If you are using the Lists.asmx web service the hyper link column must be in the format of "link, description". For example http:\\www.whatever.com, nice site. The user column must be in the format of ID;#Domain\UserName. So you will need to construct this. You can get this information calling the UserGroup.asmx webservice's UserInfo method. Below is example code of populating a list with a new item using a user and hyperlink column:
listservice.Lists listProxy = new listservice.Lists();
string xml = "<Batch OnError='Continue'><Method ID='1' Cmd='New'><Field Name='ID'/><Field Name='usercol'>1;#BASESMCDEV2\\steve.curran</Field><Field Name='hyperlinkcol'>http://www.certdev.com, cool site</Field></Method></Batch>";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode batchNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Batch");
listProxy.Url = "http://basesmcdev2/sites/tester1/_vti_bin/lists.asmx";
listProxy.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
XmlNode resultNode = listProxy.UpdateListItems("custom1", batchNode);
Marked As Answer byjdxyw Thursday, April 16, 2009 1:35 AM
Steve.Curran Wednesday, April 15, 2009 3:43 PM
To Store values to User Field and URL Field, we have to store in differentformat.
Because the The User Field is a Lookup Field, getting value from User Information List. The URL Field contains two values, one for URL and another one for URL Description.
User Field Format: [ID];#[User Login Name]
URL Field Format: [URL], [URL Description]
Below i give the sample code for addng new list item with URL and User Fields,
UserGroupWebService.UserGroup ugService=new UserGroupWebService.UserGroup();
ListsWebService.Lists lService=new ListsWebService.Lists();
//Get User ID from User Login Name
XmlNode ugNode=ugService.GetUserInfo("Server\\LoginName");
XmlDocument ugdoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList ugList = ugdoc.GetElementsByTagName("User");
string id = ugList[0].Attributes["ID"].Value;
//Build the xml for adding new list item
string strBatch = @"<Method ID='1' Cmd='New'>
<Field Name='Title'>Sample Title</Field>
<Field Name='UserName'>" + id + @";#SERVER\\LoginName</Field>
<Field Name='SampleUrl'>http://www.microsoft.com, Microsoft Site</Field>
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
System.Xml.XmlElement elBatch = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Batch");
elBatch.InnerXml = strBatch;
//Addding item to the List
XmlNode ndReturn = lService.UpdateListItems("<List Name>", elBatch);
Before coding add the (~site/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx and ~site/_vti_bin/UserGroup.asmx) webservices as references.
SPFieldUrlValue urlValue = new SPFieldUrlValue();
urlValue.Url = items.First().Value.ToString();
urlValue.Description = "Link";
itemValue = urlValue.ToString();