[t.t2id],false,t.t1id,t.t2id,parent_resource_type_id from
         (select t1.id as t1id,t2.id as t2id,t1.parent_resource_type_id as parent_resource_type_id
         from HTD_DEVICETYPE_RELATION as t1
         inner join HTD_DEVICETYPE_RESOURCE as t2 on
         t1.CHILD_RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = t2.ID where t1.parent_resource_type_id = 100 and t1.id > 1) as t
         union all
         select path || b.t2id,b.t2id = any(path),b.t1id,b.t2id,b.parent_resource_type_id
         from r_table
         inner join
         (select t1.id as t1id,t2.id as t2id,t1.parent_resource_type_id as parent_resource_type_id
         from HTD_DEVICETYPE_RELATION as t1
         inner join HTD_DEVICETYPE_RESOURCE as t2 on
         t1.CHILD_RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = t2.ID) as b
         on r_table.t2id = b.parent_resource_type_id and not cycle
    )select '/' || Array_to_string(path,'/'),t1id from r_table where not cycle order by t1id;

             ?column?         | t1id
     /31                      |    9
     /31/32                   |   10
     /102                     | 1519
     /103                     | 1520
     /104                     | 1521
     /105                     | 1522
     /102/115                 | 1523
     /102/160                 | 1524
     /102/103/115             | 1526
     /103/115                 | 1526
     /103/160                 | 1527
     /102/103/160             | 1527
     /102/103/113             | 1528
     /103/113                 | 1528
     /104/160                 | 1530
     /102/104/160             | 1530
     /102/105/115             | 1531
     /105/115                 | 1531
     /102/105/160             | 1532
     /105/160                 | 1532
     /102/105/113             | 1533
     /105/113                 | 1533
     /484                     | 1534
     /491                     | 1554
     /102/104/114             | 1556
     /104/114                 | 1556
     /185                     | 1596
     /154                     | 1614
     /493                     | 1634
     /504                     | 1635

    实例中通过array数值保存访问过的id,b.t2id = any(path)检查是否已经访问过来避免产生死循环






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