• vue中将光标定位到Input上的问题

      1 <template>
      2     <div class="person_email">
      3         <div class="contain_email">
      4             <x-header :left-options="{backText: ''}">修改邮箱</x-header>
      5             <img class="qrcodeimg" src="../../../assets/new/email.png" alt="">
      6             <p>当前邮箱:&nbsp;&nbsp;{{email}}</p>
      7             <group class='input_'>
      8                 <x-input ref="email" placeholder="输入邮箱" v-model="new_email" @on-click-clear-icon="clear_Email">
      9                 </x-input>
     10             </group>
     11             <group title="" class='input_'>
     12                 <x-input placeholder="验证码" v-model="psw" @on-click-clear-icon="clear_psw">
     13                     <x-button slot="right" type="primary" mini @click.native="get_psw"  v-bind:disabled="isDisabled">{{post_psw}}</x-button>
     14                 </x-input>
     15             </group>
     16             <div class="button_">
     17                 <x-button type="primary" @click.native="submit">提交</x-button>
     18             </div>
     19         </div>
     20     </div>
     21 </template>
     22 <script>
     23     import { updatePhomail } from '@/controller/corp/update_phomail'
     24     import { changeEmail } from '@/controller/corp/change_email'
     25     import dateutil from '@/util/date'
     26     import { XHeader, Cell, Group, Panel, Confirm, CellBox, XInput, XButton } from 'vux'
     27     import KpBottomBtn from '@/plugin/bottombtn'
     28     export default {
     29         name: 'mine',
     30         props: ['mine'],
     31         data() {
     32             return {
     33                 email: JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('agentStaffRes')).agentStaffEmail || "无邮箱信息",
     34                 new_email: "",
     35                 psw: "",
     36                 time:60,
     37                 isDisabled:false,
     38                 post_psw:'获取验证码'
     40             }
     41         },
     42         components: {
     43             XHeader,
     44             Group,
     45             Cell,
     46             Panel,
     47             KpBottomBtn,
     48             Confirm,
     49             CellBox,
     50             XInput,
     51             XButton
     52         },
     53         computed: {
     54             profile() {
     55                 let corpRole = ''
     56                 let isInner = this.agentLoginStaff ? this.agentLoginStaff.agentType : ''
     57                 if(isInner) {
     58                     corpRole = isInner === 0 ? '(外部账号)' : '(内部账号)'
     59                 } else {
     60                     corpRole = ''
     61                 }
     62                 let profile = {
     63                     src: require('../../../assets/user_default.png'),
     64                     title: this.agentLoginStaff ? (this.agentLoginStaff.agentStaffName + ' | ' + this.agentLoginStaff.agentStaffPhone) : '',
     65                     desc: this.agentLoginStaff ? this.agentLoginStaff.agentName + corpRole : ''
     66                 }
     67                 if(this.agentLoginStaff) {
     68                     profile.src = this.agentLoginStaff.agentStaffAvatar
     69                 }
     70                 return [profile]
     71             }
     72         },
     73         mounted() {
     74             this.$refs.email.focus()
     75         },
     76         methods: {
     77             get_psw() { //验证邮箱接口
     78                 let _this = this;
     79                 _this.isDisabled = true;
     80                 let interval = window.setInterval(function() {
     81                     _this.post_psw =  _this.time + 's后重试';
     82                     --_this.time;
     83                     if(_this.time < 0) {
     84                         _this.post_psw = "获取验证码";
     85                         _this.time = 10;
     86                         _this.isDisabled = false;
     87                         window.clearInterval(interval);
     88                     }
     89                 }, 1000);
     90                 changeEmail({
     91                     email: this.new_email
     92                 })
     93             },
     94             submit() { //提交            
     95                 updatePhomail({
     96                     accountId: JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('agentStaffRes')).accountId,
     97                     type: 2,
     98                     code: this.psw,
     99                     number: this.new_email,
    100                     callback: res => {
    101                         let temp = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.agentStaffRes)
    102                         temp.agentStaffEmail = this.new_email
    103                         sessionStorage.setItem('agentStaffRes', JSON.stringify(temp))
    104                         this.$router.push('/person_center')
    105                     }
    106                 })
    107             },
    108             clear_Email(){
    109                 this.new_email = ''
    110             },
    111             clear_psw(){
    112                 this.psw = ''
    113             }
    114         }
    115     }
    116 </script>
    117 <style lang="less">
    118     .contain_email {
    119         img {
    120             display: block;
    121             margin: auto;
    122             margin-top: 30px;
    123             margin-bottom: 30px;
    124         }
    125         p {
    126             text-align: center;
    127             font-weight: bold;
    128         }
    129         .input_ {
    130              329px;
    131             margin: auto;
    132             display: block;
    133         }
    134         .button_ {
    135              329px;
    136             margin: auto;
    137             height: 44px;
    138             margin-top: 44px;
    139         }
    140     }
    141 </style>




    <input type="text"  id="input" ref="input"/ >//此时refs和DOM的效果是一致




    <ul v-for="item in this.list">
            <li ref="item">{{item.name}}</li>
    // @ is an alias to /src
    import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld.vue'
    export default {
      name: 'home',
      components: {
      data:function(){// 在实例中data是对象, 在组件中data就得是函数返回对象
          ko() {
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lujunan/p/10239665.html
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