• python scrapy 表单post rest api接口返回json写wordpress

    import scrapy
    import json
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
    from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
    from scrapy import Spider, FormRequest
    from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
    from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import NewPost
    id = 'username'
    password	= 'pwd'
    publish_url = 'http://wordpress.url/xmlrpc.php'
    source_url	= 'http://gubatopic.eastmoney.com/interface/GetData.aspx'
    post_data	={"param": "ps%3D7%26p%3D1%26type%3D0","path":"newtopic%2Fapi%2FTopic%2FHomePageListRead","env":"2"}
    class EmSpider(Spider):
        name = "em"
        def start_requests(self):
            yield FormRequest(source_url, formdata=post_data)
        def parse(self,response):
            for item in json.loads(response.text)['re']:
                print(item['nickname']+' ,'+str(item['htid']))
                wp = Client(publish_url, id, password)
                post = WordPressPost()
                post.post_status = 'publish'
                post.title = item['nickname']
                post.content = str(item['htid'])
                #post.excerpt = '这里是摘抄样式示例'
                post.terms_names = {
                	"post_tag": ['Python'],
                	"category": ['Python']


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