Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2006, 2002, and 1999.
Relational Operations
All procedural relational query languages provide a set of operations that
can be applied to either a single relation or a pair of relations.
These operations have the nice and desired property that their result is always a single relation.
This property allows one to combine several of these operations in a modular way.
Specifically, since the result of a relational query is itself a relation, relational operations can be applied to the results of queries as well as to the given set of relations.
The specific relational operations are expressed differently depending on the language, but fit the general framework we describe in this section.
In Chapter 3, we show the specific way the operations are expressed in SQL .
The most frequent operation is the selection of specific tuples from a sin-
gle relation (say instructor) that satisfies some particular predicate (say salary >$85,000).
最常见的操作就是从一个部分中选择特定的元组关系(比如讲师),它满足某些特定的谓词(比如$ 85,000)。
The result is a new relation that is a subset of the original relation。
Figure 2.10 Result of query selecting instructor tuples with salary greater than $85000. structor).
For example, if we select tuples from the instructor relation of Figure 2.1, satisfying the predicate “salary is greater than $85000”, we get the result shown in Figure 2.10.
Another frequent operation is to select certain attributes (columns) from a relation.
The result is a new relation having only those selected attributes.
For example, suppose we want a list of instructor ID s and salaries without listing the name and dept name values from the instructor relation of Figure 2.1, then the result, shown in Figure 2.11, has the two attributes ID and salary.
Each tuple in the result is derived from a tuple of the instructor relation but with only selected attributes shown.
The join operation allows the combining of two relations by merging pairs of tuples, one from each relation, into a single tuple.
There are a number of different ways to join relations (as we shall see in Chapter3).
Figure2.12 shows an example of joining the tuples from the instructor and department tables with the new tuples showing the information about each instructor and the department in which she is working.
This result was formed by combining each tuple in the instructor relation with the tuple in the department relation for the instructor’s department.
In the form of join shown in Figure 2.12, which is called a natural join, a tuple from the instructor relation matches a tuple in the department relation if the values .
Figure 2.11 Result of query selecting attributes ID and salary from the instructor relation.
Figure 2.12 Result of natural join of the instructor and department relations.of their dept name attributes are the same.
All such matching pairs of tuples are present in the join result.
In general, the natural join operation on two relations matches tuples whose values are the same on all attribute names that are common to both relations.
The Cartesian product operation combines tuples from two relations,but unlike the join operation, its result contains all pairs of tuples from the two relations,regardless of whether their attribute values match.
The Cartesian产品操作结合两个操作,但是不像连接操作,它的结果包括所有从两个表格选的元组,除了他们匹配的属性值
Because relations are sets, we can perform normal set operations on relations.
The union operation performs a set union of two “similarly structured” tables(say a table of all graduate students and a table of all undergraduate students)
.For example, one can obtain the set of all students in a department. Other set operations, such as intersection and set difference can be performed as well.
As we noted earlier, we can perform operations on the results of queries.
For example,if we want to find the ID and salary for those instructors who have salary greater than $85,000, we would perform the first two operations in our example above.
First we select those tuples from the instructor relation where the salary value is greater than $85,000 and then, from that result, select the two attributes ID and salary, resulting in the relation shown in Figure 2.13 consisting of the ID
2.6 Relational Operations 51
The relational algebra defines a set of operations on relations, paralleling the usual algebraic operations such as addition,subtraction or multiplication,which operate on numbers.
Just as algebraic operations on numbers take one or more numbers as input and return a number as output, the relational algebra operations typically take one or two relations as input and return a relation as output.
Relational algebra is covered in detail in Chapter 6, but we outline a few of the operations below and salary.
In this example, we could have performed the operations in either order, but that is not the case for all situations, as we shall see.
Sometimes,the result of a query contains duplicate tuples.
For example, if we select the dept name attribute from the instructor relation, there are several cases of duplication, including “Comp. Sci.”, which shows up three times.
例如,如果我们从教师选择部门名字属性从教师关系表,有一些是很少的重复,包括出现了三次的Comp. Sci.
Certain relational languages adhere strictly to the mathe matical definition of a set and remove duplicates.
某些关系语言严格遵守设置的mathe matical定义,并删除重复。
Others, in consideration of the relatively large amount of processing required to remove duplicates from large result relations, retain duplicates.
In these latter cases, the relations are not truly relations in the pure mathematical sense of the term.
Of course, data in a database must be changed over time.
A relation can be updated by inserting new tuples, deleting existing tuples, or modifying tuples by 52 Chapter 2 Introduction to the Relational Model changing the values of certain attributes.
Entire relations can be deleted and new ones created.
We shall discuss relational queries and updates using the SQL language in Chapters 3 through 5.
• The relational data model is based on a collection of tables.
The user of the database system may query these tables, insert new tuples, delete tuples, and update (modify) tuples.
There are several languages for expressing these operations.
• The schema of a relation refers to its logical design, while an instance of the relation refers to its contents at a point in time.
The schema of a database and an instance of a database are similarly defined.
The schema of a relation include sits attributes, and optionally the types of the attributes and constraints on the relation such as primary and foreign key constraints.
• A superkey of a relation is a set of one or more attributes whose values are guaranteed to identify tuples in the relation uniquely.
A candidate key is a minimal superkey, that is, a set of attributes that forms a superkey, but none of whose subsets is a superkey.
One of the candidate keys of a relation is chosen as its primary key.
• A foreign key is a set of attributes in a referencing relation, such that for each tuple in the referencing relation, the values of the foreign key attributes are guaranteed to occur as the primary key value of a tuple in the referenced relation.
• A schema diagram is a pictorial depiction of the schema of a database that shows the relations in the database, their attributes, and primary keys and foreign keys.
• The relational query languages define a set of operations that operate on tables, and output tables as their results.
These operations can be combined to get expressions that express desired queries.
• The relational algebra provides a set of operations that take one or more relations as input and return are lationasan output.
Practical query 实用查询
Languages such as SQL are based on the relational algebra, but add a number of useful syntactic features.