1. SystemSetting.h
#ifndef SYSTEMSETTING_H #define SYSTEMSETTING_H #include <string> #include "ORBVocabulary.h" #include<opencv2/core/core.hpp> namespace ORB_SLAM2 { class SystemSetting{ //Load camera parameters from setting file public: SystemSetting(ORBVocabulary* pVoc); //SystemSetting::SystemSetting(ORBVocabulary* pVoc, KeyFrameDatabase* pKFDB ); bool LoadSystemSetting(const std::string strSettingPath); public: //The Vocabulary and KeyFrameDatabase ORBVocabulary* pVocabulary; //KeyFrameDatabase* pKeyFrameDatabase; //Camera parameters float width; float height; float fx; float fy; float cx; float cy; float invfx; float invfy; float bf; float b; float fps; cv::Mat K; cv::Mat DistCoef; bool initialized; //Camera RGB parameters int nRGB; //ORB feature parameters int nFeatures; float fScaleFactor; int nLevels; float fIniThFAST; float fMinThFAST; //other parameters float ThDepth = -1; float DepthMapFactor = -1; }; } //namespace ORB_SLAM2 #endif //SystemSetting
2. SystemSetting.cc
#include <iostream> #include "SystemSetting.h" using namespace std; namespace ORB_SLAM2 { SystemSetting::SystemSetting(ORBVocabulary* pVoc): pVocabulary(pVoc) { } //SystemSetting::SystemSetting(ORBVocabulary* pVoc, KeyFrameDatabase* pKFDB): // pVocabulary(pVoc), pKeyFrameDatabase(pKFDB) // { // } bool SystemSetting::LoadSystemSetting(const std::string strSettingPath){ cout<<endl<<"Loading System Parameters form:"<<strSettingPath<<endl; cv::FileStorage fSettings(strSettingPath, cv::FileStorage::READ); width = fSettings["Camera.width"]; height = fSettings["Camera.height"]; fx = fSettings["Camera.fx"]; fy = fSettings["Camera.fy"]; cx = fSettings["Camera.cx"]; cy = fSettings["Camera.cy"]; cv::Mat tmpK = cv::Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32F); tmpK.at<float>(0,0) = fx; tmpK.at<float>(1,1) = fy; tmpK.at<float>(0,2) = cx; tmpK.at<float>(1,2) = cy; tmpK.copyTo(K); cv::Mat tmpDistCoef(4,1,CV_32F); tmpDistCoef.at<float>(0) = fSettings["Camera.k1"]; tmpDistCoef.at<float>(1) = fSettings["Camera.k2"]; tmpDistCoef.at<float>(2) = fSettings["Camera.p1"]; tmpDistCoef.at<float>(3) = fSettings["Camera.p2"]; const float k3 = fSettings["Camera.k3"]; if( k3!=0 ) { tmpDistCoef.resize(5); tmpDistCoef.at<float>(4) = k3; } tmpDistCoef.copyTo( DistCoef ); bf = fSettings["Camera.bf"]; fps= fSettings["Camera.fps"]; invfx = 1.0f/fx; invfy = 1.0f/fy; b = bf /fx; initialized = true; cout<<"- size:"<<width<<"x"<<height<<endl; cout<<"- fx:" <<fx<<endl; cout << "- fy: " << fy << endl; cout << "- cx: " << cx << endl; cout << "- cy: " << cy << endl; cout << "- k1: " << DistCoef.at<float>(0) << endl; cout << "- k2: " << DistCoef.at<float>(1) << endl; if(DistCoef.rows==5) cout << "- k3: " << DistCoef.at<float>(4) << endl; cout << "- p1: " << DistCoef.at<float>(2) << endl; cout << "- p2: " << DistCoef.at<float>(3) << endl; cout << "- bf: " << bf << endl; //Load RGB parameter nRGB = fSettings["Camera.RGB"]; //Load ORB feature parameters nFeatures = fSettings["ORBextractor.nFeatures"]; fScaleFactor = fSettings["ORBextractor.scaleFactor"]; nLevels = fSettings["ORBextractor.nLevels"]; fIniThFAST = fSettings["ORBextractor.iniThFAST"]; fMinThFAST = fSettings["ORBextractor.minThFAST"]; cout << endl << "ORB Extractor Parameters: " << endl; cout << "- Number of Features: " << nFeatures << endl; cout << "- Scale Levels: " << nLevels << endl; cout << "- Scale Factor: " << fScaleFactor << endl; cout << "- Initial Fast Threshold: " << fIniThFAST << endl; cout << "- Minimum Fast Threshold: " << fMinThFAST << endl; //Load others parameters, if the sensor is MONOCULAR, the parameters is zero; //ThDepth = fSettings["ThDepth"]; //DepthMapFactor = fSettings["DepthMapFactor"]; fSettings.release(); return true; } }
3. InitKeyFrame.h
