• Coursera课程笔记----Write Professional Emails in English----Week 4

    Request and Apology Emails(Week 4)

    How to Write Request Emails


    • Please
    • Could/Would...?
    • Would you mind...?
    • would like

    Polite Request

    • PLEASE

      • Please send me your resume.
      • Please meet me today at 3PM.
      • Please give me directions to your office
    • Could/Would...?

      • Could you please send me your resume?
      • Could you please meet me today at 3PM?
      • Would you please give me directions to your office?
    • Would you mind...?

      • Would you mind sending me your resume?
      • Would you mind meeting me today at 3PM?
      • Would you mind giving me directions to your office?
    • would like (better than want)

      • I would like(=want) to meet you at 3PM.
      • I would like the directions to your office.

    Making 2nd Request

    • use the number
      1. Please send me your resume.
      2. Please include three references.
    • use the word "also"
      • Please send me your resume. Could you also include three references?
      • Could you meet me today at 3PM? I would also like the directions to your office.
        • "also" is right before the verb.


    • you can keep simple

      • Thank you.
      • Sincere thanks.
      • I appreciate it.
    • or add some reasons

      • Thank you for + your + NOUN.
        • Thank you for your time and effort.
        • Thank you for your interest in our company.
      • I appreciate + your + NOUN.
        • I appreciate your time and effort.
        • I appreciate your interest in our company.

    How to Write Apology Emails

    I'm sorry if...

    • NOT sure of responsibility
      • I'm sorry if you didn't receive the resume I sent.
      • I'm sorry if you didn't understand the directions correctly.

    I'm sorry that...

    • 100% sure of responsibility
      • I'm sorry that the correct file was not sent.
        • I have included the correct file in this email.
      • I'm sorry that our meeting for next week needs to be cancelled.
        • Please check the new dates below at your convenience.

    I'm sorry about...

    • slip-ups, errors(small mistakes)
      • I'm sorry about the confusion,
        • I will send you a new document with the correct address shortly.
      • inconvenience / delay

    Assignment: Complete Martina's Request/Apology Email


    Requesting the Signatures of your Bosses


    Dear Carl,

    I'm Martina Silva. I'm sorry that I forgot to attach the documents that needed to be signed to the email message. I have included the correct documents in this email. The deadline for the deal is coming soon and your bosses' signatures are very important. Would you like to send me the documents with signatures as soon as possible? Thank you for your time and effort.


    Martina Silva

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/maimai-d/p/12854280.html
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