• sencha touch NavigationView

    NavigationView 是官方根据Container控件扩展而来的,由一个导航栏和一个card组成,具备导航和返回时自动销毁当前界面的功能,非常适合新手使用。


      1 Ext.define('Ext.navigation.Bar', {
      2     extend: 'Ext.TitleBar',
      3     requires: ['Ext.Button', 'Ext.Spacer'],
      4     isToolbar: true,
      5     config: {
      6         baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'toolbar',
      7         cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'navigation-bar',
      8         ui: 'dark',
      9         title: null,
     10         defaultType: 'button',
     11         layout: {
     12             type: 'hbox'
     13         },
     14         defaultBackButtonText: 'Back',
     15         animation: {
     16             duration: 300
     17         },
     18         useTitleForBackButtonText: null,
     19         view: null,
     20         android2Transforms: false,
     21         backButton: {
     22             align: 'left',
     23             ui: 'back',
     24             hidden: true
     25         }
     26     },
     27     platformConfig: [{
     28         theme: ['Blackberry'],
     29         animation: false
     30     }],
     31     constructor: function(config) {
     32         config = config || {};
     33         if (!config.items) {
     34             config.items = []
     35         }
     36         this.backButtonStack = [];
     37         this.activeAnimations = [];
     38         this.callParent([config])
     39     },
     40     applyBackButton: function(config) {
     41         return Ext.factory(config, Ext.Button, this.getBackButton())
     42     },
     43     updateBackButton: function(newBackButton, oldBackButton) {
     44         if (oldBackButton) {
     45             this.remove(oldBackButton)
     46         }
     47         if (newBackButton) {
     48             this.add(newBackButton);
     49             newBackButton.on({
     50                 scope: this,
     51                 tap: this.onBackButtonTap
     52             })
     53         }
     54     },
     55     onBackButtonTap: function() {
     56         this.fireEvent('back', this)
     57     },
     58     updateView: function(newView) {
     59         var me = this,
     60         backButton = me.getBackButton(),
     61         innerItems,
     62         i,
     63         backButtonText,
     64         item,
     65         title,
     66         titleText;
     67         me.getItems();
     68         if (newView) {
     69             innerItems = newView.getInnerItems();
     70             for (i = 0; i < innerItems.length; i++) {
     71                 item = innerItems[i];
     72                 title = (item.getTitle) ? item.getTitle() : item.config.title;
     73                 me.backButtonStack.push(title || '&nbsp;')
     74             }
     75             titleText = me.getTitleText();
     76             if (titleText === undefined) {
     77                 titleText = ''
     78             }
     79             me.setTitle(titleText);
     80             backButtonText = me.getBackButtonText();
     81             if (backButtonText) {
     82                 backButton.setText(backButtonText);
     83                 backButton.show()
     84             }
     85         }
     86     },
     87     onViewAdd: function(view, item) {
     88         var me = this,
     89         backButtonStack = me.backButtonStack,
     90         hasPrevious, title;
     91         me.endAnimation();
     92         title = (item.getTitle) ? item.getTitle() : item.config.title;
     93         backButtonStack.push(title || '&nbsp;');
     94         hasPrevious = backButtonStack.length > 1;
     95         me.doChangeView(view, hasPrevious, false)
     96     },
     97     onViewRemove: function(view) {
     98         var me = this,
     99         backButtonStack = me.backButtonStack,
    100         hasPrevious;
    101         me.endAnimation();
    102         backButtonStack.pop();
    103         hasPrevious = backButtonStack.length > 1;
    104         me.doChangeView(view, hasPrevious, true)
    105     },
    106     doChangeView: function(view, hasPrevious, reverse) {
    107         var me = this,
    108         leftBox = me.leftBox,
    109         leftBoxElement = leftBox.element,
    110         titleComponent = me.titleComponent,
    111         titleElement = titleComponent.element,
    112         backButton = me.getBackButton(),
    113         titleText = me.getTitleText(),
    114         backButtonText = me.getBackButtonText(),
    115         animation = me.getAnimation() && view.getLayout().getAnimation(),
    116         animated = animation && animation.isAnimation && view.isPainted(),
    117         properties,
    118         leftGhost,
    119         titleGhost,
    120         leftProps,
    121         titleProps;
    122         if (animated) {
    123             leftGhost = me.createProxy(leftBox.element);
    124             leftBoxElement.setStyle('opacity', '0');
    125             backButton.setText(backButtonText);
    126             backButton[hasPrevious ? 'show': 'hide']();
    127             titleGhost = me.createProxy(titleComponent.element.getParent());
    128             titleElement.setStyle('opacity', '0');