#ifndef INITKEYFRAME_H #define INITKEYFRAME_H #include "Thirdparty/DBoW2/DBoW2/BowVector.h" #include "Thirdparty/DBoW2/DBoW2/FeatureVector.h" #include "SystemSetting.h" #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include "ORBVocabulary.h" #include "KeyFrameDatabase.h" //#include "MapPoints.h" namespace ORB_SLAM2 { #define FRAME_GRID_ROWS 48 #define FRAME_GRID_COLS 64 class SystemSetting; class KeyFrameDatabase; //class ORBVocabulary; class InitKeyFrame { public: InitKeyFrame(SystemSetting &SS); void UndistortKeyPoints(); bool PosInGrid(const cv::KeyPoint& kp, int &posX, int &posY); void AssignFeaturesToGrid(); public: ORBVocabulary* pVocabulary; //KeyFrameDatabase* pKeyFrameDatabase; long unsigned int nId; double TimeStamp; float fGridElementWidthInv; float fGridElementHeightInv; std::vector<std::size_t> vGrid[FRAME_GRID_COLS][FRAME_GRID_ROWS]; float fx; float fy; float cx; float cy; float invfx; float invfy; float bf; float b; float ThDepth; int N; std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> vKps; std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> vKpsUn; cv::Mat Descriptors; //it's zero for mono std::vector<float> vRight; std::vector<float> vDepth; DBoW2::BowVector BowVec; DBoW2::FeatureVector FeatVec; int nScaleLevels; float fScaleFactor; float fLogScaleFactor; std::vector<float> vScaleFactors; std::vector<float> vLevelSigma2; std::vector<float> vInvLevelSigma2; std::vector<float> vInvScaleFactors; int nMinX; int nMinY; int nMaxX; int nMaxY; cv::Mat K; cv::Mat DistCoef; }; } //namespace ORB_SLAM2 #endif //INITKEYFRAME_H
4. InitKeyFrame.cc
#include "InitKeyFrame.h" #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include "SystemSetting.h" namespace ORB_SLAM2 { InitKeyFrame::InitKeyFrame(SystemSetting &SS):pVocabulary(SS.pVocabulary)//, pKeyFrameDatabase(SS.pKeyFrameDatabase) { fx = SS.fx; fy = SS.fy; cx = SS.cx; cy = SS.cy; invfx = SS.invfx; invfy = SS.invfy; bf = SS.bf; b = SS.b; ThDepth = SS.ThDepth; nScaleLevels = SS.nLevels; fScaleFactor = SS.fScaleFactor; fLogScaleFactor = log(SS.fScaleFactor); vScaleFactors.resize(nScaleLevels); vLevelSigma2.resize(nScaleLevels); vScaleFactors[0] = 1.0f; vLevelSigma2[0] = 1.0f; for ( int i = 1; i < nScaleLevels; i ++ ) { vScaleFactors[i] = vScaleFactors[i-1]*fScaleFactor; vLevelSigma2[i] = vScaleFactors[i]*vScaleFactors[i]; } vInvScaleFactors.resize(nScaleLevels); vInvLevelSigma2.resize(nScaleLevels); for ( int i = 0; i < nScaleLevels; i ++ ) { vInvScaleFactors[i] = 1.0f/vScaleFactors[i]; vInvLevelSigma2[i] = 1.0f/vLevelSigma2[i]; } K = SS.K; DistCoef = SS.DistCoef; if( SS.DistCoef.at<float>(0)!=0.0) { cv::Mat mat(4,2,CV_32F); mat.at<float>(0,0) = 0.0; mat.at<float>(0,1) = 0.0; mat.at<float>(1,0) = SS.width; mat.at<float>(1,1) = 0.0; mat.at<float>(2,0) = 0.0; mat.at<float>(2,1) = SS.height; mat.at<float>(3,0) = SS.width; mat.at<float>(3,1) = SS.height; mat = mat.reshape(2); cv::undistortPoints(mat, mat, SS.K, SS.DistCoef, cv::Mat(), SS.K); mat = mat.reshape(1); nMinX = min(mat.at<float>(0,0), mat.at<float>(2,0)); nMaxX = max(mat.at<float>(1,0), mat.at<float>(3,0)); nMinY = min(mat.at<float>(0,1), mat.at<float>(1,1)); nMaxY = max(mat.at<float>(2,1), mat.at<float>(3,1)); } else { nMinX = 0.0f; nMaxX = SS.width; nMinY = 0.0f; nMaxY = SS.height; } fGridElementWidthInv=static_cast<float>(FRAME_GRID_COLS)/(nMaxX-nMinX); fGridElementHeightInv=static_cast<float>(FRAME_GRID_ROWS)/(nMaxY-nMinY); } void InitKeyFrame::UndistortKeyPoints() { if( DistCoef.at<float>(0) == 0.0) { vKpsUn = vKps; return; } cv::Mat mat(N,2,CV_32F); for ( int i = 0; i < N; i ++ ) { mat.at<float>(i,0) = vKps[i].pt.x; mat.at<float>(i,1) = vKps[i].pt.y; } mat = mat.reshape(2); cv::undistortPoints(mat, mat, K, DistCoef, cv::Mat(), K ); mat = mat.reshape(1); vKpsUn.resize(N); for( int i = 0; i < N; i ++ ) { cv::KeyPoint kp = vKps[i]; kp.pt.x = mat.at<float>(i,0); kp.pt.y = mat.at<float>(i,1); vKpsUn[i] = kp; } } void InitKeyFrame::AssignFeaturesToGrid() { int nReserve = 0.5f*N/(FRAME_GRID_COLS*FRAME_GRID_ROWS); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < FRAME_GRID_COLS; i ++ ) { for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < FRAME_GRID_ROWS; j ++) vGrid[i][j].reserve(nReserve); } for ( int i = 0; i < N; i ++ ) { const cv::KeyPoint& kp = vKpsUn[i]; int nGridPosX, nGridPosY; if( PosInGrid(kp, nGridPosX, nGridPosY)) vGrid[nGridPosX][nGridPosY].push_back(i); } } bool InitKeyFrame::PosInGrid(const cv::KeyPoint &kp, int &posX, int &posY) { posX = round((kp.pt.x-nMinX)*fGridElementWidthInv); posY = round((kp.pt.y-nMinY)*fGridElementHeightInv); if(posX<0 || posX>=FRAME_GRID_COLS ||posY<0 || posY>=FRAME_GRID_ROWS) return false; return true; } }