function InitTable() { var table = $('#tbl_users').DataTable(); if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('#tbl_users')) { table.destroy(); } $("#txt_key").keyup(function () { $("#txt_deptid").val(''); table.ajax.reload(); }); $('#tbl_users').unbind(); $('#tbl_users').on('click', 'tr', function () { $(this).toggleClass('selected'); }); //提示信息 var lang = { "sProcessing": "处理中...", "sLengthMenu": "每页 _MENU_ 项", "sZeroRecords": "没有匹配结果", "sInfo": "当前显示第 _PAGE_ 共 _PAGES_ 页,共 _TOTAL_ 项。", "sInfoEmpty": "当前显示第 0 至 0 项,共 0 项", "sInfoFiltered": "(由 _MAX_ 项结果过滤)", "sInfoPostFix": "", "sSearch": "搜索:", "sUrl": "", "sEmptyTable": "表中数据为空", "sLoadingRecords": "载入中...", "sInfoThousands": ",", "oPaginate": { "sFirst": "首页", "sPrevious": "上页", "sNext": "下页", "sLast": "末页", "sJump": "跳转" }, "oAria": { "sSortAscending": ": 以升序排列此列", "sSortDescending": ": 以降序排列此列" } }; //初始化表格 table = $("#tbl_users").dataTable({ language: lang, //提示信息 autoWidth: false, //禁用自动调整列宽 processing: true, //隐藏加载提示,自行处理 serverSide: true, //启用服务器端分页 searching: false, //禁用原生搜索 orderMulti: false, //启用多列排序 ordering: true,//禁止排序 order: [], //取消默认排序查询,否则复选框一列会出现小箭头 dom: 'frtip',//lfrtip frtip pagingType: "simple_numbers", //分页样式:simple,simple_numbers,full,full_numbers columnDefs: [{ // "targets": 'nosort', //列的样式名 //"orderable": false //包含上样式名‘nosort’的禁止排序 }], ajax: function (data, callback, settings) { //封装请求参数 // var param = {}; // param.limit = 10;// data.length;//页面显示记录条数,在页面显示每页显示多少项的时候 // param.start = data.start; //开始的记录序号 // = (data.start / data.length) + 1;//当前页码 // param.key = $("#txtKey").val();//参数//console.log(param); //ajax请求数据 //alert(data); data.order[0].dir:asc var col = ""; var dir = ""; if (data.order != "") { col = data.columns[data.order[0].column]["data"]; dir = data.order[0].dir; } $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "json_users.aspx", cache: false, //禁用缓存 async: false, data: { key: escape($("#txt_key").val()), deptid: $("#txt_deptid").val(), start: data.start, limit: data.length, dir: dir, col: col }, //传入组装的参数 dataType: "json", success: function (result) { callback(result); } }); }, //列表表头字段 columns: [ { "data": "Username" }, { "data": "Displayname" }, { "data": "Email" }, { "data": "Title" } ] }).api(); //此处需调用api()方法,否则返回的是JQuery对象而不是DataTables的API对象 // var table = $('#tbl_users').DataTable(); //$('#tbl_users tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () { // //var count = $("#count").html(); // //if ($(this).hasClass("selected")) { // // $("#count").html((parseInt(count) - 1)); // //} // //else { // // $("#count").html((parseInt(count) + 1)); // //} // $(this).toggleClass('selected'); //}); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string draw = Request["draw"] + ""; string key = Server.UrlDecode(Request["key"]+""); int start=0; int pageSize=10; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["start"])) { start = int.Parse(Request["start"]); } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["limit"])) { pageSize = int.Parse(Request["limit"]); } string dir=Request["dir"]; string colname = Request["col"]; string sql = @" begin select IDENTITY(int,1,1) as Indexs, Username, Displayname, Deptname as Title, Deptid, Email into #Temp From Wx_users where 1=1 "; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.Trim())) { sql+=" and username+displayname+deptname+pinyin like '%"+key+"%' "; } sql += " select * from #temp where Indexs>" + start + " and Indexs<=" + (start + pageSize); if (colname == "") { sql += " order by Indexs asc "; } else { sql += " order by " + colname + " " + dir; } sql+=" select count(*) from #temp end "; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql,@"server=.sqlexpress;uid=sa;pwd=sa;database=123"); da.Fill(ds); dynamic newtonresult = new { draw = Convert.ToInt32(draw == "" ? "0" : draw), recordsTotal = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0], recordsFiltered = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0], data = ds.Tables[0] }; JsonSerializerSettings setting=new JsonSerializerSettings(); string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newtonresult); //good Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write(jsonString); }
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