    129             me.setTitle(titleText);
    130             properties = me.measureView(leftGhost, titleGhost, reverse);
    131             leftProps = properties.left;
    132             titleProps = properties.title;
    133             me.isAnimating = true;
    134             me.animate(leftBoxElement, leftProps.element);
    135             me.animate(titleElement, titleProps.element,
    136             function() {
    137                 titleElement.setLeft(properties.titleLeft);
    138                 me.isAnimating = false;
    139                 me.refreshTitlePosition()
    140             });
    141             if (Ext.browser.is.AndroidStock2 && !this.getAndroid2Transforms()) {
    142                 leftGhost.ghost.destroy();
    143                 titleGhost.ghost.destroy()
    144             } else {
    145                 me.animate(leftGhost.ghost, leftProps.ghost);
    146                 me.animate(titleGhost.ghost, titleProps.ghost,
    147                 function() {
    148                     leftGhost.ghost.destroy();
    149                     titleGhost.ghost.destroy()
    150                 })
    151             }
    152         } else {
    153             if (hasPrevious) {
    154                 backButton.setText(backButtonText);
    155                 backButton.show()
    156             } else {
    157                 backButton.hide()
    158             }
    159             me.setTitle(titleText)
    160         }
    161     },
    162     measureView: function(oldLeft, oldTitle, reverse) {
    163         var me = this,
    164         barElement = me.element,
    165         newLeftElement = me.leftBox.element,
    166         titleElement = me.titleComponent.element,
    167         minOffset = Math.min(barElement.getWidth() / 3, 200),
    168         newLeftWidth = newLeftElement.getWidth(),
    169         barX = barElement.getX(),
    170         barWidth = barElement.getWidth(),
    171         titleX = titleElement.getX(),
    172         titleLeft = titleElement.getLeft(),
    173         titleWidth = titleElement.getWidth(),
    174         oldLeftX = oldLeft.x,
    175         oldLeftWidth = oldLeft.width,
    176         oldLeftLeft = oldLeft.left,
    177         useLeft = Ext.browser.is.AndroidStock2 && !this.getAndroid2Transforms(),
    178         newOffset,
    179         oldOffset,
    180         leftAnims,
    181         titleAnims,
    182         omega,
    183         theta;
    184         theta = barX - oldLeftX - oldLeftWidth;
    185         if (reverse) {
    186             newOffset = theta;
    187             oldOffset = Math.min(titleX - oldLeftWidth, minOffset)
    188         } else {
    189             oldOffset = theta;
    190             newOffset = Math.min(titleX - barX, minOffset)
    191         }
    192         if (useLeft) {
    193             leftAnims = {
    194                 element: {
    195                     from: {
    196                         left: newOffset,
    197                         opacity: 1
    198                     },
    199                     to: {
    200                         left: 0,
    201                         opacity: 1
    202                     }
    203                 }
    204             }
    205         } else {
    206             leftAnims = {
    207                 element: {
    208                     from: {
    209                         transform: {
    210                             translateX: newOffset
    211                         },
    212                         opacity: 0
    213                     },
    214                     to: {
    215                         transform: {
    216                             translateX: 0
    217                         },
    218                         opacity: 1
    219                     }
    220                 },
    221                 ghost: {
    222                     to: {
    223                         transform: {
    224                             translateX: oldOffset
    225                         },
    226                         opacity: 0
    227                     }
    228                 }
    229             }
    230         }
    231         theta = barX - titleX + newLeftWidth;
    232         if ((oldLeftLeft + titleWidth) > titleX) {
    233             omega = barX - titleX - titleWidth
    234         }
    235         if (reverse) {
    236             titleElement.setLeft(0);
    237             oldOffset = barX + barWidth - titleX - titleWidth;
    238             if (omega !== undefined) {
    239                 newOffset = omega
    240             } else {
    241                 newOffset = theta
    242             }
    243         } else {
    244             newOffset = barX + barWidth - titleX - titleWidth;
    245             if (omega !== undefined) {
    246                 oldOffset = omega
    247             } else {
    248                 oldOffset = theta
    249             }
    250             newOffset = Math.max(titleLeft, newOffset)
    251         }
    252         if (useLeft) {
    253             titleAnims = {
    254                 element: {
    255                     from: {
    256                         left: newOffset,
