• 怎样删除数据库中的反复记录?

    版权声明: https://blog.csdn.net/zdp072/article/details/25338221


    今天非常悲催啊。给用户数据做datapatch的时候,每一个月的数据多导入了一份。瞬间惊出一身冷汗... 这但是产品环境,要是被老板知道了可就死定了,赶紧去掉反复的记录,同一时候写下以下的文章以备后用。


    1. 先创建一张学生表student:

    create table student(
           id varchar(10) not null,
           name varchar(10) not null,
           age number not null

    2. 插入几条数据到表student:

    insert into student values('1', 'zhangs', 20);
    insert into student values('1', 'zhangs', 20);
    insert into student values('2', 'zhangs', 20);
    insert into student values('3', 'lisi', 20);
    insert into student values('4', 'lisi', 30);
    insert into student values('5', 'wangwu', 30);


    1. 使用rowid

    ① 查询:

    select *
      from student s1
     where rowid != (select max(rowid)
                       from student s2
                      where s1.id = s2.id
                        and s1.name = s2.name
                        and s1.age = s2.age)

    注: rowid是唯一标志记录物理位置的一个id, 括号里是查询出反复数据中rowid最大的一条.

    ② 删除:

    delete from student s1
     where rowid != (select max(rowid)
                       from student s2
                      where s1.id = s2.id
                        and s1.name = s2.name
                        and s1.age = s2.age)

    2. 使用 group by 和 having

    ① 查询:

    select id, name, age, count(*)
      from student
     group by id, name, age
    having count(*) > 1;

    ② 删除:

    delete from student
     where rowid in (select min(rowid)
                       from student
                      group by id, name, age
                     having count(*) > 1)

    3. 使用distinct

    create table stud_temp as select distinct * from student; -- 创建暂时表 stud_temp
    truncate table student; -- 清空student表
    insert into student select * from stud_temp; -- 将暂时表数据导入student表
    drop table stud_temp; -- 删除暂时表

    注: distinct仅仅适用于对小表处理, 假设是千万级别数据的表, 请使用rowid, 由于它具有唯一性, 效率更高.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mqxnongmin/p/10795156.html
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