• [转载]打开证书存贮区的几种方式

    The following examples provide code to open a variety of common certificate stores. This is a series of code fragments and is not a stand-alone program.

    // 1. Open the MY system store.

    HCERTSTORE hSysStore;
    hSysStore = CertOpenStore(
       CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,    // The store provider type.
       0,                  // The encoding type is not needed.
       NULL,                // Use the default HCRYPTPROV.
                       // Set the store location in a
                       // registry location.
       L"MY"                // The store name as a Unicode string.

    // Substitute other common system store names for "MY"
    // including "root", "trust", or "CA".

    // 2. Open a memory store.

    HCERTSTORE hMemStore;
    hMemStore = CertOpenStore(
       CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY,    // The memory provider type.
       0,                  // The encoding type is not needed.
       NULL,                // Use the default HCRYPTPROV.
       0,                  // Accept the default dwFlags.
       NULL                // pvPara is not used.

    // 3. Open a store from disk.

    // In this example, the read-only flag is set.
    HANDLE      hFile;
    HCERTSTORE    hFileStore;
    LPCSTR      pszFileName = "TestStor2.sto"
    // Obtain a file handle.
    hFile = CreateFile(
       pszFileName,              // The file name
       GENERIC_READ│GENERIC_WRITE,    // Access mode:
                           // Read from and write to this file
       0,                    // Share mode
       NULL,                  // Security
       OPEN_ALWAYS,              // How to create
       FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,      // File attributes
       NULL);                  // Template

    //    At this point, read and use data in the open file that precedes
    //    the serialized certificate store data. The file pointer must
    //    be placed at the beginning of the certificate store data before
    //    CertOpenStore is called with the CERT_STORE_PROV_FILE provider.
    //    Open the store.

    hFileStore = CertOpenStore(
       CERT_STORE_PROV_FILE,    // Load certificates from a file.
       0,                  // Encoding type not used.
       NULL,                // Use the default HCRYPTPROV.
       CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG // See the LOWORD of dwFlags to make
                         // the store read-only.
       hFile                // The handle for the open file
                         // that is the source of the
                         // certificates.

    // Include code to work with the certificates.
    // The data file from which the certificate store information has been
    // read is still open. Any data in that file that follows the
    // serialized store can be read from the file and used at this point.

    // Close the file store and the file.



    // 4. Open a file-based store using CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME.

    // The pvPara parameter here is the name of an existing file.
    // The function fails if the file does not exist.
    // The file is not opened using CreateFile before the call to
    // CertOpenStore.
    // CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_A is used if the file name is in ASCII,
    // CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME would be used if the file name was a
    // Unicode string.

    HCERTSTORE    hFileStoreHandle;

    hFileStoreHandle = CertOpenStore(
         CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME,    // The store provider type.
         ENCODING_TYPE,            // If needed, use the usual
                             // encoding types.
         NULL,                  // Use the default HCRYPTPROV.
         0,                    // Accept the default for all
                             // dwFlags.
         L"FileStore.sto" );        // The name of an existing file
                             // as a Unicode string.

    // 5. Open a collection store.

    // Note that the collection store is empty.
    // Certificates, CRLs, and CTLs can be added to and found in
    // stores that are added as sibling stores to the collection store.

    HCERTSTORE hCollectionStoreHandle;
    HCERTSTORE hSiblingStoreHandle;
    hCollectionStoreHandle = CertOpenStore(
       0,      // For CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION,
               // the rest of the parameters
               // are 0 or NULL.

    // Open the sibling store as a file-based store.

    hSiblingStoreHandle = CertOpenStore(
         CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME,    // The store provider type.
         ENCODING_TYPE,            // If needed, use the usual
                             // encoding type.
         NULL,                  // Use the default HCRYPTPROV.
         0,                    // Accept the default for all
                             // dwFlags.
         L"siblstore.sto");        // The name of an existing file
                             // as a Unicode string.

    // The open sibling store can now be added to the collection
    // using CertAddStoreToCollection and processing of certificates can
    // begin.


    // All processing of the certificates in the
    // collection store will also involve the certificates in the sibling
    // store.

    // 6. Open a register store

    HKEY hkResult;
    HCERTSTORE hRegStore = NULL;

    // A register subkey be opened with RegOpenKeyEx or
    // RegCreateKeyEx. A handle to the open register subkey, hkResult, is
    // returned in one of parameters of RegOpenKeyEx or RegCreateKeyEx.
    hRegStore = CertOpenStore(
         0,              // No encoding type is needed.
         NULL,            // Accept the default HCRYPTPROV.
         0,              // Accept the default dwFlags.
         hkResult);          // hkResult is the handle of a
                       // register subkey opened by RegOpenKeyEX
                       // or created and opened by
                       // RegCreateKeyEX.

    // 7. Open a certificate store based on a PKCS7 message.
    HCERTSTORE      hSystemStore;
    HCERTSTORE      hLastStore;
    CRYPT_DATA_BLOB    message_BLOB;

    // Initialize the message BLOB.

    HCERTSTORE hSystemStore = CertOpenStore(
       CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,    // The store provider type.
       0,                  // The encoding type is not needed.
       NULL,                // Use the default HCRYPTPROV.
                       // Set the store location in a registry
                       // location.
       L"CA");              // The store name as a Unicode string.

    message_BLOB.cbData = 0;
    message_BLOB.pbData = NULL;

    // Get the cbData length.

       printf("The length is %d \n",message_BLOB.cbData);
    // An error has occurred in saving the store. Print an error
    // message and exit.
       HandleError("Error saving a file store.");

    // Allocate the memory or pbData.

    if( message_BLOB.pbData = (BYTE *)malloc(message_BLOB.cbData))
         printf("The function succeeded. \n");
    // An error has occurred in memory allocation. Print an error
    // message and exit.
       HandleError("Error in memory allocation.");

    // Get the contents of pbData.

       printf("Saved the store to a memory BLOB. \n");
    // An error has occurred in saving the store. Print an error
    // message and exit.
       HandleError("Error saving file store.");

    if( hLastStore = CertOpenStore(
         printf("The function succeeded. \n");
    // An error has occurred in opening the store. Print an error
    // message and exit.
       HandleError("Error opening file store.");

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lzjsky/p/1832268.html
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