    257                         opacity: 1
    258                     },
    259                     to: {
    260                         left: titleLeft,
    261                         opacity: 1
    262                     }
    263                 }
    264             }
    265         } else {
    266             titleAnims = {
    267                 element: {
    268                     from: {
    269                         transform: {
    270                             translateX: newOffset
    271                         },
    272                         opacity: 0
    273                     },
    274                     to: {
    275                         transform: {
    276                             translateX: titleLeft
    277                         },
    278                         opacity: 1
    279                     }
    280                 },
    281                 ghost: {
    282                     to: {
    283                         transform: {
    284                             translateX: oldOffset
    285                         },
    286                         opacity: 0
    287                     }
    288                 }
    289             }
    290         }
    291         return {
    292             left: leftAnims,
    293             title: titleAnims,
    294             titleLeft: titleLeft
    295         }
    296     },
    297     animate: function(element, config, callback) {
    298         var me = this,
    299         animation;
    300         element.setLeft(0);
    301         config = Ext.apply(config, {
    302             element: element,
    303             easing: 'ease-in-out',
    304             duration: me.getAnimation().duration || 250,
    305             preserveEndState: true
    306         });
    307         animation = new Ext.fx.Animation(config);
    308         animation.on('animationend',
    309         function() {
    310             if (callback) {
    311                 callback.call(me)
    312             }
    313         },
    314         me);
    315         Ext.Animator.run(animation);
    316         me.activeAnimations.push(animation)
    317     },
    318     endAnimation: function() {
    319         var activeAnimations = this.activeAnimations,
    320         animation, i, ln;
    321         if (activeAnimations) {
    322             ln = activeAnimations.length;
    323             for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
    324                 animation = activeAnimations[i];
    325                 if (animation.isAnimating) {
    326                     animation.stopAnimation()
    327                 } else {
    328                     animation.destroy()
    329                 }
    330             }
    331             this.activeAnimations = []
    332         }
    333     },
    334     refreshTitlePosition: function() {
    335         if (!this.isAnimating) {
    336             this.callParent()
    337         }
    338     },
    339     getBackButtonText: function() {
    340         var text = this.backButtonStack[this.backButtonStack.length - 2],
    341         useTitleForBackButtonText = this.getUseTitleForBackButtonText();
    342         if (!useTitleForBackButtonText) {
    343             if (text) {
    344                 text = this.getDefaultBackButtonText()
    345             }
    346         }
    347         return text
    348     },
    349     getTitleText: function() {
    350         return this.backButtonStack[this.backButtonStack.length - 1]
    351     },
    352     beforePop: function(count) {
    353         count--;
    354         for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    355             this.backButtonStack.pop()
    356         }
    357     },
    358     doSetHidden: function(hidden) {
    359         if (!hidden) {
    360             this.element.setStyle({
    361                 position: 'relative',
    362                 top: 'auto',
    363                 left: 'auto',
    364                  'auto'
    365             })
    366         } else {
    367             this.element.setStyle({
    368                 position: 'absolute',
    369                 top: '-1000px',
    370                 left: '-1000px',
    371                  this.element.getWidth() + 'px'
    372             })
    373         }
    374     },
    375     createProxy: function(element) {
    376         var ghost, x, y, left, width;
    377         ghost = element.dom.cloneNode(true);
    378         ghost.id = element.id + '-proxy';
    379         element.getParent().dom.appendChild(ghost);
    380         ghost = Ext.get(ghost);
    381         x = element.getX();
    382         y = element.getY();
    383         left = element.getLeft();
    384         width = element.getWidth();
    385         ghost.setStyle('position', 'absolute');
    386         ghost.setX(x);
    387         ghost.setY(y);
    388         ghost.setHeight(element.getHeight());
    389         ghost.setWidth(width);
    390         return {
    391             x: x,
    392             y: y,
    393             left: left,
    394              width,
    395             ghost: ghost
    396         }
    397     }
    398 });


















