• DXCore for Visual Studio 简介


    做.Net开发的很多人都知道DevExpress,很强大的控件厂商,而且可以得到它的源码(收费的哦),而这款CodeRush同样来自这家很优秀的公司。在SON中,所使用的是注册版的CodeRush and RefactorPro,好东西就有好价格,它的使用费是249+39$/Y,一般的程序员是受不起的。幸好,CodeRush Xpress出现了,官网已经改名了,叫DXCore™ for Visual Studio,这是一个对个人的免费版本,包含了CodeRush 和 RefactorPro的部分功能。

    [Official Site]有下载地址


    The new CodeRush Xpress product offers a very useful subset of the more advanced CodeRush + RefactorPro capabilities.  Following is the list of refactorings that the Xpress product offers for 100% free….

    • Add Block Delimiters
    • Combine Conditionals
    • Compress to Lambda Expression
    • Compress to Ternary Expression
    • Convert to Auto-implemented Property
    • Convert to Initializer
    • Create Backing Store
    • Decompose Initializer
    • Decompose Parameter
    • Expand Lambda Expression
    • Expand Ternary Expression
    • Extract Method
    • Flatten Conditional
    • Inline Delegate
    • Inline Temp
    • Introduce Local
    • Make Explicit
    • Make Implicit
    • Move Type to File
    • Name Anonymous Method
    • Name Anonymous Type
    • Reverse Conditional
    • Split Conditional
    • Use String.Format
    • Use StringBuilder

    In addition, several of the more valuable and frequently-used CodeRush code navigation, editing, highlighting, etc. features are provided…

    • Duplicate Line
    • Highlight All References
    • Increase or Reduce Selection
    • Smart Clipboard Operations
    • Generate from Using (TDD)
    • Quick Navigation Window
    • Quick File Navigation



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luoyaoquan/p/2060530.html
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