• 代码生成器辅助类StubCodeGenerator与StubCodeMark






    StubGenerator顾名思义就是用来生成Stub的,这里的Stub实际是一段可执行的汇编代码,具体来说就是生成StubRoutines中定义的多个public static的函数调用点,调用方可以将其作为一个经过优化后的函数直接使用。

    void StubRoutines::initialize1() {
      if (_code1 == NULL) {
         // ResourceMark的作用类似于HandleMark,两者mark的区域不同,一个是ResourceArea,一个是HandleArea
         ResourceMark rm;
         // 创建一个保存不会重定位的本地代码的Blob
         _code1 = BufferBlob::create("StubRoutines (1)", code_size1);
         CodeBuffer buffer(_code1);
         // 生成字节码解释模板
         StubGenerator_generate(&buffer, false);



    void StubGenerator_generate(CodeBuffer* code, bool all) {
      StubGenerator g(code, all);
    // 调用StubGenerator的构造函数
    StubGenerator(CodeBuffer* code, bool all) : StubCodeGenerator(code) {
          // generate_initial和generate_all两个方法都是给StubRoutines中的static public的函数调用地址赋值,即生成stub
          if (all) {
          } else {          
              generate_initial(); // 如果传入false执行的是initial相关的代码
    // 调用StubCodeGenerator的构造函数
    StubCodeGenerator::StubCodeGenerator(CodeBuffer* code, bool print_code) {
      // 构造一个新的MacroAssembler实例
      _masm = new MacroAssembler(code);
      _first_stub = _last_stub = NULL;
      _print_code = print_code;

    调用的generate_initial()函数将生成StubRoutines中定义的多个public static的函数调用点。


    // The base class for all stub-generating code generators.
    // Provides utility functions.
    class StubCodeGenerator: public StackObj {
      MacroAssembler*  _masm; // 用来生成汇编代码
      StubCodeDesc*    _first_stub;
      StubCodeDesc*    _last_stub;
      bool             _print_code;
      // ...



     // Initialization
      void generate_initial() {
        // Generates all stubs and initializes the entry points
        // This platform-specific settings are needed by generate_call_stub()
        // entry points that exist in all platforms Note: This is code
        // that could be shared among different platforms - however the
        // benefit seems to be smaller than the disadvantage of having a
        // much more complicated generator structure. See also comment in
        // stubRoutines.hpp.
        StubRoutines::_forward_exception_entry   = generate_forward_exception();
        StubRoutines::_call_stub_entry           = generate_call_stub(StubRoutines::_call_stub_return_address);
        // is referenced by megamorphic call
        StubRoutines::_catch_exception_entry     = generate_catch_exception();
        // atomic calls
        StubRoutines::_atomic_xchg_entry         = generate_atomic_xchg();
        StubRoutines::_atomic_xchg_ptr_entry     = generate_atomic_xchg_ptr();
        StubRoutines::_atomic_cmpxchg_entry      = generate_atomic_cmpxchg();
        StubRoutines::_atomic_cmpxchg_long_entry = generate_atomic_cmpxchg_long();
        StubRoutines::_atomic_add_entry          = generate_atomic_add();
        StubRoutines::_atomic_add_ptr_entry      = generate_atomic_add_ptr();
        StubRoutines::_fence_entry               = generate_orderaccess_fence();
        StubRoutines::_handler_for_unsafe_access_entry = generate_handler_for_unsafe_access();
        // platform dependent
        StubRoutines::x86::_get_previous_fp_entry = generate_get_previous_fp();
        StubRoutines::x86::_get_previous_sp_entry = generate_get_previous_sp();
        StubRoutines::x86::_verify_mxcsr_entry    = generate_verify_mxcsr();
        // Build this early so it's available for the interpreter.
        StubRoutines::_throw_StackOverflowError_entry = generate_throw_exception(
            		               "StackOverflowError throw_exception",
        if (UseCRC32Intrinsics) {
           // set table address before stub generation which use it
           StubRoutines::_crc_table_adr = (address)StubRoutines::x86::_crc_table;
           StubRoutines::_updateBytesCRC32 = generate_updateBytesCRC32();


    address start = __ pc(); 