      1 Ext.define('Ext.navigation.View', {
      2     extend: 'Ext.Container',
      3     alternateClassName: 'Ext.NavigationView',
      4     xtype: 'navigationview',
      5     requires: ['Ext.navigation.Bar'],
      6     config: {
      7         baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'navigationview',
      8         navigationBar: {
      9             docked: 'top'
     10         },
     11         defaultBackButtonText: 'Back',
     12         useTitleForBackButtonText: false,
     13         layout: {
     14             type: 'card',
     15             animation: {
     16                 duration: 300,
     17                 easing: 'ease-out',
     18                 type: 'slide',
     19                 direction: 'left'
     20             }
     21         }
     22     },
     23     platformConfig: [{
     24         theme: ['Blackberry'],
     25         navigationBar: {
     26             splitNavigation: true
     27         }
     28     }],
     29     initialize: function() {
     30         var me = this,
     31         navBar = me.getNavigationBar();
     32         if (navBar) {
     33             navBar.on({
     34                 back: me.onBackButtonTap,
     35                 scope: me
     36             });
     37             me.relayEvents(navBar, 'rightbuttontap');
     38             me.relayEvents(me, {
     39                 add: 'push',
     40                 remove: 'pop'
     41             })
     42         }
     43         var layout = me.getLayout();
     44         if (layout && !layout.isCard) {
     45             Ext.Logger.error('The base layout for a NavigationView must always be a Card Layout')
     46         }
     47     },
     48     applyLayout: function(config) {
     49         config = config || {};
     50         return config
     51     },
     52     onBackButtonTap: function() {
     53         this.pop();
     54         this.fireEvent('back', this)
     55     },
     56     push: function(view) {
     57         return this.add(view)
     58     },
     59     pop: function(count) {
     60         if (this.beforePop(count)) {
     61             return this.doPop()
     62         }
     63     },
     64     beforePop: function(count) {
     65         var me = this,
     66         innerItems = me.getInnerItems();
     67         if (Ext.isString(count) || Ext.isObject(count)) {
     68             var last = innerItems.length - 1,
     69             i;
     70             for (i = last; i >= 0; i--) {
     71                 if ((Ext.isString(count) && Ext.ComponentQuery.is(innerItems[i], count)) || (Ext.isObject(count) && count == innerItems[i])) {
     72                     count = last - i;
     73                     break
     74                 }
     75             }
     76             if (!Ext.isNumber(count)) {
     77                 return false
     78             }
     79         }
     80         var ln = innerItems.length,
     81         toRemove;
     82         if (!Ext.isNumber(count) || count < 1) {
     83             count = 1
     84         }
     85         count = Math.min(count, ln - 1);
     86         if (count) {
     87             me.getNavigationBar().beforePop(count);
     88             toRemove = innerItems.splice( - count, count - 1);
     89             for (i = 0; i < toRemove.length; i++) {
     90                 this.remove(toRemove[i])
     91             }
     92             return true
     93         }
     94         return false
     95     },
     96     doPop: function() {
     97         var me = this,
     98         innerItems = this.getInnerItems();
     99         me.remove(innerItems[innerItems.length - 1]);
    100         if (innerItems.length < 3 && this.$backButton) {
    101             this.$backButton.hide()
    102         }
    103         if (this.$titleContainer) {
    104             if (!this.$titleContainer.setTitle) {
    105                 Ext.Logger.error('You have selected to display a title in a component that does not                     support titles in NavigationView. Please remove the `title` configuration from your                     NavigationView item, or change it to a component that has a `setTitle` method.')
    106             }
    107             var item = innerItems[innerItems.length - 2];
    108             this.$titleContainer.setTitle((item.getTitle) ? item.getTitle() : item.config.title)
    109         }
    110         return this.getActiveItem()
    111     },
    112     getPreviousItem: function() {
    113         var innerItems = this.getInnerItems();
    114         return innerItems[innerItems.length - 2]
    115     },
    116     updateUseTitleForBackButtonText: function(useTitleForBackButtonText) {
    117         var navigationBar = this.getNavigationBar();
    118         if (navigationBar) {
    119             navigationBar.setUseTitleForBackButtonText(useTitleForBackButtonText)
    120         }
    121     },
    122     updateDefaultBackButtonText: function(defaultBackButtonText) {
    123         var navigationBar = this.getNavigationBar();
    124         if (navigationBar) {
    125             navigationBar.setDefaultBackButtonText(defaultBackButtonText)
    126         }
    127     },
    128     applyNavigationBar: function(config) {
    129         if (!config) {
    130             config = {
    131                 hidden: true,
    132                 docked: 'top'
    133             }
    134         }
    135         if (config.title) {
    136             delete config.title;
    137             Ext.Logger.warn("Ext.navigation.View: The 'navigationBar' configuration does not accept a 'title' property. You set the title of the navigationBar by giving this navigation view's children a 'title' property.")
    138         }
    139         config.view = this;