    address pc()  const  { return code_section()->end();   }




    // A StubCodeDesc describes a piece of generated code (usually stubs).
    // This information is mainly useful for debugging and printing.
    // Currently, code descriptors are simply chained in a linked list,
    // this may have to change if searching becomes too slow.
    class StubCodeDesc: public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
      static StubCodeDesc* _list;             // the list of all descriptors
      static int           _count;            // length of list
      StubCodeDesc*        _next;             // the next element in the linked list
      const char*          _group;            // the group to which the stub code belongs
      const char*          _name;             // the name assigned to the stub code
      int                  _index;            // serial number assigned to the stub
      address              _begin;            // points to the first byte of the stub code    (included)
      address              _end;              // points to the first byte after the stub code (excluded)
      // ...
      StubCodeDesc(const char* group, const char* name, address begin) {
        assert(name != NULL, "no name specified");
        // 将原来的头部实例作为当前实例的的_next
        _next           = _list;
        _group          = group;
        _name           = name;
        _index          = ++_count; // (never zero)
        _begin          = begin;
        _end            = NULL;
        _list           = this;
      // ...



    StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "forward exception");


    // Stack-allocated helper class used to assciate a stub code with a name.
    // All stub code generating functions that use a StubCodeMark will be registered
    // in the global StubCodeDesc list and the generated stub code can be identified
    // later via an address pointing into it.
    // StubCodeMark是一个工具类,用于将一个生成的stub同其名称关联起来,StubCodeMark会给当前stub
    // 创建一个新的StubCodeDesc实例,并将其注册到全局的StubCodeDesc链表中,stub可以通过地址查找到
    // 对应的StubCodeDesc实例。
    class StubCodeMark: public StackObj {
      StubCodeGenerator* _cgen;
      StubCodeDesc*      _cdesc;
      // ...


    // Implementation of CodeMark
    StubCodeMark::StubCodeMark(StubCodeGenerator* cgen, const char* group, const char* name) {
      _cgen  = cgen;
      // _cgen->assembler()->pc()返回的是StubCodeDesc的start属性,即stub code的起始地址
      MacroAssembler* ma = _cgen->assembler();
      _cdesc = new StubCodeDesc(group, name, ma->pc());
      // define the stub's beginning (= entry point) to be after the prolog:
      // 重置stub code的起始地址,避免stub_prolog中改变了起始地址
    StubCodeMark::~StubCodeMark() {
      // flush方法将生成的汇编代码写入到CodeBuffer中
      // 设置end属性
      // 校验当前StubCodeDesc处于链表头部,即在StubCodeMark构造完成到析构前没有创建一个新的StubCodeDesc实例
      assert(StubCodeDesc::_list == _cdesc, "expected order on list");
      // 将生成的stub注册到操作系统中,相当于操作系统加载了某个函数的实现到当前进程的代码区
      Forte::register_stub(_cdesc->name(), _cdesc->begin(), _cdesc->end());




    void StubCodeGenerator::stub_epilog(StubCodeDesc* cdesc) {
      // default implementation - record the cdesc
      if (_first_stub == NULL) {
    	  _first_stub = cdesc;
      _last_stub = cdesc;


    void AbstractAssembler::flush() {
        address  pos   = addr_at(0);
        int      offst = offset();
        ICache::invalidate_range(pos,offst );
    // Code emission & accessing
    address addr_at(int pos) const {
       return code_section()->start() + pos;
    int offset() const {
       return code_section()->size();
    csize_t  size() const {
       return (csize_t)(_end - _start);


    void AbstractICache::invalidate_range(address start, int nbytes) {
      static bool firstTime = true;
      if (firstTime) {
         guarantee(start == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, _flush_icache_stub),"first flush should be for flush stub");
         firstTime = false;
      if (nbytes == 0) {
      // Align start address to an icache line boundary and transform
      // nbytes to an icache line count.
      const uint  line_offset = mask_address_bits(start, ICache::line_size-1);
      if (line_offset != 0) {
         start -= line_offset;
         nbytes += line_offset;
      intptr_t temp = round_to(nbytes, ICache::line_size);
      int lines = temp >> ICache::log2_line_size;
      call_flush_stub(start, lines);
    void AbstractICache::call_flush_stub(address start, int lines) {
      // The business with the magic number is just a little security.
      // We cannot call the flush stub when generating the flush stub
      // because it isn't there yet.  So, the stub also returns its third
      // parameter.  This is a cheap check that the stub was really executed.
      static int magic = 0xbaadbabe;
      int  auto_magic = magic; // Make a local copy to avoid race condition
      int  r = (*_flush_icache_stub)(start, lines, auto_magic);
      guarantee(r == auto_magic, "flush stub routine did not execute");