    140         config.useTitleForBackButtonText = this.getUseTitleForBackButtonText();
    141         if (config.splitNavigation) {
    142             this.$titleContainer = this.add({
    143                 docked: 'top',
    144                 xtype: 'titlebar',
    145                 ui: 'light',
    146                 title: this.$currentTitle || ''
    147             });
    148             var containerConfig = (config.splitNavigation === true) ? {}: config.splitNavigation;
    149             this.$backButtonContainer = this.add(Ext.apply({
    150                 xtype: 'toolbar',
    151                 docked: 'bottom'
    152             },
    153             containerConfig));
    154             this.$backButton = this.$backButtonContainer.add({
    155                 xtype: 'button',
    156                 text: 'Back',
    157                 hidden: true,
    158                 ui: 'back'
    159             });
    160             this.$backButton.on({
    161                 scope: this,
    162                 tap: this.onBackButtonTap
    163             });
    164             config = {
    165                 hidden: true,
    166                 docked: 'top'
    167             }
    168         }
    169         return Ext.factory(config, Ext.navigation.Bar, this.getNavigationBar())
    170     },
    171     updateNavigationBar: function(newNavigationBar, oldNavigationBar) {
    172         if (oldNavigationBar) {
    173             this.remove(oldNavigationBar, true)
    174         }
    175         if (newNavigationBar) {
    176             this.add(newNavigationBar)
    177         }
    178     },
    179     applyActiveItem: function(activeItem, currentActiveItem) {
    180         var me = this,
    181         innerItems = me.getInnerItems();
    182         me.getItems();
    183         if (!me.initialized) {
    184             activeItem = innerItems.length - 1
    185         }
    186         return this.callParent([activeItem, currentActiveItem])
    187     },
    188     doResetActiveItem: function(innerIndex) {
    189         var me = this,
    190         innerItems = me.getInnerItems(),
    191         animation = me.getLayout().getAnimation();
    192         if (innerIndex > 0) {
    193             if (animation && animation.isAnimation) {
    194                 animation.setReverse(true)
    195             }
    196             me.setActiveItem(innerIndex - 1);
    197             me.getNavigationBar().onViewRemove(me, innerItems[innerIndex], innerIndex)
    198         }
    199     },
    200     doRemove: function() {
    201         var animation = this.getLayout().getAnimation();
    202         if (animation && animation.isAnimation) {
    203             animation.setReverse(false)
    204         }
    205         this.callParent(arguments)
    206     },
    207     onItemAdd: function(item, index) {
    208         if (item && item.getDocked() && item.config.title === true) {
    209             this.$titleContainer = item
    210         }
    211         this.doItemLayoutAdd(item, index);
    212         var navigaitonBar = this.getInitialConfig().navigationBar;
    213         if (!this.isItemsInitializing && item.isInnerItem()) {
    214             this.setActiveItem(item);
    215             if (navigaitonBar) {
    216                 this.getNavigationBar().onViewAdd(this, item, index)
    217             }
    218             if (this.$backButtonContainer) {
    219                 this.$backButton.show()
    220             }
    221         }
    222         if (item && item.isInnerItem()) {
    223             this.updateTitleContainerTitle((item.getTitle) ? item.getTitle() : item.config.title)
    224         }
    225         if (this.initialized) {
    226             this.fireEvent('add', this, item, index)
    227         }
    228     },
    229     updateTitleContainerTitle: function(title) {
    230         if (this.$titleContainer) {
    231             if (!this.$titleContainer.setTitle) {
    232                 Ext.Logger.error('You have selected to display a title in a component that does not                     support titles in NavigationView. Please remove the `title` configuration from your                     NavigationView item, or change it to a component that has a `setTitle` method.')
    233             }
    234             this.$titleContainer.setTitle(title)
    235         } else {
    236             this.$currentTitle = title
    237         }
    238     },
    239     reset: function() {
    240         return this.pop(this.getInnerItems().length)
    241     }
    242 });





















     1 Ext.define('app.view.Main', {
     2     extend: 'Ext.NavigationView',
     3     xtype: 'main',
     4     config: {
     5         navigationBar: {
     6             backButton: {
     7                 iconCls: 'arrow_left',
     8                 ui: '',
     9                 cls: 'back'
    10             }
    11         },
    12         cls: 'cardPanel'
    13     }
    14 });


    1     launch: function () {
    2         // Destroy the #appLoadingIndicator element
    3         Ext.fly('appLoadingIndicator').destroy();
    4         // Initialize the main view
    5         Ext.Viewport.add(Ext.create('app.view.Main'));
    6     }


    1         //引用
    2         refs: {
    3             main: 'main'
    4         }


    1         routes: {
    2             'redirect/:view': 'showView'
    3         }


    1     //展示页面
    2     showView: function (view, isPop) {
    3         var main = this.getMain(),
    4             view = Ext.create(xtype);
    5         main.push(view, params);
    6     }





  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mlzs/p/3550011.html
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