    ICacheStubGenerator::generate_icache_flush()   icache_x86.cpp
    AbstractICache::initialize()                   icache.cpp
    icache_init()                                  icache.cpp
    CodeCache::initialize()                        codeCache.cpp
    codeCache_init()                               codeCache.cpp
    init_globals()                                 init.cpp


    class ICacheStubGenerator : public StubCodeGenerator {
      ICacheStubGenerator(CodeBuffer *c) : StubCodeGenerator(c) {}
      // Generate the icache flush stub.
      // Since we cannot flush the cache when this stub is generated,
      // it must be generated first, and just to be sure, we do extra
      // work to allow a check that these instructions got executed.
      // The flush stub has three parameters (see flush_icache_stub_t).
      //   addr  - Start address, must be aligned at log2_line_size
      //   lines - Number of line_size icache lines to flush
      //   magic - Magic number copied to result register to make sure
      //           the stub executed properly
      // A template for generate_icache_flush is
      //    #define __ _masm->
      //    void ICacheStubGenerator::generate_icache_flush(
      //      ICache::flush_icache_stub_t* flush_icache_stub
      //    ) {
      //      StubCodeMark mark(this, "ICache", "flush_icache_stub");
      //      address start = __ pc();
      //      // emit flush stub asm code
      //      // Must be set here so StubCodeMark destructor can call the flush stub.
      //      *flush_icache_stub = (ICache::flush_icache_stub_t)start;
      //    };
      //    #undef __
      // The first use of flush_icache_stub must apply it to itself.  The
      // StubCodeMark destructor in generate_icache_flush will call Assembler::flush,
      // which in turn will call invalidate_range (see asm/assembler.cpp), which
      // in turn will call the flush stub *before* generate_icache_flush returns.
      // The usual method of having generate_icache_flush return the address of the
      // stub to its caller, which would then, e.g., store that address in
      // flush_icache_stub, won't work.  generate_icache_flush must itself set
      // flush_icache_stub to the address of the stub it generates before
      // the StubCodeMark destructor is invoked.
      void generate_icache_flush(ICache::flush_icache_stub_t* flush_icache_stub);


    void ICacheStubGenerator::generate_icache_flush(ICache::flush_icache_stub_t* flush_icache_stub) {
      StubCodeMark mark(this, "ICache", "flush_icache_stub");
      address start = __ pc();
      const Register addr  = c_rarg0;
      const Register lines = c_rarg1;
      const Register magic = c_rarg2;
      Label flush_line, done;
      __ testl(lines, lines);
      __ jcc(Assembler::zero, done);
      // Force ordering wrt cflush.
      // Other fence and sync instructions won't do the job.
      __ mfence();
      __ bind(flush_line);
      __ clflush(Address(addr, 0));
      __ addptr(addr, ICache::line_size);
      __ decrementl(lines);
      __ jcc(Assembler::notZero, flush_line);
      __ mfence();
      __ bind(done);
      __ movptr(rax, magic); // Handshake with caller to make sure it happened!
      __ ret(0);
      // Must be set here so StubCodeMark destructor can call the flush stub.
      *flush_icache_stub = (ICache::flush_icache_stub_t)start;


    0x00007fffe1000060: test   %esi,%esi 
    0x00007fffe1000062: je     0x00007fffe1000079  // 当lines为0时,直接跳转到done
    0x00007fffe1000068: mfence 
    // -- flush_line -- 
    0x00007fffe100006b: clflush (%rdi)
    0x00007fffe100006e: add    $0x40,%rdi // 加一个line_size,值为64
    0x00007fffe1000072: dec    %esi 
    0x00007fffe1000074: jne    0x00007fffe100006b // 如果lines不为0,则跳转到flush_line
    0x00007fffe1000076: mfence 
    // -- done --
    // Handshake with caller to make sure it happened! 0x00007fffe1000079: mov %rdx,%rax 0x00007fffe100007c: retq


    clflush--- Flushes and invalidates a memory operand and its associated cache line from all levels of the processor's cache hierarchy



    对 MFENCE 指令之前发出的所有加载与存储指令执行序列化操作。此序列化操作确保:在全局范围内看到 MFENCE 指令后面(按程序顺序)的任何加载与存储指令之前,可以在全局范围内看到 MFENCE 指令前面的每一条加载与存储指令。MFENCE 指令的顺序根据所有的加载与存储指令、其它 MFENCE 指令、任何 SFENCE 与 LFENCE 指令以及任何序列化指令(如 CPUID 指令)确定。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mazhimazhi/p/13535015.html
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